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Heavens Fang

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Everything posted by Heavens Fang

  1. I’m not doing this to demonize YouTube. I’m just frustrated when the website and the higher ups running can’t deliver promises which help to actually improve it. I don’t want to dislike YouTube. I want to support it, but after learning about the Elsagate debacle and people getting their content takened down unfairly via thoughtless copyright violation constantly I just can’t support it anymore. I feel I have no choice but to dislike it now. Lots of people keep bringing up the problems for a good reason, they keep on happening and the audience/consumers have every right to express their frustration over how nothing is getting/getting worse. If events like the ad-pocalypse and YouTube heroes keep happening and criticisms are not heard and not taken into consideration of course people are going to stay mad and lose trust in YouTube. The #tanktherewind movement proves that to be true. The participants on twitter involve with the hashtag are doing their own thing, but for me I am just not to pay for it. I just don’t want to have these thoughts bottled up.
  2. Where do I begin? Youtube's notification bell not working a lot of the time and not getting all videos upload from the subscriptions, Youtube's restricted mode censoring LBGT content despite Youtube's claim of being very supportive to LBGT content. Youtube's advertiser-policy being inconsistent (can't run ads on violent video game content but apparently real-life tragedies such as natural disasters and shootings are okay), the ElsaGate fiasco, random claims of copyright violation popping up; taking away people's channels and ruining other people's hard work, Youtube censoring content Youtube is not okay with politically, Youtube heroes, the ad-pocalypse, you know pretty much Youtube being incompetent as usual. Seriously, it would have been a bigger challenge to list the things Youtube has actually done right and has really improved Youtube to being a website worth spending valuable time on. Youtube's idiotic and arguably corrupt nature is so bad people are actually going out of their way to make the Youtube Rewind 2017 video the most disliked video on Youtube and encouraging other people to do it via hashtag just to show how people very frustrated and legitimately angry about the current state of the site. I don't know if the movement will actually work but personally I would rather not even go to the site anymore. Too many problems are happening with Youtube and lots of people especially the big youtubers who are part of the rewind are not doing anything about it; like it feels like the Rewind is trying to distract us from all the problems Youtube is having and sweeping it under rug. It almost feels Youtube does not care what other people say and brushing any form of legitimate criticism aside just so they can live in their own little world and not taking the issues seriously. I don't want to lose faith in a website which has given fun content such as Kingdom Hearts iii trailers and analyses videos created by fans over the years but now I feel I have no choice but to lose faith and just move on from it. http://archive.is/pa38Z I can't trust Youtube anymore.
  3. In 3 more weeks 2017 is going to end.... Serious discussion here, does anybody here genuinely hate YouTube’s guts as a whole to the point they can’t support it anymore? Don’t be afraid to give out your reasons in great detail. And don’t leave anything out.
  4. I see. The article you mentioned and I found did mention Kubo being playful and ironic with his statement, so maybe he could be just joking. The only problem is though is I wish we have access to more info about what is going on during that interview, like video footage and audio samples to understand the tone and body language he’s using. The article has an image of five people talking inside some kind of recording studio but honestly I can’t tell who is supposed to be Kubo. It seems like they are being amicable about the subject, like there is no genuine bad blood involving the discussion. Is he on the far right? http://archive.is/BuKbd
  5. Interesting. Is this the other translation you are talking about or is it something else? http://archive.is/3j1I1
  6. So I was browsing around specific twitter accounts to catch on certain anime/manga news and I found a particular post talking about how Tite Kubo “hated” Oda since One Piece beat Bleach at one time during a reader’s popularity poll. The twitter user who posted it does translations for news about One Piece and is a native Japanese speaker, so of course it is alright to trust him, but I am not sure if I should hang on his every word and take at face value. It sounds like an exaggeration to me; to make the post more memetic and dramatic enough to get more people to widen there eyes. I looked at the original article and tried my best to translate it myself and see if what is stated is 100% true and from what I can make out of the google translation it seems like it is leaning more to “during that time”, not like “ever since then.” Now I know google translate is not 100% accurate with translations at all, especially with Eastern Asian languages, but I still think that some of the context is not shown in full. I mean after all it could just be playful humorous banter on Kubo’s part. And unfortunately there is no video footage or audio recordings of the radio interview which stated allegedly what Kubo said. I am wondering if any other Japanese speakers/translators may help clear this up? Is there really any other confirmed substantial evidence that Kubo does hold any amnesty to other mangaka and editors? I can’t find anything which confirms other wise. I just don’t like it when misinformation spreads around and misleads people whether or not it is intentional or not. Sources: http://archive.is/9j4Pu https://archive.is/CidD0 https://www.j-cast.com/2017/11/13313746.html
  7. I hate that I have to bring this up, but he does intentionally leave out crucial evidence just so he can push a specific narrative, or at the very least encourage's people like his other writers to this. The proof is right here: http://archive.is/1f8YQ and http://archive.is/aMzSI This is just my opinion, but does anyone else think leaving out important facts just so you can only believe what you want to believe to be true despite it clearly not being the actual truth to be a dangerous mentality? I'm not saying he is the main cause, but I get this feeling it is happening way too much especially in this day of age.
  8. It's not so much I have a problem with developers charging content, I mean like I said before they do have rights to which content they want us to pay money for. It's a little more so to how it feels like most people are not really thinking clearly about what they are hyped for and are not taking into consideration what is going on with the fighting game coming out (i.e. Marvel Infinite and Tekken 7). What I mean is from an excited persons external viewpoint, it seems like everything is going okay, but when you dig deeper with research and comparisons to other games within the same franchise, you might notice the game feels like its lacking more than it should have been marketed for (When you really think about it Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has more content than Tekken 7 and that's a spinoff game). I mean I know with fighting games the gameplay obviously comes first and foremost with new mechanics and see how fun the game should be, but with that logic I thought like, "Okay but what about all the other single-layer modes they said and promised us"?, I mean have more things to do in the game instead of just relying too much on the core mechanics and find more stuff to make the game more fun and bigger and better than the last entries beforehand?" I have seen people talking about it in some videos posted by vloggers like Awpwilliam's Tekken 7 Wishlist video but from my experience I don't see this talked about often. It seems like they are just talking about the core mechanics and only the core mechanics. It almost feels like they are not treating their games like they're games and almost like a utility. Do you know any other videos which talked about this?
  9. I understand the idea of developers putting in DLC later on so the game can last for a long time, but even then I still want to have fighting game franchises in general nowadays to have lots of interesting and well-made content to convince me to try out a fighting game and spend $60 on launch date. I don't want the majority of DLC of any fighting game or even with any game in general to end just being quality-of-life enhancements if you know what I mean, especially if you have you have to pay extra money just so you can get that quality-of-life enhancement. I don't expect every DLC to be free and I understand companies having their own rights to have somebody pay for content, but at the same time I still wish something like what I said before should have been in the game from the start. I mean didn't Tekken 7 had a Tekken Bowling mode where you have to pay for it or at least pay the $20 season pass just to get it? I know it does not sound like a quality-of-life enhancement but when you researched the Tekken games they have something like Tekken Bowl or something which is different and fun outside of the main core game to make want to come back.
  10. I don't usually use this forum for getting answers and generating discussions but I want to talk about this issue I have been having when it comes into getting more into fighting games because I want to get this off my chest. This has been bugging me for some time now ever since the announcements of Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and the news and release of Tekken 7 and I feel like this needs to be addressed. If you have been surfing on the internet and looking up video game related topics hoping to find more news about what games you want to get you may have come across lots of vloggers (i.e. Maximilian Dood and AwpWilliams) talking about how hype they are for having their favorite fighting game franchise finally releasing a sequel after a long time (i.e. Tekken 7 and Marvel vs Capcom Infinite) and are super excited to play it and talking about how much content in it and even going as far as to make jabs (unwarranted or not) at other fighting games for not having a lot of content by comparison. And this is where the whole content thing kind of bugs the more I am thinking about it. For example I believe the developers of the Marvel Infinite talk about how they are going to put a lot of single-player content in to bring in more casual audiences into trying out the game and buying it compared to other games. After looking through the new information about the content (http://archive.is/vfhrL), it honestly does not have a lot. Now I know from an external viewpoint, it seems like an okay deal since it has content you will expect a fighting game to have. The thing is however, it is just the same things you will expect, but there is nothing actually new. No new game modes which have different gameplay styles like a beat-em up, character creation, or anything else that wants me to spend over $100 to play it or even come back to. Tekken 7. Same problem for me (http://archive.is/SxJ9I). The news and advertisements for Tekken 7 make statements about making having lots of single-player content, but the modes don't really stand out compared to other games like Blazblue Calamity Trigger, and Mortal Kombat 9. I also read from articles like shoryuken.com and playstationlifestyle.com that the story mode for Tekken 7 is actually very short and not even that great despite all the hype around game. I understand that both of these examples I mentioned before are good games since the majority of the reviews online proved that to be the case, but I honestly feel that if I am going to spend around hundreds of dollars on deluxe editions of the game just so I can catch up to pace with other players online, I would rather spend it on a game which actually has a lot of good and unique/interesting content to make me spend that large amount of money and not just on merchandise like figures and LED stones and cosmetics like new characters and costumes. Personally if I want to get into a fighting game franchise/fandom by going into a new recently released game, I would rather have more fun features for other people to do while playing the games rather than just be concerned about whether or not this new character is going to play in a way that I want him/her to play or whether this character is going to appear or not and patches and buffs/debuffs. The reason I bring this up is with with the release of the new DLC character in Street Fighter V, some people on twitter are a little too despondent with their reactions to the point where their claims are little too personal. Like I think there is one person who said he can't memorize her combos because they are too long and his old age can't keep up. I don't know about you but I am the only who felt that the statement gives the impression of him being so spoiled and pampered that he is not happy about how the character will play for him only. I know the character is not out yet and I have not played as her yet and I am not saying he represents everyone else's reactions but I still feel like people are just letting their emotions getting the better of themselves and not really thinking about what really needs to taken into consideration. Because when you really think about it, whether or not you like the character or not; once you play the game again online, who wants to fight nearly the same person over and over again using the same main character over and over again. I mean I want to do something outside of just fighting other people online all the time or against CPU's in a fighting game format. I know this sounds very long-winded and ranty, but I just want to get this out of the way. This is made very recently so if anybody wants me to clarify my points in further detail be my guest. Simply put I just want fighting games to have more unique stuff aside from changes in gameplay mechanics.
  11. Hey Elfdemon, just want to let you know I revised most of my answers you responded to with more transparency a while back. If you are interested you can check them out again.
  12. Saw a topic posted by Elfdemon_ about the unanswered questions currently present in the Kingdom Hearts series as a whole and I want to give my own two cents on the topic to add more to the conversation and maybe clear up at least some confusion along the way. I try to answer all of them as best as I can since some of them are rather ambiguous and vague at best. If there is any other source I forgot to mention don't be afraid to message me on this. Also if I forgot a question listed on the original topic you can message me if you want. Remember to take some of these answers with a grain of salt since because of the KH series storytelling being similar to One Piece and Metal Gear Solid where it leaves clues and hints towards further developments in the story some things are open to interpretation especially since all three of these series tend to be infamous with ambiguity and vagueness. My answers/responses to the questions are next to the second bullet points. Complete List of Unanswered Questions Response Why are there globes and maps of Earth and real world locations in some worlds? Are some worlds just alternate reality-type Earths that exist simultaneously but separately? Or did all the worlds used to be Earth when they were all together in one massive World in the Age of Fairy Tales, and the globes and maps are just artifacts of history? I think it is safe to remember the majority of the worlds in Kingdom Hearts originated from other film and video game franchises such as Cinderella and TWEWY. So of course they take place in some real-life location since the creators of the original did not have a crossover franchise like Kingdom Hearts in mind obviously while making them. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Real-world_locations) (http://archive.is/EoUDq) In the first Kingdom Hearts, why does Winnie the Pooh's letter to Rabbit have "Mickey Mouse" written on the front with a crown symbol? Also, if you come back later, it'll instead be a letter from Roo. This letter also has "Mickey Mouse" written on the front with a crown symbol. Why is that? I am just going to use Occam’s Razor here and say it could just a graphic quirk not meant to be in the game or just a little easter egg. Not much here is worth reading too much into. In the first Kingdom Hearts, Genie says he's heard about a Keyhole before 200 years ago and implies he used to know its location. Why does he know about the Keyhole and how did he know its location? This part kind of reminds of the time King Triton mentions how the “key-bearer shatters peace and brings ruin”. Considering the events of Kingdom Hearts X and the whole Keyblade War incident, I think it is safe to assume some people had at least some scraps of mythos from the Age of Fairy Tales and just passed them on. Kind of like how many urban legends happen. Also I believe Genie’s memory is a little fuzzy about the keyhole thing. He found it because Jafar made a wish to find it. When you first arrive in Halloween Town, why do the Search Ghosts that were with Jack not attack you? Also, why did they not attack Jack? Jack is controlling them so they can be used for performances for Halloween. The guidance system invented by Doctor Finkelstein did not as Jack intended to so both of them need to make a heart from scratch. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Jack_Skellington#Kingdom_Hearts ) Some residents of Halloween Town, such as Jack, The Mayor, Dr. Finkelstein, etc. all know about the Heartless because Jack found a book about the Heartless. Who wrote this book full of research notes? Again it may have something to do with the events of Kingdom Hearts X, the Keyblade War, and legends being passed on, but some details may have been misinterpreted. How did Beast get to Hollow Bastion in the first Kingdom Hearts? Beast got there because of his willpower and love for Belle lead him to Hollow Bastion How did Sora, Donald, and Goofy end up at the grassy area outside of Castle Oblivion? Did they go there simply by Gummi Ship? Or were they sent there by being sucked into a Corridor of Darkness? My guess when some of the worlds are restored they just happened to be on the same land which is part of the grass area/crossroads world. Kind of stretch honestly but it is the best guess I can think of for this. Quote Qrow: "At the end of KH, during Sora and Kairi goodbye, you can see a road behind Sora where the Door was. Maybe they just followed that road and Marluxia lead them there like shown in the beginning of CoM." What was written on the letter that Pluto was holding in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories? It's obviously not the same one from the end of Kingdom Hearts II since Mickey wrote that at the end of Kingdom Hearts coded. Probably not important at this point. It could be just retconned out of the way. In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, how and why did Donald and Goofy's clothes change? Again, using Occam’s Razor, don’t read too much into this. They could have just changed clothes for a change of pace. In the first Kingdom Hearts, how did Mickey know about Sora and Riku, and how did he know that they got a Keyblade? Yen Sid has the ability to sort of sense things and people in other realms and worlds, so did Yen Sid tell Mickey about them? If I recall, The voice talking to Sora in Kingdom Hearts 1’s Dive to Heart is actually King Mickey. I think he is the voice talking to Riku while he is wandering around in the realm of darkness. Not sure why he does not do this often, but there is a source to this on the wiki. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Dive_to_the_Heart, ) Another stretch but it could be Mickey's heart unconsciously knowing who Sora and Riku are through his own connections with Aqua and Ven. The powers of the heart in context of Kingdom Hearts are a little bit hard to comprehend. Ansem the Wise even admit hearts are unpredictable. Kind of like how Rinzler sees Sora in his Space Paranoids worlds ouffit in DDD despite not being the same Tron from Space Paranoids. Long story short it could be a connection of the heart thing. In the first Kingdom Hearts, we see a cutscene of young Kairi and Kairi's Grandma in the library of Ansem the Wise's castle in Radiant Garden. Why were they there? Do they know Ansem the Wise? are they related to Ansem the Wise? Does Ansem the Wise just let people into his castle sometimes? Or is the library a public library or something like that? To quote Master Eraqus of the News Team: “In Birth by Sleep, Aeleus tells Ventus that, “The castle is presently closed.” While this may not be fact, but rather possibly implied, maybe the castle is just open to the public sometimes?” Why did the guards in Land of Dragons turn into Emblem Heartless (Nightwalkers)? If they were succumbing to the darkness, then they should've turned into Pureblood Heartless. Were they just Nightwalkers disguised as guards or something? Actually it is not too far of a stretch for Heartless to deceive people and disguise as them. I think a Heartless transformed into Belle momentarily in Hollow Bastion. How did the Ghosts of Scar form together to create an Emblem Heartless (Groundshaker)? Shouldn't they have created a Pureblood Heartless if anything? Did they just form together with a Living Bone and Shaman Heartless or something? Since the ghost of Scar is not Scar’s heartless form, it could be one of the lingering darkness's latent abilities (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/The_Ghost_of_Scar#Journal ) How did Stitch get to Hollow Bastion? It is implied in the credits of Birth by Sleep that he used the red ship to travel there. I know this is from the wiki, but the image of the D-link when activated shows Stitch's name anyway despite not meeting up with Lilo in the Kingdom Hearts series so far. I think the developers just called him Stitch most of the time just so people will recognize him more. Usually whenever somebody mentions the little koala-like alien people will call him Stitch and not his original name. It is not a perfect analogy but its kind of like how people keep calling Saitama "One-Punch Man" despite not being his actual superhero name in the series. Not much to read here honestly. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Game:Experiment_626_(D-Link) How did Saïx get his scar? Considering Braig got his scar on his right eye from a battle, I think it is safe to assume he just got the scar while fighting. Again it is one of those things you should not read too much into. How did Axel and Saïx know about the Chamber of Waking? To quote Alja: “Xemnas must have told him. After all, through Saix, he gave Axel the task to search for it in Castle Oblivion.” What is the name and identities of Luxord, Larxene, Demyx, and Marluxia's original human forms? We may have to wait for Kingdom Hearts iii on this. Why hasn't Xemnas wielded a Keyblade? (Assuming he has the ability to). If he doesn't have the ability to wield a Keyblade, then why? Simple, he chose not to. Think about it, if he did try and use it will go against his plan to suppress the emotions of the heart and use the rest of the Org. 13 members for vessels and they will start to have doubts (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Xemnas#cite_note-4 ) How did Ansem the Wise's machine exploding turn Riku back to normal and how did it transport Ansem the Wise to the Realm of Darkness? Ansem the Wise did say anything can happened when the machine is going to explode. On how it could happen we could speculate since Ansem the Wise is trying to contain Kingdom Heats as data and failed, the unpredictable results of the god-like powers of it may have just caused random miraculous events to happen like healing Riku and sending Ansem the Wise back to the Realm of Darkness. Why does Apprentice Xehanort have brown eyes instead of yellow? Occam’s Razor here. Could be an artistic license thing. It still does not change the fact Terra-Xehanort is corrupted by darkness Why does Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness have orange eyes instead of yellow? Same as before. Artistic license. Orange is a stronger color compared to yellow. Also Ansem the Wise’s eyes turned orange and his ears became pointy after using darkness numerous times. How did Sora and Riku get from the place where they fought the final fight against Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts II to the Dark Margin in the Realm of Darkness? This is kind of a stretch but it is implied the realm of darkness and the realm of nothingness are the same place. It is world where it is pitch-black and void of any normal life. The Realm of Darkness is known for having bizarre laws which normal people cannot comprehend. Sora and Riku may have just walked to the Dark Margin. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Ansem%27s_Reports#Secret_Ansem.27s_Report_5 ) How did Kairi's message in a bottle end up at the Dark Margin? I believe it represents how just all worlds share the same sky, all the worlds share the same sea. There is a theory/analysis video talking about this. What is the Door to Light, and how was Sora able to summon it? Quoth Master Eraqus of News: “But the Door to Darkness makes a pair with the “Door to Light.” This door is said to exist within the hearts of people, and if one’s heart envisions it, it will act as the ticket home for any resident of light that has been trapped in the realm of darkness.” "End of Sea" is the name of a world that's half in the Realm of Darkness and half in the Realm Between. Dark Margin is a location at the very tip of this world. The ocean that we see there acts as a border between the Realm of Darkness and the Realm Between. How are there worlds in the Realm of Darkness still? They should've all returned to the Realm of Light after Sora sealed the Door to Darkness and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness' artificial Kingdom Hearts broke apart. Does this mean there are worlds native to the Realm of Darkness that have always never had a heart? It is part of the realm of darkness. If it is not the case than what Riku said near the end of Kingdom Hearts ii would not make sense in context. Tetsuya Nomura has stated that Ventus' heart stayed within Sora's body AKA his Nobody, Roxas when Sora was separated from his body and soul and became a Heartless. What is the reason for this? Why didn't it get released along with the other hearts? Ventus’s heart still needed to be healed. If it were to be released than it will be detrimental to Ventus Expansion: Ventus's heart was damaged the first time because Xehanort created Vanitas in order to have two beings of pure darkness and light to clash for the x-blade. Ventus barely managed to recover due to being into contact with a newborn Sora's heart, halting the deterioration. After meeting with Eraqus, falling to unconsciousness, and waking up again Ventus's heart managed to heal and formed bonds with Terra and Aqua. During the events of BBS after Ven beats Vanitas and prevents the completion of the x-blade, his heart became fractured again and needed to be kept safe until Ven's heart will heal for a second time. In order to be healed Ven's fractured heart found its way to a young Sora to heal once more. What I am getting at here is because Ven had to fractured his own heart in consequence of fighting Vanitas immensely it probably took a lot longer to heal compared to what Xehanort did. Xehanort just wanted to create the x-blade, not smashing Ven's heart entirely. Ven's heart must have chosed to stay with Roxa's being/Sora's body in order to heal fully. How did Ventus become so tiny when he went to Castle of Dreams? Tetsuya Nomura said it was because he somehow messed up traveling to the world and ended up tiny, but how does that even happen? How does you not knowing how to properly travel to worlds make you end up very small? I assume that we just simply don't completely know how physics and stuff works in the KH universe, but it'd be nice to get a specific answer to this question. Just going to throw in Occam’s Razor here and say it is just a gameplay mechanic to add in variety for the Cinderella World. I mean nowadays people are not questioning about why Donald and Goofy are completely different from other humans like Shang and Jack Sparrow. When Terra went to Destiny Islands and looked at Riku, how was he able to sort of see into the past and the future and see the young version of Xehanort and the older version of Riku? Was Young Xehanort messing with him with his time powers or something? To quote Master Eraqus of News again: “Firstly, when he hears the name of the masked boy from Master Xehanort at the mysterious wasteland, and we see an image of Aqua and Ventus defeated, that’s a hint of the future. On Destiny Islands, when he makes Riku his successor, he has a special view of him and catches a glimpse of his future. However, this isn’t to say that Terra has the ability to see the future–it was a directive nuance intended to portray the future connection between Terra and Riku.” If the Unversed are created by Vanitas and come from Vanitas, then how was Lady Tremaine able to turn the coach into an Unversed and how was The Queen able to turn the Spirit of the Magic Mirror into an Unversed? I admit I got nothing on this so far. Why did Lea and Isa go into Ansem the Wise's castle in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and why did they get kicked out? Typical teenage behavior. What else? Trespassing into other’s property uninvited. Don’t read too much into this. How did Terra-Xehanort end up at Radiant Garden after the explosion from the χ-blade? Same idea as the heart encoding machine; anything can happen. How did Aqua and Ventus end up in the Ocean Between after the explosion from the χ-blade? Same as before. Anything can happen. When Terra-Xehanort split himself up into a Heartless and a Nobody, why weren't two Nobodies created? When Sora became a Heartless, his own heart and Kairi's heart released from his body. This created Roxas and Naminé. When Terra-Xehanort became a Heartless, the same thing should've happened. Terra's heart and Xehanort's heart were released from Terra's body. This should've created a Terra Nobody and a Xehanort Nobody, but instead, Xemnas was created; someone who is a mixture of both Terra and Xehanort. Why? Quote Alja: “The same happens with Sora and Roxas though? I mean this isn't a definite answer, but I would suggest that in the same way Ven's heart was buried deep inside of Sora's body (so it could go on to Roxas), Terra's heart is probably buried deep inside of Xehanort's heart which could make it impossible to form a separate Nobody. But since they were inside of Terra's body at that time (and Xehanort's heart seemed to change at least some physical features of him), Xemnas was created, who in turn looks a little more like Terra again, at least compared to Apprentice Xehanort.” How did Young Xehanort leave Destiny Islands and get to Land of Departure? Wait for Kingdom Hearts iii Why doesn't Young Xehanort have pointy ears like he does when he's older? Because before the whole seeker’s life and forgoing Keyblade armor thing he was not corrupted by the darkness. It is implied it happened during Xehanort’s travels through the lanes between. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Xehanort%27s_Report#Xehanort.27s_Report_II ) Why does Xehanort's Keyblade Armor have the Nobody emblem on it? From a release date perspective, since Kingdom Hearts ii is released before BBS, it makes sense to just see it as just a nod for the audience. Kind of like this example sourced here. You could say the same thing like his keyblade armor has Sora's signature crown symbol on this helmet and shoulder pads. Tetsuya Nomura stated that if you are Bequeathed and have suitable power, then a Keyblade will choose you. But, he's also stated that Keyblades are forged by reaching into the depths of a heart. So, does this mean that there are different ways to gain a Keyblade? Method #1 is forging a Keyblade by reaching into the depths of your heart or someone else's heart, and method #2 is being Bequeathed. There's also a third method that's mentioned in the games. Method #3 is being passed down a Keyblade from a Keyblade Master. All three methods require you to have a strong heart AKA "suitable power". But, doesn't this make being Bequeathed or passed down a Keyblade from a Keyblade Master kind of pointless? What's the point in Bequeathing someone or passing someone down a Keyblade if they can already just simply forge their own Keyblade since they have a strong heart, just like Lea did and just like Riku did after Sora took his Keyblade? Quoth Master Eraqus of News team: “That’s essentially correct. In terms of the Bequeathing itself, the successee just has to make the successor grasp their Keyblade–if this rite is performed by a Keyblade Master, and if they have suitable power, the Keyblade could choose that person as a Keyblade user, and appear before them. Terra, Ventus; all have passed this rite. Sora is the only exception. So according to this, Riku did not obtain his Keyblade from forging his own. As of this point (BBS) Sora was the only one who obtained a Keyblade without the Bequeathing.Now in Lea’s case. While we don’t know for sure how he was able to summon a Keyblade, in DDD, he wanted a Keyblade to be able to traverse worlds without the use of the Corridors of Darkness.” Tetsuya Nomura has said this: "there is a scene in Destiny islands where Riku is being swallowed by darkness, a light appears, and Sora first obtains the keyblade. With the setting I created, the darkness that surrounds them is Riku’s heart’s darkness. At that moment, Sora enters the darkness, and the light he sees inside is Riku’s heart’s light. Sora, who was squirming in the darkness to save Riku, touched the light and temporarily obtained the Keyblade from Riku." This sounds a lot like the whole "reaching into the depths of a heart" thing you can do to forge a Keyblade. Does this mean that Sora reached into the depths of Riku's heart and forged Riku's Keyblade for him, but took it for himself? (He was able to wield it because he has a strong heart/suitable power). The spark of light means the keyblade Terra bequeathed made its way to Sora since he is the closest to being worthy of wielding the weapon. Sora is just the delivery boy as Riku stated. It was not until Sora proved his heart to be stronger than Riku’s and then became its chosen wielder. In Kingdom Hearts II, before Riku handed Kairi Destiny's Embrace, there was a very distinct bright light and sound that was very similar to when Sora touched Riku's heart on Destiny Islands in the first Kingdom Hearts. If I'm correct about the whole Sora forging Riku's Keyblade thing, does that mean Riku reached into the depths of Kairi's heart and forged her Keyblade (Destiny's Embrace) for her, and then handed it to her? If so, then why did Riku have to do this? A Keyblade should've already chosen her since she was Bequeathed, so she should already have a Keyblade. Does this mean she has two Keyblades? The one that chose her after she was Bequeathed and the one Riku forged for her? Or did Riku forging a Keyblade for her cancel out her previous Keyblade for some reason? I honestly don’t know here. We really don’t know where the whole Destiny’s Embrace thing came from so far anyway. Like stated above, when a Keyblade Master or someone on the level of a Keyblade Master Bequeaths someone, and they have a strong heart, then a Keyblade will choose them. Or is "choose" just a metaphorical way to say "forged from their heart"? If it's not just a metaphorical way to say "forged from their heart", then what's the point in Bequeathing someone, like stated above? And where do these Keyblades that choose people come from? If it is just a metaphorical way to say "forged from their heart", then does this mean that Bequeathing is mandatory for someone to gain a Keyblade? If so, then who Bequeathed the very first Keyblade wielder (The Master of Masters)? I think there is difference between having the power to wield a keyblade and making a keyblade yourself. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Bequeathing ) Tetsuya Nomura stated that Aqua, Terra, and Ventus were all Bequeathed. Who Bequeathed each of them? Did Eraqus Bequeath Aqua and Terra? Who from the Age of Fairy Tales Bequeathed Ventus? I don’t think Ventus was bequeathed a keyblade of his own during the Age of Fairy Tales. We don’t really know how the player characters get their keyblades once they join a union. But then again we don’t know the full circumstances of how Terra and Aqua come to apprenticeship with Eraqus. It is ambiguous at best. Did Eraqus and Yen Sid get Bequeathed or did they forge their own Keyblades? Or did they get passed down Keyblades from a Keyblade Master? I believe since Eraqus passed his Mark of Mastery exam and chose to teach and safeguard at the Land of Departure. I think it is most likely Eraqus’s keyblade was passed down from his and Xehanort’s master. If you look at the past Kingdom Hearts iii trailers, the No-Name keyblade is just hanging on the wall like a trophy. Why would a keyblade master leave it on a wall like a picture frame? (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Eraqus#Story ) Why does the Kingdom Key look exactly like the two blades that are a part of the χ-blade? Just a little artistic nod to the past games released prior to BBS. It is possible it could be a shout-out to the Keys to Heaven (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keys_of_Heaven It was stated that the pieces of light of the χ-blade were split into seven pieces to protect the number of pure hearts in the world. This is referring to the Seven Princesses of Heart. The Seven Princesses of Heart didn't exist way back in the Age of Fairy Tales though, so how did the χ-blade know that they were going to be born in the future? The sevens pieces of light don’t protect the the seven princesses, the seven princesses are the seven pieces of light. What do you mean by “protecting the number of pure hearts”? The wording is a little fuzzy for me. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Princesses_of_Heart) Maybe it's aware of the book of prophecies and just found worthy hosts to house the seven pure lights? Or maybe x-blade didn't know after all and just found people worthy of keeping the pure light. Kind of like how Sora's keyblade just chose Sora in KH1 because he is the closest one to wield it and is not corrupted by darkness. While Aqua was carrying Ventus' comatose body, his Keyblade raised and opened a door that led them to the Land of Departure. This door was not a method of travel that we've ever seen or heard about before. It wasn't one of the portals they've been opening with their Keyblades, it wasn't a Gate, and it wasn't a Corridor of Darkness. It looked pretty much exactly like the Door to Light from the end of Kingdom Hearts II. So, what was this door? Was it the Door to Light? It looks like a gate opening or special lane to me. I think both gates and lanes between are used interchangeably in Kingdom Hearts. What exactly is a "mind"? And how is it different from the "soul"? Is it even different from the soul or are they the same thing? They are both the same thing. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Soul) If you want get technical both of the terms can be used interchangeably. Looking up Soul on the thesaurus shows mind as a synonym. ( Source: http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/soul ) Braig says he has his hands full with his own plans. What are these plans and what is he off doing? We need to wait for Kingdom Hearts iii for that. In the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded secret ending, we see the Organization XIII members who were residents of Radiant Garden lying on the floor after being recompleted as people again. We also see Braig, who is not lying on the floor like the rest of them. He presumably woke up before them. (We know this Kingdom Hearts Re:coded secret ending takes place after Kingdom Hearts Re:coded and before Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Because Ienzo is an adult in this cutscene. There is a cutscene in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance that shows Even and Ienzo on the floor turning into Heartless/Nobodies and Ienzo is a little kid in that cutscene, so we know the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded secret ending takes place after Kingdom Hearts Re:coded because we know Ienzo grew up as an adult while he was a Nobody.) In Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, we see Xigbar. It is thought that this is actually Braig, not Xigbar and he's just going by the name Xigbar for some reason (most likely because of the Recusant's Sigil in that name). If this is the same recompleted Braig that we saw in the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded secret ending, then how come he has long hair again and how come he has gray in his hair again? It would not make sense for him to just all of a sudden change appearance and grow hair that quickly. Is this actually Xigbar and not Braig, and they were just implying that it was Braig just to trick us? If it's Xigbar, then that can either mean that he was brought to the present day from time travel, or that can mean that Young Xehanort turned the recompleted Braig back into a Nobody for some reason (maybe he's stronger as a Nobody?). Also, do people keep their appearances that they had as Nobodies when they turn back into people, or are they reverted to how they looked before they were turned into Nobodies? This is very unclear. It seems that some parts of them did keep their appearance and some parts of them didn't for some reason. Ienzo, Lea, and Isa aged as Nobodies and kept their ages when they turned back into people. Lea lost the markings under his eyes when he became a person again though for some reason. From what we know, this is how it is: You are reverted back to how you looked before you became a Nobody, but you keep your age. For example, Lea was reverted to how he looked before he became a Nobody which is why he lost the markings under his eyes, but he still looks older because he kept his age. I think it is implied both Xigbar and Braig are acting on their own as two separate beings. If you look closely at the chessboard in the E3 2015 trailer of Kingdom Hearts iii you see two arrow-guns crossing over each other. I think it implies both Xigbar and Braig are seperate people (Source: https://i.redditmedia.com/b8xDVv0yJP9-L2vQsw-YJgzpZeOMqRVqKsGYC5F04KE.jpg?w=1024&s=1e3a1ff498404030520d2bcab39ce5e3 ) Why did Lea and Isa get recompleted with their black coats on? Does that mean they were the only ones who were wearing black coats before they became Nobodies? Possibly. We don’t know the full details on how Isa and Lea join the organization. Still very vague. Ienzo seems to have known this whole time that the original person can get recompleted if their Heartless and Nobody is destroyed, so when he was Zexion, why did he act like he didn't know? My guess Zexion did not know until later on. After his somebody did went to the research office first and looked for something. Must be finding more evidence to prove his hypothesis. It has been confirmed that Axel, Roxas, Xion, and Naminé all grew hearts. As seen with Roxas, if your Nobody grows a heart and recombines with your other pieces to recreate the original person, the heart that the Nobody grew will be trapped inside of you. Since Axel grew a heart of his own and has been recompleted, does this mean that Lea now has two hearts: his original heart and the heart his Nobody grew? Or did the heart that his Nobody grew combine with his original heart? If so, then why didn't Roxas' heart combine with Sora's? Axel remembered most of his lifetime as Lea. Roxas did not remembered most of his lifetime since Sora’s time as a heartless is short. Roxas had time to develop into his own person as stated by Sora in Dream Drop Distance. Roxas and Sora are not the same. Why would Axel and Lea have two hearts if they are both the same in both memory and heart? Axel and Lea may have combined into one. Tetsuya Nomura said that Nobodies don't age, but Axel, Saïx, and Zexion all clearly aged. Maybe you need a heart to age, and since Axel grew a heart, he didn't count as a regular Nobody so he aged? Does this mean Saïx and Zexion grew hearts as well? Just a retcon. Sometimes word of god can flip-flop on rules sometimes depending on how the story is going. Where is Terra's heart and body? Is Xehanort still possessing it, but just making it look like his old man form, like how Ansem, Seeker of Darkness in the first Kingdom Hearts was still possessing Riku's body, but making it look like himself? If you look closely at the chessboard at the E3 2015 trailer, it implies Terra-Xehanort is making a comeback. So Terra’s heart and body must still be in Xehanort’s control. (Source: https://i.redditmedia.com/b8xDVv0yJP9-L2vQsw-YJgzpZeOMqRVqKsGYC5F04KE.jpg?w=1024&s=1e3a1ff498404030520d2bcab39ce5e3) What's the situation with Eraqus being inside of Terra's heart? After Terra-Xehanort split into a Heartless and Nobody, what happened with Eraqus' heart, and where is Eraqus' heart now? Wait for Kingdom Hearts iii. Other than I have no clue on this one either. In the Xehanort's Reports, it is stated that when the χ-blade is forged, then the real Kingdom Hearts will appear. So, we can assume that the Kingdom Hearts we see in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is the real Kingdom Hearts that came out of the darkness it was lost to way back in the Age of Fairy Tales, because that was around the time that the χ-blade was being forged. But, in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, Master Xehanort says "...the only real Kingdom Hearts was swallowed by the darkness, never to surface again." So, if the real Kingdom Hearts never surfaced again after it was swallowed by the darkness in the Age of Fairy Tales, then what Kingdom Hearts is the one we see in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep? It's obviously not Ansem, Seeker of Darkness' artificial Kingdom Hearts or Xemnas' artificial Kingdom Hearts, since those started being created sometime after Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. So, how did this Kingdom Hearts come to be and why was it there during the end of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep? The x-blade created during BBS is the result of both Vanita’s pure darkness and Ventus’s pure light colliding with one another. The Kingdom Hearts in BBS is most likely an artificial/failsafe one since Xehanort stated the true way to create it is to have 13 pieces of darkness and 7 pieces of light to clash with each other. Xehanort even admitted it is the true way and acted out of impulse. Who are all of the Seven Guardians of Light? Sora, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Aqua, Ven, and King Mickey Who are all of the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness? Not exactly clear-cut, but it is implied again in the E3 2015 trailer via chessboard (Source: https://i.redditmedia.com/b8xDVv0yJP9-L2vQsw-YJgzpZeOMqRVqKsGYC5F04KE.jpg?w=1024&s=1e3a1ff498404030520d2bcab39ce5e3) Why did the time traveling members of the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness go back to their own time? And how are they going to come back? I think it’s implied by Xehanort the time-travel method is only temporally. The Kingdom Hearts Ultimania states: "Due to discarding his body and becoming the Robed Figure, all incarnations of Xehanort gained the ability to travel through time. However, the only ones actually able to do so were the Robed Figure and the one he had given his power to, Young Xehanort." If all incarnations of Xehanort gained the ability to travel through time, then why were the Robed Figure and Young Xehanort the only ones able to do so? That's obviously not the case though since we see Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness from the past in present-day Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Did they not time travel? Is Young Xehanort gathering them from across time different from them time travelling? If so, then how so? Tetsuya Nomura states that Young Xehanort "borrows" the power to time travel in one interview, states that Young Xehanort "gained the ability" from the Robed Figure by making contact with him in one interview, and the Kingdom Hearts Ultimania States he "gave" Young Xehanort some of his own power. Which one is the truth? Did Young Xehanort borrow the power from the Robed Figure, did the Robed Figure give Young Xehanort some of his power, or did Young Xehanort gain the power by making contact with the Robed Figure? Oh, and why did the Robed Figure even need to give Young Xehanort some of his power to travel through time in the first place if all incarnations of Xehanort gained the ability to do so anyway? Tetsuya Nomura states that "Young Xehanort functioned as a “portal”, summoning Xemnas and Ansem each time they appeared. That’s why Young Xehanort was there whenever they appeared." What does Tetsuya Nomura mean by "summon"? I assume he's referring to the fact that a version of you has to exist at your destination in time in order for you to time travel there and that Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness would use Young Xehanort as that version of themselves they need to travel to the future. But, like stated above, the Kingdom Hearts Ultimania says that only the Robed Figure and Young Xehanort can travel through time for some reason. And this brings us back to one of the questions I asked above: Is Young Xehanort gathering/summoning them from across time different from them travelling? And if so, then how so? Gave, gained, and borrow are usually used interchangeably. Like how the Robed Figure “gave”, the Young Xehanort time travelling abilities he “borrowed” from him. Now for Xemnas and Ansem SoD being able to time travel, I think Young Xehanort just gave them the power to do so. Because the whole portal is just so they can enter the realm of sleep only. Joshua used Rhyme’s dreams as a portal so he can take the remnants of his friends to a safe haven in Traverse Town. Both Traverse Town and TWTNW are strange cases since according to the ultimania’s it states the worlds in the Realms Between have strange laws different from the realm of light such as corridors of darkness randomly appearing more frequently. The worlds there are “spatially unstable”. Kind of a stretch I have to admit but still worth discussing. (Source: http://kh-info-block.tumblr.com/post/108383642606/kingdom-hearts-series-memorial-ultimania, https://www.khwiki.com/Joshua ) The Kingdom Hearts Ultimania states that Xehanort's heart being in thirteen vessels serves as raw material for the X-blade. Why is this? Xehanort's heart isn't pure darkness, so how does him putting his heart into thirteen vessels work for creating the X-blade? Considering how Xehanort just let the darkness corrupt him and all the terrible things he did, Xehanort might as well be pure evil and all “good intentions” he preaches are all twisted and distorted to his selfish needs at this point. What was the Riku that Riku saw in Monstro in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance? Was it the dream world projecting an image of Riku from the first Kingdom Hearts? Putting Riku "back in his place", like it did to Jiminy in Sora's side of Prankster's Paradise? If so, then why is he wearing a black coat? Riku wasn't wearing a black coat in the first Kingdom Hearts, and the world's only dream about their pasts, so this wouldn't make sense. Is it a Seeker of Darkness? If that Riku is a Seeker of Darkness, is it Riku Replica? If it's Riku Replica, then why did Riku say "That was my... my dark side. I gave into the darkness once, and ever since, it's chased be around in one form or another. The seeker of darkness who stole my body, a puppet replica of the shadows in my heart, and now, I'm facing me."? He lists the versions of his darkness that have chased him around in one form or another. He lists Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and Riku Replica and then says that now, he's facing himself. So, it's not Riku Replica, right? Unless Riku's just assuming it's not Riku Replica. If it's just himself (Riku) that he was facing, then was it when he was a villain in the first Kingdom Hearts that's time traveled to present-day to be a Seeker of Darkness? If it's Riku Replica or himself from the first game time traveled to present-day to be a Seeker of Darkness, then how come Young Xehanort isn't there with him? Like stated above, Tetsuya Nomura stated that Young Xehanort functioned as a "portal" that summoned the Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Wouldn't it be the same for Riku Replica/Riku from the first game and any other time traveling Seekers of Darkness? If not, then why? ​The whole facing me thing may just be Riku beating himself up too much for letting himself be corrupted by darkness. He was being more metaphoric in that sense. As for why there is only one person without Young Xehanort acting as a portal. This is a stretch, but Rhyme was used as a portal for Joshua's friends but most of the time they are separated but are still able to act on their accord somewhat. It is possible both Young Xehanort and Xemnas meeting Sora and Riku meeting with the doppelganger in Prankster's Paradise happened at the same time, so you could say the portal is there but we just can't see it because that is not the main focus for the Riku portion of pranksters paradise. Ansem SoD was able to talk to Riku alone while they are both in TWTNW and Young Xehanort is nowhere to be seen, lending more to how the portal does not have to be close to the recipient of the portal in order to work or transport. Ansem SoD may have just been messing with Riku by transforming as him. I admit this is dubious but if finish Hollow Bastion before finishing Monstro in KH1 than alternate takes of the scenes take place. So instead of real Riku messing with Sora, it is Ansem SoD messing with him. Sora even states Ansem SoD is not Riku. Again it is another stretch but it is possible Ansem SoD can transform. I realize if you don't count the Robed Figure and TWTNW appearnces Ansem SoD's full appearance with Young Xehanort only happens in the Notre Dame world. Most of it is just has Young Xehanort taunting Riku alone. How are we going to save Ventus, Terra, Roxas, Xion, and Naminé? The Kingdom Hearts iii orchestra trailer implies Sora utilizing his own darkness when it comes to saving Roxas, but for the rest I am not sure. We need to wait and see. What is the Key to Return Hearts? We have to wait and see once Kingdom Hearts iii releases. In the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance secret ending, Goofy says that Lea hurried back to Radiant Garden. Why did he hurry back to Radiant Garden? I honestly have no idea why either honestly. Maybe it is stated somewhere in the game but we may have missed it. In 0.2. Lea is training with Merlin in Radiant Garden. Kairi is going to train with him too. It was shown that the "illusion" of Terra we see in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-was there because of Naminé's help. This took place right after Sora went into the pod to restore his memory, so why/how did Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- end with how the first *Kingdom Hearts game ended? How does that make any sense timeline wise? There’s is honestly no concrete answer saying where the whole Terra/Namine conversation takes place. This is only an interpretation on my part and there is no way to confirm this but my guess the meeting between them after Namine was born and tested what she can do and managed to find all of these connections before the Organization took her hostage. Just a guess honestly. How did Terra-Xehanort know about the Chamber of Waking? I believe it is in the scene in 0.2. where Terra and Aqua meet. Terra-Xehanort asked a trick question to make Aqua lose her guard. Quote Qrow: (Xehanort was trained in the Land of Departure and as a Master, he knows the secrets of the land just like master Eraqus stated to Aqua in BbS. So he knows that castle Oblivion is Land of Departure and about the Chamber of Waking.) If the dark counterpart of Keyblades of Light (Keyblades of Darkness) are found on the dark side of the world the Keyblade of Light was gained at, then does that mean Keyblades of Darkness are only created when a world that a Keyblade of Light was gained at falls to darkness? Or are Keyblade of Darkness counterparts to Keyblades of Light created in the Realm of Darkness right when a Keyblade of Light is gained, but just teleports to the world the Keyblade of Light was gained at when it falls to darkness? Xehanort’s reports mentioned something about how the Keyblade of hearts are a third type which only appear after the Keyblade War. This implies both Light and Dark keyblades have existed for many years during the Age of Fairy Tales. Makes sense the world of the Kingdom Hearts series is made of both light and darkness. As Mickey quotes: “You can’t have one without the other, because darkness is half of everything.” MoM is the one who created the first keyblade which is No-Name, so it is possible a dark counterpart is created after a light one is created. (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Keyblade_of_heart#cite_note-1 ) How did Aqua and Mickey end up at the Realm of Darkness area that was behind the Door to Darkness? There was just a flash of light and then they got teleported there. What was that flash of light from and how did they get teleported there? Perhaps the world's themselves summoned Mickey and Aqua there to help close the door so darkness will not leak out. Kingdom Hearts did summon a door leading towards Xemnas near the final battle in Kingdom Hearts ii. Just an assumption but not too far of a stretch. How did Mickey get his shirt back in time for Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories after it got destroyed by the Demon Tide? Magic clothes maybe? Goofy can summon his shield if he wants to. So if Goofy can summon weapons than clothes should not be too hard. How long ago does Kingdom Hearts χ take place? We know the Age of Fairy Tales takes place "more than a hundred years before Sora received the Keyblade", but "more than a hundred years" is a very vague number. I admit it is a very vague number. Usually whenever cosmic origins like this happen they usually do take place millions of years in the past. What is the name and identity of The Master of Masters? This one is kind of a stretch, but we can speculate it may have something to do with the Seven deadly sins since all besides MoM are named after them. MoM’s name represents pride by process of elimination. Hints of this can seen on the sigil on top of the black box. If you look closely it roughly spells out “Super” (from Superbia meaning pride in latin). What were the Foretellers' and Luxu's original names before the Master of Masters gave them new names and what do their faces look like? For the names, I admit I am lost here as well. For the faces, Kingdom Hearts iii will likely show them, but nothing is concrete yet. It does help to build up hype. Who is Xehanort and Eraqus' master? Is it Luxu, or was there another generation in-between them and Luxu? Wait for Kingdom Hearts iii What's in the box that The Master of Masters gave to Luxu? Wait for Kingdom Hearts iii How was The Master of Masters able to see through the future with the Eye of Darkness when it wasn't even passed down yet? Wouldn't that just be him looking into the present since he has to wait until it's passed down? If you want to get technical “future” can also mean a later time. So The Master of Masters is looking at the future as both him and Luxu speak. (Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=future+definition&oq=future+definition&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2027j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 ) Why did The Master of Masters disappear? Again, we need to wait for Kingdom Hearts iii How do the Dandelions survive the Keyblade War and the darkness that covers the World after the Keyblade War? They made it to the Unchained Realm. Master Ava did ordered the rest of the Dandelions to not fight and go to the world outside. How does Luxu survive the Keyblade War and the darkness that covers the World after the Keyblade War? Could be a similar method just like how the Dandelions took refuge at the Unchained Realm. How were the pillars of ground that Xehanort created in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep at the Keyblade Graveyard during the first Keyblade War way back in the Age of Fairy Tales in the "The World's End" cutscene from Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage? Or does "The World's End" cutscene take place in Kingdom Hearts III? Honestly it could be just a nod/reference to past games again. The keyblade graveyard/badlands does have a lot of high rock formations and not just flat ground. If The Master of Masters only put his one eye on one Keyblade, then how are there so many eyes on so many Keyblades in the future? I think only the No Name Keyblade has the Masters eye and the rest is just decoration. Nobody commented on the eye until Luxu mentions it when MoM passed his keyblade onto him. Some keyblades in the game are not even required to beat some games such as the End of Pain (Source: https://www.khwiki.com/Symbols_in_the_Kingdom_Hearts_series#Gazing_Eye ) Were the Player, Ephemer, Skuld, Blaine, and all of the other Keyblade wielders from the Age of Fairy Tales Bequeathed or did they forge their own Keyblades? Or did they get passed down Keyblades from a Keyblade Master? Kingdom Hearts Union Cross is still updating the story so we still we need to wait until then. Or you could just argue they are just like the player characters and just got them while being part of a union. How was present-day Maleficent there during the Age of Fairy Tales during the Kingdom Hearts χ secret ending? This could provide some insight on what happened, but we still have to wait and see How did the light from children's hearts recreate the World? Do children's hearts just simply have the ability to create an entire universe? Or was Kairi's Grandma just being vague in her story? If so, then what really happened? We need to wait in the not-so-distant future since KHUx is still ongoing and updating constantly. I will say since it is Kairi’s Grandma telling the story and not an actual witness of the creation of the worlds the story could have been just distorted due to people telling different versions of the legend in the past. Kind of like how Greek Mythology and Roman Mythology have similar tales told from a different set of eyes.
  13. I'm interested, but how much experience do you require from us? I am teaching myself on drawing and writing, so I don't have enough experience yet.
  14. I have never really thought about that. :huh: I guess I am more closer to finding my style than I thought. :happy:
  15. This is another fan-art of Aqua but this time it is a full-body sketch of her. Feel free to comment if you wish.
  16. Here is my submission linked down below: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102462-entry-for-kingdom-hearts-28-free-pre-order-contest/?do=findComment&comment=1901658 Just one question, will posting our submissions here late affect the results of the winner?
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