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Dave the Assassin

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About Dave the Assassin

  • Birthday May 23

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    The Xehanort Wannabe
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  1. We don't have enough things involving Kairi, who is promoted as the main heroine. So yeah, a theme for her would be VERY great.
  2. Late, late still.... Y'know what? Just gimme Dearly Beloved and I'll play the game to near-perfection!
  3. Late again.... Dang it, I should really check the Poll of the Day everyday. All of them. But the one moment which solidify my support for their relationship (other than personal memories) is when they reunite in KH2. Awww.... whenever I saw them hug each other in subsequent playthroughs, I knew I would do everything for my loved ones.
  4. This is SO LATE, but better than never right? I love all of them, but mainly the 0.2 version of Aqua's theme and the Final Boss theme of 0.2 (both phases).
  5. Ray Chase definitely wins. Lara Jill Miller and Isabela Moner are the closest. Though I don't like Aced, I find Travis Willingham (is it misspeled on the question?) to be quite memorable.
  6. I really wanted some more Kairi. We only had her in her school outfit on the first Play Arts wave I believe. The one I'll be getting though, will be Master Xehanort. (TRIBUTE TO LEONARD NIMOY!)
  7. The Master of Masters wins for me. A Comically Serious guy is a freaking Keyblade Master? A vey wise man yet still very sassy and sarcastic. Two different personalities combined together in a very powerful way. Ray Chase did a masterpiece after a bit of a letdown from what we expect from his role as Noctis in Final Fantasy XV (but he did a very good job in XV too, mind you.) Luxu deserved a mention too. At first when I watched the browser game I had thought he is the villain, but when I watched Back Cover, I don't see a villain in Luxu. I saw something else. Something.... unfamiliar. I don't know how to describe it. But the point is that I still no longer see him as a villain. Out of the Foretellers, my favorite is Ava. She's the only one who remained faithful to her role while the others, in one way or another, strayed; she keeps her patience when she needs it the most; and she always tries to do her best to do what is right. I kinda like Aced too. No comment on the others, but I do ship Gula x Ava.
  8. I prefer all main characters to be there. But it will be like some main characters (like Sora, Riku, Kairi, or Master Xehanort) shown fully, while others (like Aqua or Mickey) is in silhouettes; and there are some traditional KH symbols surrounding them. Oh, and also the main trio and Master Xehanort's Keyblades forming a + like outline on them as an optional extra.
  9. Sorry old Master Xehanort, but I chose Kairi! For haters: "Not. One. WORD!" She's my favorite character and she also needs more development as a character and in-fighting. It would be nice to saw her beat Xehanort or the 1000 Heartless right?
  10. I think that case holds a very powerful weapon, strong enough to match the Keyblade, or even the χ-blade itself. Perhaps it can even destroy all worlds! That could be why that guy took it: to either protect the World (if he's a good guy), or destroy it (if he's a baddie).
  11. Hello. I'm new here. Please help me if you want to. "Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to."

  12. Seeing Kairi in the Kingdom Shader is SO AWESOME BABY! Never mind. I don't usually choose EVERYTHING, but I will not cannot just choose one. My most favorite were seeing Sora, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy in Kingdom Shader (still. I was joking on the first part lol), and the customization. Everything. Is. Totally. AWESOME!
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