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Everything posted by XTREEMMAK

  1. So it's official,

  2. So unfortunately, I wont have the 2nd track for the Double release I had planned for this month ready. Needs more polish. I'll be shooting for another double in January. Ohh well. Happy Holidays!

  3. Join me, Hand in Hand as we bump this to 100 Side X Side. If you didn’t get the obvious reference just now, then I can’t help ya . This is a stylistic Future Bass House Remix of Hand in Hand from Kingdom Hearts originally composed by Yoko Shimomura. "Side X Side" in High Quality Available on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/keyjayhd/sets/project-kingdom-xiii You can find the original track here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=794RoJyXXK8 You can also purchase the full Kingdom Hearts soundtrack here: https://www.amazon.com/Kingdom-Hearts-1-5-2-5-Remix/dp/B00NWU1MV6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513018177&sr=8-1&keywords=Kingdom+Hearts+Soundtrack *************** Credits *************** Produced and Written by: Jamaal Ephriam Original Composition by: Yoko Shimomura Mastered at: SR Mastering Follow Project Kingdom XIII by singing up at the official website: http://PKXIII.Com “Hand in Hand” is originally written by Yoko Shimomura for Kingdom Hearts, a Walt Disney Music and Square Enix Production © 2002. Project Kingdom XIII is in no way affiliated with either entity and produces this project out of homage and admiration to their amazing work. Please support the official releases
  4. Still on track. New PKXIII music track hitting in 30 minutes :D

  5. Double release for Project Kingdom XIII is coming up! Expect the first track on December 13th!

  6. UPDATE [12/11/2017]: Greetings all, I hope you are all doing great and staying warm for the winter! With the year almost over (yay KH3 IS GETTING CLOSER!!!), we have an exciting update for Project Kingdom XIII! November was met with an unfortunate delay due to unforeseen circumstances, however for the month of December, I bring you TWO gifts! So expect a new track for Project Kingdom XIII on December 13th and another on December 25th, downloadable for free via the PKXIII playlist on Soundcloud and YouTube. If you haven’t already checked out the first track released for the project, it’s never too late to get your spoopy on. Check out the six part acapella cover of “This is Halloween” blended in with “Spooks of Halloween Town” by Yoko Shimomura here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=630qZjiANwQ As always, you can expect direct updates if you sign up at the project’s website over at http://pkxiii.com More tracks to come in the coming year. I will shoot for as many tracks as I can. Looking forward to all your comments and feedback and it’ll be a pleasure entertaining you further! Please remember to like, share, and subscribe. Happy Holidays!
  7. Hey there! How goes your new singing ventures?

  8. Hey thank you ^_^ I thought it would be a nice touch instead of just the purely nonsense syllables that I originally planned. Glad it worked lol. Thank you for listening and commenting! I should have more songs for the project in the upcoming months. I'll be sure to post them here, but you can always sign up at http://pkxiii.com as well Thanks again!
  9. Released a Kingdom Hearts Halloween song!

  10. Welcome to the Halloween spook fest! Presenting, the first of many tracks for Project Kingdom Thirteen! This 6 part acapella cover (XJ6) blends Danny Elfman's "This is Halloween" from Disney's "The Nightmare before Christmas" with "Spooks of Halloween Town" by Yoko Shimomura for Kingdom Hearts featuring new lyrics as well! Special thanks to voice actor Jamie Norwood for providing the voice of the Clown with the Tear-away Face! Downloadable on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/keyjayhd/a-thrill-in-halloween-town-final/s-X8cdo Lyrics sheet in the description. ENJOY! *************** Credits *************** Vocals: Jamaal "Key Jay" Ephriam (XJ6) Voice Actors: Jamie Norwood and Jamaal Ephriam Produced and Written by: Jamaal Ephriam Original Lyrics by: Danny Elfman "This Is Halloween" Written by Danny Elfman Published by Buena Vista Music Company under Walt Disney Records (1993) BUY: www.amazon.com/This-Halloween-Ni…mas/dp/B01704V5LQ "Spooks of Halloween Town" Written by Yoko Shimomura Published by Walt Disney Records and Square Enix (2002) BUY: www.amazon.com/Kingdom-Hearts-So…sts/dp/B00007FPGE THIS IS A NON-PROFIT PRODUCTION! Please support the official songs by purchasing the originals above.
  11. Hey guys, It's been some time so I thought I'd update you guys on progress. I guess this "could" be an announcement, but I'm steadily progressing to release the first track of the project this month! In other news, plans for making this at least a three track project are steady, though I did have some delay due to a few musicians. The unfortunate effect of this put a hold on a rather involved track I originally wanted to release in December. None the less, an alternative track has been planned instead and depending on how things go, will save that problem track for a later date, probably sometime next year. All tracks will be on my YouTube and Soundcloud for free download as soon as they are available. For advanced updates (and events), please don't forget to submit your email over at the project's site (http://pkxiii.com). A new site update is due soon as well so look out for that. That about covers everything. Thank you guys for you continued support and interest
  12. Plotting out the potential 13 track project. I'm hoping we see some KH3 tracks come around for consideration. For now, it's an interesting list thus far :)

  13. I am....now surprisingly hungry o_0....
  14. Kids, try that at home ... YOU'LL BE FINE!!
  15. Progressing with Project Kingdom XIII. Searching for another writer at the moment though. I have a candidate, but we will see.

  16. Worst comes to worst, I've got this.
  17. Do it, because your fancy mustache commands it
  18. It is definitely quite fancy indeed.
  19. 1. All my Yes! 2. Keys, keys everywhere! 3. Hard brain Firetruck
  20. Your resolve is admirable. However, if you draw that blade... I will show you how brittle those convictions really are.
  21. Looks like the majority desire spiral power ^_^
  22. I know how you feel. I unfortunately made the switch as I was about to be three episodes behind and wanted my fix. Sucks. They were doing so well with the simuldubs! In regards to the last episode though:
  23. Sonic Mania is going to be a blast! Already have it purchased on Steam waiting for release. Sound track sounds epic thus far. Can not wait!
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