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Everything posted by !4misettie

  1. With a lovely ocean backdrop, this port town marks the start of Sonic's adventure. https://soundcloud.com/ultimategamerproductions/apotos-windmill-isle-day-sonic-unleashed-pokemon-bw2-remix
  2. Sonic: This game of tag is boring i'm outta here. Hmm! Finally decided to show up, eh? Ok, Bring it on! https://soundcloud.com/ultimategamerproductions/gun-mobile-sonic-adventure-2-pokemon-bw2-remix
  3. Thank you. That means a lot. Expect to hear more remasters like this one. :biggrin:
  4. That's good to know. I've always called it hydro City regardless but people will always argue how to pronounce it.
  5. Nice work Man. That combo that kept him up in the air was pretty good. I never knew you could do that. I enjoy this fight but the only thing that I never understood was why you couldn't finish him off normally. I always found it very difficult to try to get him to trigger the reaction command when all his health was pretty much gone. He loves to spam that fire move when you try to combo him.
  6. So is it pronounced "Hyrdo City", or "Hy-drocity". The world may never know. https://soundcloud.com/ultimategamerproductions/hydro-city-zone-act-1-sonic-3-pokemon-bw2-remix Sonic being chased by a giant wall... Adventure vibes anyone? https://soundcloud.com/ultimategamerproductions/hydro-city-act-2-sonic-3-pokemon-bw2-remix
  7. Excellent work as usual. Glad to know that your safe. I Remember this fight You make it look easy. Don't get me started on the book attacks. They take away so much health and then he just spams it over and over again. I don't mind a fair challenge but at times this fight can get pretty annoying.
  8. Eggman: Wait, Shadow! I'm the one who should be telling them the end is near, not you! Now is the time to end this long drawn-out battle, and mark myself a place in history as the ultimate genius! If Something happens to me, I'm counting on you to finish the job! Hurry! The moment for attack has come! It's now or never! https://soundcloud.com/ultimategamerproductions/cosmic-wall-remastered-sonic-adventure-2
  9. I plan on making more remastered tracks like this one. Just getting to sound right is the hard part.
  10. Thanks getting it to sound right was the difficult part.
  11. Roxas: I tried, but... there's nothing left for me here. The answers are out there. https://soundcloud.com/ultimategamerproductions/sacred-moon-remastered-kingdom-hearts-3582-days
  12. My prayers are with you man. Stay safe.
  13. I was just looking back at the video and noticed that you used the reaction command. I must not have seen it before. My bad.
  14. Excellent work as usual. Lexaeus was always one of the hardest fights to face. One strategy I try to use on him is the reflect spell. Getting the timing is a little difficult but it does a good amount of damage. Another thing I found out is that you can guard his swings and it will leave him open for a reaction command.
  15. Can anyone help? I'm trying to figure out how to add a background to my profile but every time I add an image It tells me there's an error and I have to tell an administrator.

    1. !4misettie


      Unfortunately no. As far as I know It's some sort of bug that's existed for a while now. I'd like to put a background on my profile but all the pics I find seem to either not fit right or it cuts off part of the pic.

    2. Iris


      It's hard finding the right image for a background. :(

    3. !4misettie
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  16. Finally Figured out the autoplay for my profile page.

    1. Iris


      You figured it out the day of my birthday! Congrats!

    2. !4misettie


      Really? Huh I had no idea. Well happy belated birthday then. It's a little late to say that.

    3. Iris


      It's alright xD and thanks!

  17. I think my Xbox one is finally dead. Just installed a new update and for some reason I just bugged out the whole thing.

    1. Iris


      I never owned an Xbox counsole

    2. !4misettie


      It's still ok. For the most part. It just tends to bug out half the time. Not to mention make my copy of ff15 go all haywire.

    3. Iris


      Buy a ps4?

  18. So I was going to try out the new update on ff15 when I got a system update I was like ok I'll download it real quick. So I download the update and even though it says it was just to stable the xbox one It glitched up my system. Sometimes when I go to the menu some of the stuff doesn't want to load correctly, Sometimes i'll be watching a scene from a game and it will just randomly slow down. Heck for some reason the achievement keeps acting like I have the windows version of 15. If anyone else has the xbox one and has the same issue please let me know. I have no idea how to fix this.
  19. Eggman: Ah ha ha! If it isn't Sonic! Sonic: Look! It's a giant talking egg! Eggman: Silence! https://soundcloud.com/ultimategamerproductions/theme-of-dreggman-sonic-adventure-pokemon-bw2-remix
  20. Glad you enjoyed the track. If i'm not mistaken he voiced Zazz in Lost world as well.
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