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About Aeroblade

  • Birthday 04/28/2000

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  1. Is anyone still remember the place where aqua and ansem the wise talking each other, i saw that world in the official kingdom hearts website is that world gonna be in kingdom hearts 3?

    1. Xiro


      That's just in the Realm of Darkness. The specific spot is called the Dark Margin or Dark Meridian or something, and it's basically between Darkness and In-Between, with there being a beach at the edge of In-Between and the ocean is in the middle I guess

    2. Xiro


      *so you have a beach area on both sides

    3. Ventus_


      That's not a world it's an area in the Realm of Darkness and if it will be featured in KH3 it will only be so in a cut scene of Mickey and Riku's rescue mission to bring Aqua back. It won't be playable because Sora won't be traveling there.

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