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About Aeroblade

  • Birthday 04/28/2000

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  1. It's kinda funny if sora can summon the attraction flow anytime he want, imagine in the final battle we fight xehanort and then suddenly tea cups comes out from nowhere and hit xehanort so many time xD

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    2. Kittenz



      It will depend on what situation you're in, so depending on what enemies you're facing and what world you're in, what attraction will show up is unknown until you've actually activated it. Once you do activate it it's a very flashy move and you can attack your enemies in that way."

    3. Kittenz


      If it depends on the enemies we fight maybe it'll be disabled in serious fights against the darknesses

    4. Aeroblade


      Ohh i see.. so if sora in the toy story world, then the attraction flow we use will be the one in jump fiesta trailer

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