Man, I feel bad for Nomura... He looks.. stressed out a little, and having just learnt that not only is he moving houses, he has a child who is the same age as when KH first came out.. my heart breaks a little. And now, looking at the comments that demands KH3.. sigh. I don't know. I don't mind the wait, it's kind of a similar situation to when I had to wait for my favourite K-Pop group BIGBANG to make a comeback after a three(ish) year hiatus.
Anyhow, this would be my small message if I had the courage to say it to him face to face (or at least on Youtube, but I don't want to go there LOL) - this will be in Japanese first (I'll translate it later);
野村さん、キングダムハーツを作ってくれてどうもありがとうございました。キングダムハーツのおかげで、幸せや、怒りや、悲しさ、などなどを感じるのができました。だから、どうもありがとうございました。良い年になりますようにですよ!健康を気をつけてください!プロジェクトを作ってしまって頑張ってね (特にKH3 笑)!メリークリスマス!
(P.S. my Japanese isn't amazing so if there's any mistakes to those who know more Japanese than me, feel free to edit away lol)
Nomura, thank you so much for making Kingdom Hearts. Thanks to Kingdom Hearts, I was able to feel happiness, anger, sadness and all kinds of feelings. So, thank you so much. I hope you have a good year, and please take good care of your health. I wish you good luck on your projects (especially KH3 lol)! Merry Christmas~