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About namianana

  • Birthday 09/26/1995

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  1. sure! ^^) Thanks for asking me.
  2. namianana

    Ven *

    Please don't repost on any website (except KH13.com) Re-blog on my Tumblr post here ----> http:// namia-flowers.tumblr.com/
  3. oh.. wish I could go. T T ) Have fun everyone that is going. ^^)
  4. Re-draw of this old drawing of mine ---- > ( X ) Please don't repost on any website (except KH13.com) Re-blog on my Tumblr post here ----> http://namia-flowers.tumblr.com/
  5. I have never really posted any art here so, all see what I can do. ' o ')

  6. drawing kh is soothing.

  7. Sooo, all be chiling here, for the next few weeks until the release of kh2.8 in the japan passes, I want to avoid spoilers as much as possible. ')- ')

  8. How has everyone's New Year's been?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. namianana


      That's good. o v o )b did you stay up watching the fireworks?

      also Thanks! ^^

    3. Sora


      Yeah I did! I'm on vacation in Dubai right now sooooo yeah there was a LOT of fireworks xD

      How was yours?

    4. namianana


      Oh, Nice!! yeah, I guess there are. xD

      I got some good rest,it went great. xD


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