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Nukara Rikova

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Everything posted by Nukara Rikova

  1. How do you imagine Box Art for Kingdom heart 3? Soon in the coming months we will find out what the cover will be for KH3. And on this occasion I would like to speculate exactly what it will be. First of all, I think that the background will be dawn. Since on cover 1.5 there was a twilight shifting into the night on cover 2.5 itself night, on the cover of 2.8 night and little glimpses of dawn, it is very likely since this is the end of the Xehanort arch on the background of the cover it will be the dawn as the symbol of a new beginning. I think Sora Donald and Goofy will be portrayed as before, in the background Kairi and Lea (Maybe at last in a new outfit), Riku and King Mickey are also quite likely, but slightly away from the main characters. It is not excluded that on the box art Xehanort will be depicted in the background. And I also have suggestions about the fact that Roxas will also be depicted on the cover, but it will be veiled, as it was with Riku on box art KH2. What do you think about this? What do you think could be the cover of the upcoming game ? Will it be the art of Nomura or like the FFXV cover?
  2. Perhaps Lexaeus. For many, he is an invisible character, although he really inspired with his strength ,and the moment where he hit Roxas until now one of my favorite moments of the Days.))
  3. I'm wondering how Nomura generally goes shopping, how else has he been especially hardcore KH fanatics tracked down and captured to question the spoilers KH3? (As for the latter, I'm sarcastic if that)
  4. The main problem KH1 for me is that it has a good story, but there are no really interesting characters except for Riku and Ansem. Sora is a typical protagonist, and Kairi is a typical girl in trouble. Also not selected the most successful worlds I never liked Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. After all, The lion King and Mulan are much better. With what I agree so it is with the fact that here disney is not pushed into the background that pleases.
  5. And where did you decide that Kairi and Lea will be together? I do not take this in an interview.
  6. Sitting and thinking about what else can shocking moments associated with Roxas and other characters, I came up with a crazy theory. Immediately warn this is nothing more than crazy thoughts of a person who needs something to take time before the release of Kingdom hearts 3. In general, I'm talking about the fact that Roxas never really merged with Sora. What if his heart and personality were transferred to the Data Body, and the memories of Sora inherent in the same insane way are separated and placed from Roxas? Perhaps in Sora was placed the Data version of the Roxas, so that he, Axel, Namine thought that Roxas in the body of Sora. Perhaps this could be involved in the very Xehanort who could also turn his body into data (Not without the help of Young Xehanort) and hide all this time until better times. Nobody except Xehanort does not know that Roxas is not really in Sora. In this way, Roxas could become a secret disciple of Xehanort, his secret figure in the "Chess Game" and that guy in the hood who appeared on the screenshots along with other characters in fact Roxas who is doing things from the shadows. The question arises: Sora was crying at the sight of things that had a relationship with Roxas (Leaving Hainer, Pence, Olette and seeing Xion in DDD), it's probably because Roxas nobody Sora and they are related to each other mentally. Therefore Sora can feel some of the emotions and feelings of Roxas as well as vice versa. (In the battle with Riku, Roxas subconsciously responded to his ridicule with words that only Sora could say) This would be the eeriest retcon, but at the same time a big shock and a secret that Nomura promises us. The second theory is less insane and more believable, that if at the end of us expects a complete norted of all the characters. (Perhaps with the exception of Sora, Riku, Kairi) MX wants to create a new world with equal rights of light and darkness and all the inhabitants of his new world will be under his control and that they are easier to rule. He can make them all nort. Who knows maybe with the powers that he can get by gaining power over the Kingdom hearts this will make it easier. And what are your thoughts on this? What other crazy things can happen in KH3? (In particular related to Roxas) Can Xehanort really not be the Final boss?
  7. Yes, I know this, but damn it immediately comes to my mind the situation with Rose and Pink Diamond from Steven Universe. And the fact that with the appearance of Aquanort, I'm waiting for anything from Nomura. But I would not like that either.
  8. Nomura said that Roxas is the main secret of KH3. And I have two theories: 1. Roxas really Ventus as though I did not want it and as though others did not like and as though DDD did not show them separately. For after the advent of Aquanort, I expect everything. 2.Roxas will become nort. I did a post with this theory on this forum, but with the advent of new information I have even more confidence that this could be true. Nomura promised surprises and unexpected twists and turns, and why is this not an unexpected turn? In addition, Roxas has reasons to become a nort, how to treat him and forcefully against his will shoved in Sora. I was still very hooked on the theory put forward on tumblr that's literally the words from there: "Nomura saying there will be even more surprises and he’s concerned if we were going to be okay got me thinking… please hear me out (and Roxas fans please don’t kill me ? I love Roxas!) I think Roxas will turn or has been evil for a while. I mean in DDD when he showed Sora his painful memories he was smiling and I don’t think it helped Sora wake up, in fact he was falling deeper and Ventus was the one who saved him (and Riku). I think Roxas harbors a lot of feelings of envy and spite toward Sora and it’s understandable. In fact it would make him a VERY sympathetic villain. Because of Sora, he lost so many things and even his right to be. Can’t imagine his suffering right now, trapped in Sora’s body. To Ventus, Sora’s heart is a sanctuary, but maybe to Roxas it is a prison. Also that scene in the latest KH3 trailer where the org seems very eager for Roxas to return and Xemnas even said nothing would please them more. Maybe some time in DDD they made contact with Roxas? Anyway I think at some point in KH3 Sora WILL bring Roxas back and then it’ll be like a Top Ten Anime Betrayals scene and Roxas will turn on Sora and pull out Ventus’s heart (or take him with him), making Sora lose his ability to wield the keyblade. And at some point maybe Kairi and Lea/Axel confront Roxas. And Lea will have to choose between Roxas and Kairi. It’ll be a tough decision to make but he chooses what he believes is right and sides with Kairi. I think maybe Roxas would want to use Kairi’s body to bring back Xion." What do you think about this and what are your theories about this?
  9. If only Roxas and Ven were not the same, because they are even depicted in DDD.
  10. I do not quite understand the dialogue with Xemnas and Ansem. My friends generally put forward the theory that Roxas is Data. I already wait for Aquanort after all, only I'm afraid that if Roxas turns out to be Ventus. What exactly do these words mean with Data Twilight town? And how can Data Twilight affect the return of Roxas? Could these words be pulled out of context?
  11. It always occurred to me why Sora in illustrations is often depicted on the throne and in the crown. Even his chain has a symbol in the form of a crown. The name Sora from Japanese translates as "Sky", and in the game often they say "One sky ,one destiny". Sora has become a salvation for many people. I do not think this is a simple coincidence. What if Sora at the end of KH3 becomes the king of the Kingdom hearts, or even in some strange way is part of it. After all, even on the emblem of the game there is exactly the same crown as in Sora. Maybe Sora is somehow connected to the X-blade? His living incarnation? Sora is the "key" to saving the rest. It is he who has several hearts in himself, being their refuge. And what else is a haven for lost hearts? That's right Kingdom hearts. Of course this is nothing more than my thoughts. But I would like to know what you think about this?
  12. Always respected this Youtubers for their creativity and timid approach. A great video series, I'll wait for the sequel.
  13. Congratulations ! )) I just did not understand they will get a demo version and somewhere will get a month before the release ?
  14. Kingdom hearts ll was the first game with which I got acquainted with this series. I really liked the story and I always thought it was the best game of the series. Also all my friends believed as well. However, recently I came across one commentator on Youtube who assured me that KH2 is good only in terms of gameplay, and the plot in it is not very much and that all other fans love this game only for the gameplay. He also assured me that only KH1 has a good story, and in all other games the plot is bad. Of course, I did not agree with this and tried to prove to him wrong, but looking for an opinion on the plot of this game I often come across the fact that many (Not all) really believe that KH2 destroyed the series, which made me very sad and upset. I do not even know what to say to the person with whom I started arguing. And what do you think? Is KH2 really not very good in terms of the plot? Did the history in this game ruin the franchise? And is there only a good story in KH1? For I do not really agree with this, but if most can so consider my opinion, nothing will mean and I will have to go with the rest of the rest. If this statement is not true write, well, if all of the above is really true, then explain why? Maybe I'll reconsider my priorities and I will not be such a hardcore fan.
  15. Maybe I'm not writing to this section, sorry in advance. The probability of returning Roxas to KH3 is quite large. But personally, I had a question how this will affect him after the story. If Ven is also returned this will not go unnoticed for Roxas, how will he react to the appearance of a "twin brother"? How will Lea react with Ventus? How does Roxas treat Lea, can he accept it as it is, or will it still be called as before Axel? And their last meeting was a quarrel. (We will not take a moment from the subconscious Sora) And if Lea suddenly returns and Isa, how will Roxas react to such an act of a friend? Also do not forget that he still has memories of the Data Twilight town. Will he experience discomfort and sadness with false memories? Will he be angry with DIZ and Riku and hate them? How will "Conclusion in Sora" affect him? I do not think that all this will pass for him helplessly. This should leave some imprint. And what do you think? Please write your opinion about how Roxas feels after Kingdom hearts 3? (If he certainly comes back)
  16. After the new trailer, many began to wonder what became of the "Road to Dawn" and why the keyblade which was always considered a solid harvest and the manifestation of the soul so easily broke. And then begins my crazy theory: What if the strength of keyblade depends on the state of the soul of the owner. Perhaps the old keyblade Riku broke down due to the fact that it no longer meets the spirit of its master? Riku went its way to dawn and finally realized itself as a warrior of light and a new keyblade corresponds to the current spirit of the owner. Many people hate the new design of keyblade Riku, but as for me it was intentionally made more simple and strict in design. He even reminded me of a knight's sword. (Yes strange comparison) For example, take light swords from Stars Wars. Swords jedi modest in design without any frills. Whereas Sith swords, on the contrary, have different spikes and often an unusual grip. "The road to dawn" was similar to the Sith sword, for Riku himself was then between light and darkness. What do you think about this? What are your versions about why the old keyblade Riku broke down? And how do you feel about the new keyblade design?
  17. What do you think is the meaning of the words of the new song. If I'm not mistaken and I understand English correctly. The song was about a "wedding"? What could this mean? And how can the other words of the song be related to the plot of KH3?
  18. After it became known that Marluxia and Vanitas would be new members of the new Org13, I had a crazy idea about why Roxas (or even Xion) would not become the "ships" of Xehanort.This is strange and unjustified, but Nomura himself said that the faces of the new members of the organization "shock you." (And what else can be less shocking than not the appearance of Roxas as "Seekers of Darkness." Plus, this What do you think about this theory ? Do you think this is possible? PS I apologize for my English.
  19. Ого русскоязычный фан Kingdom hearts.))

  20. I've been thinking, but will older Roxas, Xion, Namine in KH3? Are they affected by changes in Sora / Kairi? Will they be taller or will the hair on the head grow longer? And although while officially Sore is still 15 in the trailers for KH3, he obviously looks more mature. Will it touch Roxas other characters?
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