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Alessandro Minghetti

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Everything posted by Alessandro Minghetti

  1. this is why i hate so much square enix D: why only in japan ç__ç
  2. Thank you very very much to all and congrats to SillyWhims i didn't expect to win...there are so much amazing works and i'm very happy that the admin choose me as the winner of this contest Great job to all the entries
  3. Here's my 2nd and last submission My Way to the Dawn Keyblade http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102919-entry-for-kh28-contest-way-to-the-dawn-keyblade/#
  4. Here's my second and last entry for this awesome contest This is my Way to the Dawn Keyblade. The Keyblade is made of Wood and the 2 eyes is made of transparent resin mixed with an azure/turquoise dye powder. it took me a lot of work and some sanding,priming, painting and tears to made it But i really love how it's come out I really hope you enjoy my works and i wish good luck to everyone in this contest Sorry in advance for the amount of photos Here are some collage of the various steps This is the finished work Here it is various photos of my W.I.P. (i put it under the spoiler tag because there are too much photos)
  5. Here's my submission http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102558-entry-for-kh28-giveaway-my-riku-cosplay-from-kh2/
  6. In my first entry i'll post my Riku cosplay from Kingdom Hearts 2. I really love this character and i hope you enjoy my cosplay All the stuff, from the keyblade to the jacket ,the shoes etc. are made by me and by my girlfriend :wink: Thanks to Another Point of View for the amazing photos and for allowing me to use it :lol:
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