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Everything posted by Ventuslover123

  1. Ventuslover123

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    © Kairi (c) Square Enix

  2. Yes i agree, Ventus could had got trapped in the ROD and was found by Xehanort there.
  3. Who's your favorite KH pairings? Mine are Sora X Kairi Riku X Namine Roxas X Xion Axel X Larxene Hayner X Olette Seifer X Fuu Terra X Aqua Ephemera X Skuld
  4. Do you think Vanitas should be the next main villain after KH3? Personally, i think he should, since he was Xehanort's puppet/right hand man,
  5. I know Xion Haters would love this, but what if Xion never existed? Roxas left the organization because of Xion's demise, so if she never existed, would Roxas stayed with the organization and became evil? thats means that the Kingdom hearts 2 prologue would never had happened, he would never had met the twilight trio.. would his and Axel's friendship be different?
  6. When KH3 arrives, who do you think will be the 7 Guardians and 13 seekers? who do you think will fight and kill who? My thoughts The Seven Guardians Sora Riku Kairi Ventus Aqua King Mickey Either Lea, Roxas or Xion...or maybe Namine The 13 Seekers Master Xehanort Young Xehanort Ansem SOD Xemnas Vanitas Briag Isa Riku Replica (possibly) Marluxia ??? Demyx ??? doubt it Larxene ??? Terranort Ansem's Guardian Who i think who fight/kill whom: Roxas and Xion V Xemnas - Roxas kills Xemnas Ventus and Aqua V Braig - Ventus kills Briag (since he bullied him the most) Ventus V Vanitas - Ventus kills Vanitas Lea V Isa - Maybe Isa sacrifices himself?? Riku V Riku Replica - RR dies Riku V Ansem SOD - Ansem and guardian dies Sora V Young Xehanort - YX destroyed Sora V Marluxia, Demyx and Larxene - 3 villains die Aqua and Ventus V Terranort- (Terra is saved) Sora V Master Xehanort - MX is finally destroyed.
  7. Ventus could actually be from the past, then after the war , he got transported to the Realm of darkness, that's probably how MX found him and took him in
  8. What would you like to see in future Kingdom Hearts games? - New Villain? - New saga? - New Protagonist? - maybe but i doubt it.... What do you think the next saga will be about?
  9. After watching some videos, i have come to thinking - Could Sora actually be Terra's successor, instead of Riku? During Birth By Sleep, when Terra encountered Riku, he let him touch his keyblade, but later on, they mention that the keyblade rejected Riku and passed onto Sora, because Riku had turned to the darkness. During CODED, Namine says to Sora that he (Sora) met two of the previous keyblade masters, which was Aqua and Ven, but said the third was connected to him in a way (Terra?) I'm not sure if i got this the wrong way around...but the way it seemed, it sounded like Terra was the reason Sora can wield the keyblade
  10. It would be awesome to see Riku Replica back. I don't remember if he faded into darkness or was killed by the real Riku?.. If he did come back, could he be a Seeker of Darkness?, would he still look the same or older?
  11. Daybreak Town IS or COULD BE the badlands after the first Keyblade War....
  12. Maybe, but not yet though, we defiantly know that Ventus and Terra will indeed be saved in 3, so it's likely Aqua will too. But who knows.
  13. what do you guys think? i think it takes the seriousness out of it.
  14. Sora and Kairi Riku and Namine Roxas and Xion Lea and Larxene's somebody Terra and Aqua Hayner and Olette Seifer and Fuu
  15. I know that Sora needs to save Aqua first to get to Ven, then go to rescue Terra How should Namine, Roxas and Xion be saved?
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