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  • Birthday 04/03/1997

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  1. Why is it that KH always gets a lesser amount of effort put into their collector’s editions compared to other Square Enix titles? It’s really blowing my mind. Games like Final Fantasy Zodiac Age got a WAY better collector edition compared to KH3. Why is Square Enix like this. This is KH3 and the way this deluxe edition is looking makes it seem like it’s not one of Square Enix’s Big hitter titles. Compare the quality of FF15’s collector edition compared to KH3; literally night and day... Why is that? Hell you could even say the 2.5 collector edition back on PS3 with the heartless plushie was better due to it being WAY cheaper and he overall presentation of the box and steel boom that it came with. . For the price they are asking for, which is around 230, (260 for day one shipping) which is around the same price FF15’s collector edition was going for; compare both and say FF15 didn’t have more effort overall. Hell even the damn box looked better.
  2. A curious question I had... Do you guys think KH4 will take the same amount of time in duration (13 years) as KH3 did? In my opinion, no, I think the fact that KH3 has the template of in game assets and characters to implement from and edit rather than having to start brand new on a whole new engine and creating HD assets from the ground up as the team had to do for KH3 is a plus looking forward to a KH4. I know this is very early in terms of discussion; but just a thought...
  3. Yes, i'm in my right state of mind, trust me. After a lot of thinking about it I truly think Square will show us a trailer and a release year at this coming E3 and or D23 but if not that, we WILL get the release year sometime within 2017. And when I say release year I mean (YEAR), not a exact date or not even a window (ex. Winter 2018), just the year. 2017 is the 15th Anniversary of Kingdom Hearts and till now (May), we have gotten very, very little information about Kingdom Hearts 3 and it's development that it isn't even funny at this point to be completely honest. But for anyone who doesn't know the development of KH3 to a tee I'll be short about it. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2013: Game was announced to be in development at E3 2013... 2014: KH3 switches game engines from Luminous to Epic Game's Unreal 4 (Unreal is a much easier engine to use, also Nomura states that the said change didn't impact development time they had with Luminous) 2015: E3 2015 Trailer released, Nomura reveals that Dev is on track, secret movies being considered and the team has a internal release window that they are trying to hit. 2016: In terms of news, nothing (Due to FF15, 2.8 and 1.5+2.5) but Development is progressing. 2017: Square states that KH3 will not release any sooner than their Fiscal Year of 2018 (We are currently in said Fiscal year) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ and that's pretty much it, and with that is why I believe KH3 will be releasing sometime in 2018. After FF15, Square literally has no heavy hitter big titles left and with Kingdom Hearts 2.8, 1.5+2.5 and Union Cross all being out if Square and Nomura want to talk about Kingdom Hearts in any way shape or form on a big stage like E3, D23 etc, it HAS to be talk about Kingdom Hearts 3 at this point. No games are left and in terms of what Square has next to released; the only one is KH3. With FF7 being made in parts, KH3 is their next upcoming big heavy hitter title so I have no doubt that Square/Disney is gearing up to truly market and push KH3 and that all begins this June at Gaming's biggest stage, E3. Square Enix isn't dumb, they know the fans are becoming relentlessness in terms of news and I think they kept quiet for awhile just waiting for their big reveal like they did back in E3 2015. I also think they know the "Now in Development" has truly become a thorn to fans at this point, and even if they think the game may get pushed to very early 2019, I believe they will still confirm 2018 and (if anything) by the time Fall 2018 comes (or around that time) they announce a short delay to early 2019 which in my opinion will be fine... Finally confirming to fans at this year's E3 that the game is at least confirmed for 2018 will bring down a lot of the relentlessness within the community that they know is their for the time being, and with 4 going on 5 years development I have no doubts that the game is more along than we actually think to be completely honest and the trailer that will be shown at E3 2017 will confirm that... and I know this is said a lot, but Nomura stated that he wants a KH game every year leading up to KH3. If we take those words to heart Nomura has kept to this goal in exception to 2.8; (Which was intended for December 2016 if FF15 never got delayed) So in all actuality 2.8 was our 2016 game while the 1.5+2.5 collection was our 2017 title. It makes sense for KH3 to conclude this goal and become our 2018 title... It isn't just coincidence that the Kingdom Hearts orchestra is being held in LA in the Dolby Theater which is pretty much in close proximity where E3 is being held. It isn't a coincidence that Nomura took back his statements that we will be getting major KH3 news in 2017 and just take them all back as E3 is nearing to say "He doesn't know when News will be released" Nomura and Square know what they are doing, after a very Dry 2016 and so far a even more dry 2017 in terms of KH3 information, I think they will finally please the fans with the said reveal of KH3's trailer and a Release year confirmation. This is all speculation but in my opinion it just makes sense. I just don't see this game coming late 2019 or hell 2020 like most fans say.... What do you guys think?
  4. Want it too, but doubt we will get a release date, maybe a release year window.. like "Winter 2018"
  5. Yeah I think something at E3 is pretty high. We didn't get anything at all for 2016 so we can expect at least a trailer and major development having taken place. The last time we seen KH was in 2015. That's literally a full year. So yeah, I definitely expect a trailer this E3; a release year reveal maybe at D23 with Marketing and information going full force in the latter part of 2017 and throughout 2018.
  6. Okay as the title says, what do you guys think we will see at E3 2017? In my opinion I think we will see a good length trailer and probably a reveal of late 2018 by the end of said trailer. (Which will most likely be delayed to late 2019) How about you guys? What do you think we will see? Or will we just not see anything at all? Which I really doubt....
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