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About qbaysan

  • Birthday January 7

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  1. Aww, didn't make it too. Still, good luck everyone! To clarify, it's still a hobby, but I do hope I'll get a job with it though. And thank you too!
  2. Here's my second entry! http://kh13.com/forum/topic/103114-second-entry-kh-28-giveaway-contest/
  3. Here's my second entry for the giveaway! This is the first time I've drawn and attempted to color properly more than 4 people. My goodness.
  4. Yo! Been following KH13 for almost probably a year now in twitter. Saw the giveaway on twitter and decided to try it. Here's my entry! I managed to record a video for this artwork. See video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xvGHFi2wJA&t=2s
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