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About Rinne

  • Birthday July 12

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  1. Loving Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V so far. I think l'm one or two episodes behind since l've been super busy with life... Need to catch up!
  2. My favourite Gene Wilder role is Willy Wonker because l watched the film a lot when l was a kid cause of sweets and such. May he rest in peace!
  3. Can anyone recommend me any animes please? thank you! The more the merrier!
  4. Aww thank you Steven! l'll try to ask you if l need any of assistance! Glad to be here Katherine and Penny! There's quite a few Arc-V people here!
  5. Starting today, l'll be visiting this site from now on!

  6. Thank you so much Mythril! I'll do my best! *^* Aww thank you Hedge! I'll treasure my time here!
  7. Ooooh! l watch Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V too! Thank you for the warm welcome Yuya-kun!
  8. Hello everyone! My name is Rinne and it's nice to meet you all! Hope that we could all get along! l'll try to be on as often as l can... Thank you for those who are reading this and have a nice day!
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