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Everything posted by axel9546

  1. Hi guys can someone explain what happened in KH Back cover (the movie on the ps4 game). Cause im sorry, but i dont understand something
  2. Thanks guys . I think im gonna draw Ventus then Xion very soon. Stay tuned
  3. axel9546

    Video Kairi

    Hi guys!! Hope u like it
  4. GOT IT MEMORIZED?! My finished sketch with colors and the rest ! Hope u enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHPWbCzWTB4
  5. Hello friends Here is a sketch of Kairi Ill update a video in my channel too, with the full drawing process
  6. Ahaha thank u all guys, i will make a video for the color process soon ,)Btw Axel is my fav one
  7. Hey there Im here with a new sketch This time i want to draw someone very special What do you think?
  8. Hi guys, can u change my name into ginko? Thanks i just have to change cause i had to change on all my accounts social so its more easy just have one name for all! Thanks
  9. Can u add me plz ? ) https://www.youtube.com/user/axel9546
  10. for me just 1 aot 2 2 i really like another season of mushishi
  11. Hi guyss. I made a drawing of Noctis with cheap materials Here the process --------------------------------------------------------- Let me know what do u think.. btw i spent only 5,6€ for complete materials(watercolors,pencils,brushes etc)
  12. Sorry guys, but i think he is right cause kh3 will be too much cartoony. I think a game for a ps4 its better 'realistic' than 'disney cartoony'. Anyway i want to see how kh3 will work
  13. Yeah ur right, but i think im gonna record the process to zero now Thanks man
  14. Sora is too funny to draw Thanks, Maybe :DD
  15. axel9546


    Thanks for u for ur time watching my drawing process guys . I will draw more Kingdom Hearts in future
  16. Thanks man u make me feel so happy to draw Thanks bro im so happy to hear this.. I hope i can win, but the best will win Okay thanks bro (OT: That Noctis GIF xDDD)
  17. Hi guys .. I dont know if i can partecipate this contest with multiple fan art (ive also posted a draw of Aqua for the contest). Anyway if i cant i want just to share with u my Sora kh3 version .. What do u think . Let me know and happy holidays ever1 here .
  18. axel9546


    Someone here Looking forward for kh3??XDD
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