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  1. Haha
    Espio reacted to AwesomeKHfan in Am I the only one that took a week off so I can play KH3?   
    I'M SO JEALOUS!! If I did that my parents would just send me to my work XD
  2. Like
    Espio got a reaction from Keith Harris in Am I the only one that took a week off so I can play KH3?   
    So I will take a week off in the week when KH3 is releasing so I can lock myself up in my room and play KH3.
    Am I the only one thats going to do this?
  3. Like
    Espio got a reaction from SweetYetSalty in Am I the only one that took a week off so I can play KH3?   
    So I will take a week off in the week when KH3 is releasing so I can lock myself up in my room and play KH3.
    Am I the only one thats going to do this?
  4. Like
    Espio got a reaction from 2 quid is good in UPDATED: Sneak peek of the Kingdom Hearts III opening cinematics revealed; featuring "Face My Fears" by Utada Hikaru and Skrillex   
    What is this?? What for strange liquid is coming out of my eyes?
  5. Like
    Espio reacted to Nweintraub in Bioncle Heroes prototype   
    So, apparently, this was my theory on Bionicle Heroes's prototype build. Keep in mind that it was made in April 11th, 2018;
    "For those of you who used to play with BIONICLEs, or even play its video games, I think I have a story to tell about it. It’s actually more of a theory. Some video games, you know how they take a year to complete being made, if not more? Well, I believe that the popular video game, BIONICLE Heroes was originally supposed to take place in Metru Nui, as opposed to Voya Nui, & as a result, the game would’ve had the Toa Metru in their Hordika forms. This is because I went on a website called “tcrf.com”, which actually stands for “the cutting room floor”, & it displays all kinds of scrapped content that could be found from inside video game programming via cheat codes, or hacking. It displayed that we would’ve originally played as the Toa Hordika, because it has icons resembling the Toa Hordika. & even without the concept art of the game taking place in 2005, as opposed to 2006, it still shows some pretty good evidence that it would have been there;
     Matoro doesn’t have a telescopic eye, but Nuju does.  Balta the Matoran serves as a Jiminy Cricket-esque role, similar to the Rahaga in 2005, specifically Norik. The Toa Inika’s weapons aren’t really guns, although they do a sort of blasting motion similar to the rhotuka spinners of 2005, & they gave the Toa Inika’s weapons a similar animation. The Visorak hordes were the stormtroopers of BIONICLE in the 2005 era, yet they still appear in the final cut. Also, Roodaka & Sidorakh appear as bosses in the game, even though in the 2005 era, they were the main antagonists.  Some of the Toa Hordika’s pieces appear as combustible elements, like the chestpiece, for example. Toa Vakama’s blowtorch-like right hand makes multiple appearance in the main menu, & even the pause menu! Literally the only one who does the voicework in the game is Paul Dobson, who is known for being the voice of Toa Whenua. However, this was originally supposed to be the 2005, but they went against rigidly following its storyline, because they thought it wouldn’t have any room for creative freedom."
    Except, once I saw this video yesterday, this giant myth that I created in my head was debunked;
    This actually looks pretty good, considering how long ago it was made. However, as you all heard from the narrator, LEGO refused to have anything to do with a BIONICLE video game if it were to be a first-person shooter. They just thought it was too mature, & they only wanted kid-friendly video games. So, what do you think about my theory, & how different it is from what you see in the video? Whatever the case, enjoy!
  6. Like
    Espio reacted to Dustin Lübbers in Vindictus Marluxia mod video   
    the marluxa DLC looks great!
  7. Like
    Espio got a reaction from Wan_Pisu in Vindictus Marluxia mod video   
    Here is the video as promised!
    For the people that didn't read my previous post.
    This is a mod I made for the mmo Vindictus.
    As you can see in the video the game sometimes lags.
    This is because I only have 8 gig ram and running Vindictus and running a virtual server with the Vindictus server puts my ram usage at 100%

    I hope you guys enjoyed the video!
    If you have a request of a character u wanna see in Vindictus than post a comment below!
  8. Like
    Espio reacted to The Transcendent Key in Marluxia Vindictus mod   
    Yessss, represent Marluxia, the Graceful Assassin! He is the best!
  9. Like
    Espio got a reaction from The Transcendent Key in Marluxia Vindictus mod   
    Hey guys!
    If you guys didn't know I am a big Organization XIII fan so I decided to make a Marluxia mod for the game Vindictus (its one of my favorite games!)
    It took me more than a week to get it properly working. (Figuring out how to get custom models in Vindictus is a pain in the butt.)
    This is done on my own Vindictus private server.

    I also changed the voice in marluxia's his voice.
    When I have the time I also going to make a video!
    If someone is intrested in my Skyrim Organization XIII mod that I made 2 years ago then check this link out:
  10. Like
    Espio got a reaction from JesusEdick in Marluxia Vindictus mod   
    Hey guys!
    If you guys didn't know I am a big Organization XIII fan so I decided to make a Marluxia mod for the game Vindictus (its one of my favorite games!)
    It took me more than a week to get it properly working. (Figuring out how to get custom models in Vindictus is a pain in the butt.)
    This is done on my own Vindictus private server.

    I also changed the voice in marluxia's his voice.
    When I have the time I also going to make a video!
    If someone is intrested in my Skyrim Organization XIII mod that I made 2 years ago then check this link out:
  11. Like
    Espio got a reaction from Wan_Pisu in What's your favorite piece of barbecue food?   
    Salmon with some lemon juice really delicious!
  12. Like
    Espio reacted to !4misettie in Dreams of an Absolution - Sonic The Hedgehog(2006) - Pokemon B&W2 Remix(100 Sub Special   
    Silver used Psychokinesis! It’s no use!
    Thank you all very much for supporting this channel and enjoying the remixes. I never though this channel would get here. I want to thank Justin, meepmeep189, and RetroRemixer1998 for helping out and inspiring me to make these remixes. 

    Link to Justin's Channel: 

    Link to meepmeep189's 

    Link to RetroRemixer1998's Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChb1...

    Original Checkerboard background was made by Newmanja.
    Link to original Background:https://newmanja.deviantart.com/art/C...

    Sliver Render created by Nibroc Rock.

    Check out Nibroc Rock's Renders here:https://nibroc-rock.deviantart.com/

    Video footage is from PLANETA SONIC. His channel can be found here:https://www.youtube.com/user/planetas...
  13. Like
    Espio got a reaction from Hero of Winds in I Do Not Want Multiplayer in KH3   
    I do not agree with the kh358/2 days multiplayer.
    I really enjoyed it playing with friends and trying different charachters.
    It would make me very happy to see the same kind of multiplayer in KH3.
  14. Like
    Espio got a reaction from Jingilator in I Do Not Want Multiplayer in KH3   
    I do not agree with the kh358/2 days multiplayer.
    I really enjoyed it playing with friends and trying different charachters.
    It would make me very happy to see the same kind of multiplayer in KH3.
  15. Like
    Espio got a reaction from -Justin- in Who Is Your Favorite Sonic the Hedgehog Character?   
    Heh I think it's obvious which one is my favorite.
  16. Like
    Espio got a reaction from 2 quid is good in Who Is Your Favorite Sonic the Hedgehog Character?   
    Heh I think it's obvious which one is my favorite.
  17. Like
    Espio got a reaction from Wan_Pisu in Who Is Your Favorite Sonic the Hedgehog Character?   
    Heh I think it's obvious which one is my favorite.
  18. Like
    Espio got a reaction from Susannar in merry christmas!   
    The Chaotix wish everyone a merry christmas!

    Credits for the picture goes to Eamze from deviantart.
  19. Like
    Espio got a reaction from Dustin Lübbers in merry christmas!   
    The Chaotix wish everyone a merry christmas!

    Credits for the picture goes to Eamze from deviantart.
  20. Like
    Espio got a reaction from Exiblade7 in top five data organization 13 battles in KH2FM   
    My top 5 is:
    1: Marluxia
    2: Xemnas
    3: Axel
    4: Roxas
    5: Saix
  21. Like
    Espio got a reaction from BrentCor in FF Mobius pulled Lightning ultimate job   
    I've been playing a lot of FF Mobius lately and I think I am extremely lucky as a free to play player that I pulled Lightning ultimate job!
    I didn't believe my eyes! When I first read about this new ultimate job I really want too have it but I was thinking that it never going to happen because the chance to pull it is very small.
    They only ultimate job I want next is Sephiroth but its not released for global yet.
    So I save all my summon tickets and magicite when he is released... maybe I even going to make a pull video then.
    Here is the Lightning ultimate job pic:

  22. Like
    Espio got a reaction from DarylTrect in FF Mobius pulled Lightning ultimate job   
    I've been playing a lot of FF Mobius lately and I think I am extremely lucky as a free to play player that I pulled Lightning ultimate job!
    I didn't believe my eyes! When I first read about this new ultimate job I really want too have it but I was thinking that it never going to happen because the chance to pull it is very small.
    They only ultimate job I want next is Sephiroth but its not released for global yet.
    So I save all my summon tickets and magicite when he is released... maybe I even going to make a pull video then.
    Here is the Lightning ultimate job pic:

  23. Like
    Espio got a reaction from DarylTrect in What scares you the most?   
    When I climb a tall ladder my body freezes when I need to climb down.
    And I also think getting sick because I have emetophobia.
  24. Like
    Espio got a reaction from BrettBix in What scares you the most?   
    When I climb a tall ladder my body freezes when I need to climb down.
    And I also think getting sick because I have emetophobia.
  25. Like
    Espio reacted to Dagesh Lene in If Kingdom Hearts 3 had a subtitle, what would it be?   
    Kingdom Hearts III 1074.0/358.00+0.000 Final Chapter Final Mix HD ReMIX & Knuckles Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
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