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A e r o b l a s t

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About A e r o b l a s t

  • Birthday February 10

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  1. I've managed to summon Olan Hoyt as a servant under the class of archer: I'm now eligible to fight the holy grail war!

  2. Nier: automata. I need some flashy brainless action to chill, honestly, and 60 fps are good.
  3. From experience: be sure the "smog" from her ex is cleared, then have your turn.
  4. The signature move of my favourite Pokemon! :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. A e r o b l a s t

      A e r o b l a s t

      Too bad he didn't join Crow and Jack in Arc-V. In a premiere episode during the stream of a tournament they showed Yusei vs Yuya (like Yugi vs Judai, if you recall) and well, I won't spoil you the winner if you haven't already seen him for yourself.

    3. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      Was this in english or japanese? I saw their english voices duke it out. It was pretty disappointing actually.

    4. A e r o b l a s t

      A e r o b l a s t

      Ow, too bad: I was misinformed. Sorry and don't mind the whole thing "=_=

  5. I don't hate KH (I grew with it) but by the passing of years I've noticed that after KH2 is all shameless milking. No offense for who likes other chapters, of course.
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