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Nukara Rikova

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Everything posted by Nukara Rikova

  1. Awesome Sauce, Wash is too early to judge. In this franchise, after "death," rebirth always follows. So if suddenly Strelitzia "comes to life", it will be quite expected course.
  2. Nomura does not have it all that easy. It would be strange to finally get rid of a character with such a remarkable appearance in two weeks. I think Strelitzia will manifest itself in one form or another.
  3. Well, I think all the same Strelitzia will play a role in the future. It would be foolish to create a character with a unique name and appearance so that it can be merged so quickly. It does not matter what is possible and indirect, but I still think I will somehow prove myself. We just have to wait for the continuation.
  4. Who can defeat the strongest ruler of darkness as Xehanort? Well, perhaps not as a brave Master keyblade like Pence.
  5. Nomura said that MoM will not be in KH3. I doubt that the identity of the Master of Masters and foretellers will not be disclosed. These characters have already become a little key to the development of the series.
  6. You know what? For a long time it is known that KH3 is not the last game of the series.
  7. Promised that the new trailer will be longer. Fake.
  8. Return to kill again. As for me, they will suffer even more. Let Roxas already feel like a man. He fights for all 358/2 days and the prologue KH2. In addition, Roxas, Namine, Xion are not dead, but in the Kingdom of the Heart living is not the place.
  9. Do you all forget that Marluxia and Larxene were the ones who were against Hemnas why did they become his puppets? And Demyx and Luxord are not so crazy about the plans of Xemnas. In addition, the goal of the "True" organization is 13 that its members become vessels, not even before this goal, even if this goal was fraudulent. Vryatli the same Demyx wants to become an empty vessel. Yes, if you believe the words Xemnas about that old members were too independent. Braig / Xigbar and Isa / Saix were taken as vessels because they already have fragments of the heart of Xehanort. If on the topic: 1. Prehistory of Lea and Isa 2. Interactions between Kairi and Leah 3.The Epic Battle of Kairi Sora and Riku vs Xehanort 4. The World of the Lion King 5. the touching moments associated with Lea, Roxas, Xion and Aqua, Terra, Ventus. 6. Fight Lea and Isa. 7. The appearance of Vanitas 8. The appearance of Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene 9.Mickey vs Xehanort 10.Roxas vs Xemnas
  10. I think fighting with Terranort will still be Sora. Then all meaning is lost in saving Terra if he dies anyway.
  11. It's hard to say whether the KH is rolling or not, there are only two key games, not counting BBS which is at the level of 1 and 2 parts in importance. All other side games. And since I'm a novice and just started to know the franchise, of course I will not leave it.))
  12. Gula, Foreteller's favorite, likes appearance and character. Well, or MoM he is incomparable.
  13. Both his "versions" are good in their own way.
  14. If Roxas had the heart of Ventus, it turned out that he could not "grow" his heart? This allows you to return to new parts of the KH (if, of course, he never returns)
  15. I'm more interested in Ventus's reaction. Apparently he was a friend with Ephemer and Skuld, how he would react to their disappearance, I think he will be very bad.
  16. To tell the truth strongly I doubt at Blaine hair color absolutely other and yes looks or appears he is more senior than Ienzo.
  17. Well Xion is not dead as some say. Therefore, the chances of a return are. Yes, and she and Roxas are so much shit in life that they deserve happiness. They do not know a good life at all.
  18. I'm even happy, this is interesting for the KH, which is full of mysteries.
  19. However, this theory leaves a hole in the plot : "Where did Ventus" and "What is the homeworld of Ventus ?" So the theory with the past is more correct.
  20. Roxas Xion Namine. Well, Terra Aqua Ven, too.
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