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About HayleysComet

  • Birthday 01/06/1995

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  1. I'm honestly a little surprised there hasn't been a Sword in the Stone world considering how prominent Merlin has been in the games. It'd make sense at a KHUX world, too. I'd personally love to see it!
  2. I haven't seen The Breadwinner or Loving Vincet, but I saw Coco 3 three times and cried eachtime. So I gotta vote for that amazing movie
  3. Haven't seen it, but we've got like 12 different sized Porgs at work. So I want to go with Porgs.
  4. Hands down the orchestra trailer because I got to see it live with the orchestra, and nothing can beat that feeling
  5. I think SP 0? But I actually don't remember. I'll have to double check. So thanks!! But if it was a No Cost, wouldn't it still cost 6 gauges when it goes off instead of 3? Nevermind. That's exactly what it would do. Don't know what I was thinking haha. Will check when I'm not in class.
  6. Oh yea! I forgot about that. Kinda nice to see them branching out to other fighting games
  7. I've never played a Tekken game and know absolutely nothing about them. But this is so cool!! Has this kind of a crossover been done before? Like Final Fantasy in Tekken?
  8. I've literally only seen It and Get Out so now instead of voting, I think I'm gonna go watch some scary movies
  9. Hey Hayley, how’ve you been?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -Justin-


      I was lazy the whole day xD

      I hope you had a good one as well :D

    3. HayleysComet


      Haha sounds like a good day to me! :) I spent most of the day working then went home and took a nap lol.

    4. -Justin-
  10. This year was Ariel but it uh, it didn't turn out too great
  11. There are so so many I love but Go the Distance, Almost There, Part of Your World, Zero to Hero, and Proud of Your Boy (I'm counting it even though it was technically a deleted song) are some of my favorites. And I'm probably forgetting a bunch, too
  12. Nightmare Before Christmas with my family, but Coraline with my best friend because it's his favorite
  13. Layton's Mystery Journey! I know it came out on mobile months ago, but I'm still really excited for the 3DS launch this week. The Professor Layton games are some of my favorites
  14. I really want to see Bullseye. But not on this list, I'd also like to Weezy!
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