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Everything posted by sexyninjajon

  1. To be honest no. Maybe a surprise jump feista trailer. but I dont think we will see anything else till January.
  2. I was aware, this was recorded and posted before that announcement was made.
  3. In this video, I will be talking about where they might show Kingdom Hearts 3 next and possible ports to the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.
  4. Anyone else stoked for a new godzilla trailer?

  5. I want a nintendo direct so bad.....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tails


      @Awesome Sauce Funny how you say that because I find it funny how Nintendo fans always ask and beg for Smash bros on every Nintendo Direct or E3 and now when they get just that than they complain that there was "too much" Smash bros stuff when that was exactly what they wanted to begin with on Smash.

    3. sexyninjajon


      Not all nintendo fans think smash is the end all be all.

    4. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      I agree with @Tails... Though not everyone is all about Smash, Nintendo was very very clear about their intentions for last E3. Not too many new reveals, just all about Smash.

  6. New Video talking about things I want to see happen after Kingdom Hearts 3 releases. https://youtu.be/AeLbRJ31rmE
  7. But not everyone that was selected is going to be at this event though.
  8. I would not turn it down but I might have a heart attack bedore I xould play the game.
  9. I dont think thats the cases considering Jared tweeted about leaving the states after Pax. Its either a demo at E3 or they get a early copy or demo to play at home and review.
  10. This is very interesting. I wonder how long its going to take for all the actors to get their parts recorded.
  11. https://youtu.be/jSTbxWekmXs I decided to make a video on how I make Pixel art. If anyone is interested please give it a watch.
  12. I dont think it will be a big deal. final fantasy 15 had tons of npcs and the frame rate was just fine.
  13. Would anyone like to see videos on how I make my pixel art?

    1. Elrandir


      I would. I like pixel art.

    2. sexyninjajon


      Any requests for a character to pixelate?

    3. Elrandir


      How about Ardyn from FFXV? I like his design.

  14. Thank you. I dont think we will be seeing much as far as a fan made kh rpg. Nobody really makes pixel art for the series anymore. No sprites equals no games.
  15. So I got board and decided to work on a chain of memories style rendition of rikus new model.
  16. Coco hiting me with the feels.

  17. Vanitas: Im so cool with my helmet but now I can be cooler and put a hood over it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RikuFangirl2008


      Probably don't have a face.

    3. sexyninjajon


      Speaking of faces marluxia and sora's were on point.

    4. RikuFangirl2008


      Totally. Marly remember Sora. Sora doesn't remember Marly.

  18. I wouldn't mind a pocket edition of the dark seeker saga after the release of kh 3
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