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Everything posted by Hyperfairy777

  1. these are good points, I did check their status beforehand and they were all pretty normal status considering they play a lot when an 'all quests cost 1 AP' event is on keep in mind this is an Ex-hacker, not a current hacker. they even showed me their keyblade set ups when I asked how they got so far, I don't remember them all but they often combo'd 5* uniform kairi with 6* illustrated ventus or 6* donald ver. B, they also had a 5* naminee (which would probably explains how the got past some of the bosses/strong heartless). I obviously cannot remember every single medal they had but it all seemed like legit combos for the end game quests. (i've seen those on youtube let's plays.) I guess one red flag is that none of their medals had guilt but they could of just borrowed guilted medlals from friends or spent jewels to continue hard quests I've read that a player who's hacked cannot participate in solo rankings, but would they have any effect on party rankings or not? (if not, then the party would not have an unfair advantage in the party rankings. It's just I may have to keep this player around for a while as outside of the special quests, evo medals seem to be quite rare and they have a large medal diversity.) I can get screenshots if you want to see their status, keyblades and set-ups
  2. Hello, So I deduced to today that a high level player in my party was an Ex hacker due to them not having any luck yet actively playing. They did confess to me they used an infinite HP hack out of desperation to pass a story mission (350). They have now cleared the last mission. The party contains mostly new players and this person is keeping track of our progress through the story and is providing very strong 6* medals that they promised they obtained legitimately (I did some reading, jewel hacks are near impossible as jewels are server based.) They are also killing raid bosses for us and the fact they sometimes put out a request for help on their own raid bosses shows to me they aren't hacking any more. We are not bothered about ranks, the party motto is 'play4fun, not ranks' Should we keep this player in the group?
  3. Are there any templates for reversed medals available?
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