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About Nonethedragon

  • Birthday 07/18/1992

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  1. Did you back it up to a second facebook account? If not, it might be lost.
  2. Unlocking guilt gives 1 level per medal, maxing it gives another 5. Each medal is potentially worth 6 levels, however you can only earn the levels for each medal once. Example: You unlock the bonus on Stitch, it gives you one level. You max the bonus on stitch, it gives you five levels. You unlock the bonus on a SECOND Stitch, you get nothing.
  3. Looks like the maintenance brought in the Nova system.
  4. While you're leveling, I'd just focus entirely on Starlight. Once you get a decent collection of medals going, level the single attribute keyblade that best suits your medal pool. It's honestly a lot better to go all in on your best keyblade than to level each one equally.
  5. It'll be here every weekend for November while there isn't any other event going on.
  6. This medal does a fixed amount of damage against all targets for 3 gauges. It deals 2520 or so damage regardless of enemy defense or buffs, and the only thing that can raise that damage is improving the special attack by fusing more together. That's what it does, and that's why it's bad.
  7. Not quite, you're using 2 slots and 2 extra gauges to accomplish the same thing. That isn't to say that you can't make due with those two, but it's certainly not the same.
  8. I understand what you mean with this, especially now that I've seen first hand just how strong the un-nerfed Jack and Sally medal is. I was able to get 4 of them, fused 2, but kept another one separate. Using two of them and having that lasting effect for two turns definitely feels a little broken for where we are right now. However, this raises another question: If they are so familiar with the current power level and how not to tip it too hard, why are they even bothering giving out this TR Mickey? This medal is virtually useless right now, and yet they're giving a single one as a "reward" for getting to tier 11. Now, it wasn't all that difficult to get the medal, but it just feels disappointing at this point. I missed out on the TR Mickey last time it was available, but I feel like even way back in the first month of the game it would be a lousy medal. So why did they bother with it now when they feel confident enough in us to throw out that lvl 500 Halloween mob that I doubt most anyone even beat?
  9. The way I use my decks kinda varies by keyblade. It just kinda worked out that my magic medals are way stronger than my speed medals, and my power medals are utterly lacking. Because of this, I use mostly TW and DR. For TW, my decks 1 and 2 are usually pretty similar, sometimes with only one or two medals differing. Deck 3 is usually just used for any cheesey strategy I try out, or for HSC attempts. For DR, deck 1 is used for Jack and Shadow, 2 is used for Larxene and JS, and deck 3 is again for any other situation. I rarely use TT & LL, so there's no real sense going on with them, though I do have a setup with only power/speed medals for those objectives. For Starlight, deck 1 just maximizes my strongest medals on the appropriate multiplier, deck 2 is a lux farming setup for low level raid bosses with Lux+ Wakka, AP+ RAX, AB2&AP+ Rock Titan, throwaway 5* medal because I don't bother putting cids on Wakka, and AP+ HD Aqua. Oh yeah, and I haven't used Olympia in so long I almost forgot about it. Same problem with TT, my power medals are just so lacking that my Jack and Shadow DR deck works better for pretty much anything.
  10. AB2 Max is really good on Jack, that's what I put on him. As for AB3, I'd save it for something big. I actually just rolled my first super rare medal during the last EMC, despite playing the game since it came out in NA, and so that's what I put my AB3 on. When it activates, Illustrated Sephi hits real hard.
  11. I assume the maintenance is mostly to switch the servers over from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time.
  12. To quote Timmy Turner, "Those are REAL fictional people; in REAL fictional danger."
  13. I have a problem with the epic attackers deal in that they have support medals in the pool. It really just doesn't make sense, and would be really unsatisfying to get something that doesn't do much damage from the deal.
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