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Everything posted by sillywhims

  1. Aqua and Lea! Lea a little more though as I'm curious to see if they give him a new look
  2. Thank you so much!!!! Big congrats to Alessandro - I've been cosplaying for close to 15 years now, and I have yet to muster up the courage to make a keyblade! Great job to all entries!
  3. !!! Thank you so much for placing me in the top 15- such an honor! Good luck everyone!!!
  4. The Moana mixes you entered are so much fun, and made me change my mind about having a Moana world in KH3! I thought it'd be too similar to Destiny Islands, but these tracks make me wish it was real!
  5. Thanks! We need some happiness at the end of this year, so drawing these kids helped
  6. Hi there! New to the forum but wanted to try entering this fun contest! Been really cool seeing what everybody has come up with for it. Here's my entry "Unbreakable Connections", illustrated in Photoshop. Aerial-views of characters are tough, oy! [direct link incase attachment remains pixelated] Hope you all enjoy, and best of luck to all the creatives out there! And happy holidays!
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