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Everything posted by Scsigs

  1. Ok, calm right the hell down, dude. This isn't the end of the world. This isn't gonna stop you from buying the game, is it? No? Then calm it down. It's not a major selling point, so calm it down. Realistically, her appearance in DDD was a cameo at best, considering Xion didn't appear much in that game. Literally her last appearance as Kairi was KHBBS, which was also a cameo, since Ariel Winter voiced her more in that game than she did. YOU need to calm down too & stop worrying about things that make no sense to worry about. First of all, blindsiding & disrespecting her? She hasn't voiced Kairi in 8 years. Frankly, I'm surprised people are surprised that Stoner's their now-defacto VA for Kairi in KH. It's not being disrespectful or blindsiding when they haven't had her do anything for them in even 6 years when she voiced Xion in a cameo for no reason in DDD. I'm surprised they even got her back for that. Second, they got David Gallagher back as Riku & Jesse McCartney back as Roxas & Ventus. Just because they aren't confirmed doesn't mean they're not in it. Hell, I have an entire thread dedicated to predicting the VAs in this game & I've been 95% accurate thus far & the 5% was only from me underestimating who they were gonna get from Big Hero 6, Toy Story, & Pirates of the Caribbean. If they didn't record when some of the trailers came out months ago, they're definitely recording now. Not bringing them back, since their voices are pretty distinct (hell, Jesse uses his regular voice for the role, which would be pretty hard to imitate) would be just bad. These guys were even more recently brought back for 1.5, 2.5 & 2.8 (for Gallagher), so if you seriously think they wouldn't bring them back, you're stupid. And before anyone says so, I know Stoner & Panettiere's Kairi voices are somewhat distinct, but it's not enough to where it makes the difference like a male voice or another female voice in the series would be.
  2. I mean, Kingdom Hearts' voice direction for the English dub has ALWAYS been wonky, especially when it comes to matching the timings of the Japanese cast, especially when it comes to the actors that either aren't voice actors by trade, or are new tot he job.
  3. By the way, confirmation that Stoner's Kairi from the staff here at KH13. I've updated this list to reflect this discovery.
  4. I mean, Mark Hamill is a very talented VA, but I don't think that they got him to play Xehanort. I'd expect Corey Burton first over Hamill if they were going with a VA they previously had for other characters.
  5. It also wouldn't make much sense, since Hamill plays Eraqus & the only people to play multiple characters are the ones for characters who have doppelgängers, Tress MacNeille, Russi Taylor, Jim Cummings, & Corey Burton, due to them voicing multiple Disney characters before this series even started.
  6. I mean, he's voiced Jones in Disney Infinity. Considering that Disney & Square seem to be seeing that the cast members from the various tie-in games & spin-off material are the ones most likely to return for this game. Considering that they were able to swing Christopher Lee in KHII, despite him being a highly-regarded Shakespearean actor who'd just come off of a big movie trilogy (Lord of the Rings) at the time, but due to him being a British actor, who generally don't mind different kinds of work as long as they like it, I'd say they could get Nighy if they wanted to, especially when there's precedence for it. The man also did Norm of the North, so I don't think he's above workin on this game.
  7. Can't imagine who it WOULD be, since Davy Jones has had no other actors voice him in spin-off media. Nighy also voiced Jones in Disney Infinity & has done a lot of TV & video game work. Plus, they got McNally, so I'm . going to assume he's in it till I see an official cast list that says otherwise.
  8. Also, is that Bill Nighy as Davy Jones, or no? I can't tell. Also, is that Xehanort's new VA at the end? Sounds a bit too young, but is definitely doing an ok job at a Nimoy impression.
  9. That's what I was thinking. It's a lot like Haley Joel Osment's Sora voice. Ryan was in his early 20s when he voiced Demyx in KHII. Now, he's 34, so it makes sense.
  10. So, um, with that new teaser trailer from the Xbox event, was that Ryan O'Donohue as Demyx? He sounded a bit deeper if it was.
  11. We just got . THIS for confirmation of most of the Big Hero 6 cast. This is the cast of the animated series, which I knew they'd use. Most of these people are the cast from the movie, but a few aren't. Just wanna say... Called it.
  12. Nope, otherwise people would be talking about it. I'm expecting it to be available out of the box, since they're harkening back to KH2's design, mainly the FM version.
  13. Hey, guys. I put together a comparison video of Rapunzel's voice from 4 different Disney things from the last 8 years. The film, Disney Infinity, The series, & KHIII. Unfortunately, there's not a lot from KHIII, but I might upload a new version if we get a longer version before the game comes out.
  14. I mean, they announced Levi was in the game back in September, so that's definitely him. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/star-studded-voice-cast-unveiled-for-disney-and-square-enixs-kingdom-hearts-iii-300719139.html His voice clips ARE weird, though. Almost like they were edited to be faster for the trailer. If you notice, they sound oddly clipped at places. Considering the Toy Story trailer had a few less lines for Donald & Goofy in the cutscenes to speed it up (though they did a better job of editing them), I think they did a similar thing here, but it seems like it was more rushed. I imagine because these actors just recorded the dialogue in the last few months, so they didn't have as much time to edit the clips better. In terms of Moore, she definitely has a different voice than the movie due to it being 8 years since that movie came out & probably 9 years since she recorded for it. She sounds closer to how she does in the Tangled series from Disney Channel.
  15. Pretty sure this is Many Moore as Rapunzel in this new trailer, comparing to a clip I'm watching on YouTube.
  16. Jesse WAS asked during a Facebook livestream sometime a month or so ago, I believe. At least that's what I've heard. Considering we've seen both Ventus & Roxas in the trailers by now, we can assume he either hasn't recorded yet, or he's under an NDA. Remember, only a few actors have actually confirmed themselves for being in the games, those being James Woods, Shanelle Gray, & Susan Egan. I'm assuming Derek hadn't recorded yet, since that was a few months ago. By now, I'm betting they're bringing in a lot of the secondary actors, or actors of characters who appear later in the game, back in to record. Remember, Mandy Moore has yet to record her lines as Rapunzel & John C. Reilly as Ralph have yet to record anything for the game, since their characters have been silent in the trailers & demo. Also, remember back in 2014, Jesse posted a thing on his Instagram that was captioned "For Kingdom Hearts Fans," while in a recording booth. Obviously, this was him in the booth to record for Roxas for the Re:coded cutscenes in 2.5. Obviously, some actors get the ok to announce things before others & others just don't care.
  17. Yes, having the games ported to the other system would take time & money. Ports to the PS3 & 4 made sense because the series started on the system family. My point is that not porting the games at this point makes even less sense than not at this point, especially when it's entirely possible to do. Yes, convenience is a factor, but Square has at least 12 different business divisions, one of them dedicated to porting their older games to newer consoles (including the Switch, an even more complicated system to develop for) & you mean to tell me that they couldn't have one of the divisions dedicated to game development port the games? And, yes, money is involved with porting games, but I'd think it would be significantly less to port a game to another system than it would be to bring them into HD & widescreen, especially since, from what I've heard, the Xbox One is easier to port games to than the PS4 & the systems are already pretty close in terms of hardware in the first place. It wouldn't be too hard. I'd think they'd have a harder time porting to the Switch, honestly. Yeah, but it seems that KHIII is already gonna have pretty decent sales on Xbox. Considering the Final Fantasy titles that are being ported right now, they should've had KH on the docket too, if you ask me.
  18. Now, I know the easy answers most Sony fanboys will give are, "It doesn't belong on Xbox," or "Xbox doesn't deserve it," "There's an exclusivity contract," or "Xbox doesn't sell well in Japan." I tend to ignore those, since for one, two of those are based on feelings rather than actual facts, two, one is reliant on people just believing hearsay that's never been confirmed anywhere, &, three, the last doesn't hold up under scrutiny when you take into account that III is coming to the system. No, I'm talking about legitimate reasons. As people have said in various places, to release another collection of these games like this not on Xbox is pretty baffling. I mean, why release a whole new package to the console they've already had the games on for almost 2 years now, but not create ports to put them on the other system III's coming out on? There are a few reasons, such as Nomura wanting to finish KHIII before thinking of porting the collections (which is the only leeway I'm giving them for now), or the fact that they have yet to talk to Microsoft about it. However, not at least doing that & setting a placeholder on online shopping sites is pretty bad. Even if they didn't talk to Microsoft, who aren't gonna say no, let's get that straight, waiting to announce this set would've been more preferable, especially when you can get the older physical versions of the collections for the exact same price, or around the same price, with the lowered prices. They didn't need to announce this set. Unless they were to have ported the collections to Xbox, the set is really unnecessary right now. I'm stumped.
  19. I mean, look at Final Fantasy XV. That really was enhanced on the Xbox One X more than the PS4 Pro. Then it was further enhanced with its PC release. By "running," I mainly mean the uncapped framerate mode, since I believe a lot of people who've played the demo stated it runs better already on the X than the Pro, which makes sense because of the better hardware. Square know how to port their games to other systems, it's not like they're unfamiliar with them. I'm sure they could've optimized some of the enhancements more for the X, but what can ya do? And, you're right. The game's being made for the PS4 first, then ported to the Xbox as they go, which means it has an even better chance of running really well on the X due to the hardware jump between the systems. I'm sure Square are gonna give Xbox players a consistent performance for the Xbox as PS4's getting for these reasons.
  20. I'm getting both, since I own the previous games on my PS4. However, I know that the Xbox One X version is gonna be the version that runs the best, short of a PC release. Plus, Xbox is my preferred system. In fact, if Square had ported the games to the Xbox One in the first place, like they should have, when the PS4 versions came out, then I wouldn't be getting the PS4 version, so I'm supporting my home console getting the older games. Also, I can actually stream to Twitch on my PS4 without a stupid bar at the bottom of my TV screen because they didn't add a toggle to turn that off on Xbox like PS4 for some reason. Plus, I can actually set the resolution & framerate on PS4, as opposed to the Xbox One Twitch App, which runs on how many megabytes of wifi it takes up for some reason.
  21. I mean, he might not've been is the thing. Depending on how far into the story Even appears, they might not have had the cutscenes finished. He might be recording now, though, since he's bound to have heard of it & got contacted.
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