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Mahdi Albasri

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Everything posted by Mahdi Albasri

  1. whoa you beat me cant do dat you win
  2. well Of course saphiroth would be the 1st and most hard boss of all. and ursula both battles is hard too but we could win if we know how to fight her. the unknown is the 2nd hard boss but if you know his pattern he turns easy. riku-ansem is hard too if when he's about to die he will mostly cast dark aura so.. yeah im playing proud mode found it soo easy
  3. while its true but Dream drop distance didn't get much spotlight as BBS 0.2 and many people have been asking about the drop gauge and we think that BBS 0.2 got a lot more spot light as they showed more of BBS 0.2 then DDD so i guess its why well we dont know though
  4. no its not really you guys remember that kairi was inside sora in kh1 right? she always watched him fight using his key and she also always watched sora and riku fight in their childhoods with the toy swords so kairi is surely to be strong even when she just got the keyblade
  5. well we verfied that what he's trying to say is that he will try to as soon as possible after the release of 2.8 try to give us some kh3 news isn't this his message?
  6. ohh ty for posting that happy birthday to nomura hope he releases some trailers of kingdom hearts 3 soon
  7. i honestly just want the game to be honest i kept myself from playing Dream drop distance in D3 because i want to play 2.8 in ps4 and im still waiting for it to release
  8. isn't the video really just them taking some scenes from the former trailer? well its cool how they arranged it anyway
  9. well in my opinion he is just trying to record us something about 2.8 or 3 because we didn't receive any trailer recently about 3 because they re so focusing into 2.8 but it wouldn't make sense lol nomura has a mysterious personality
  10. well i would like tetsuya nomura to continue that manga but kh 2.8 is more importent
  11. well the 0.2 starts before sora and the others decides to leave the island so it has been a long time and time either changes someone or makes someone forget things but my opinion is mickey's a mouse not a boy so he's not someone you would think of besides he looks the same even if alot of time passed and so if you know that they announced the release date please wait and thank you
  12. welcome to kh13 hope you have fun here chat with me sometimes
  13. DDD is my favorite i always wanted to play it cuz its COOL and this time sora and riku uses command decks and BBS 0.2 Is pretty awesome too well both of these is my fav
  14. the trailer was awesome and the simple and clean music was awesome who agrees with me? "like who wouldn't agree?"

  15. everything in the trailer and the delay isn't really bad tbh the most thing i loved is the upgraded simple and clean so cool
  16. you mustn't forget yen sid was with them we will also see him if that happens just imagine that too
  17. well i do like everything but i like the musics and soundtracks of this game not to mention its story its great i cant wait to play 2.8 and 3 of course i enjoyed playing 1.5 and 2.5 there's alot of story gameplay and musics and nobody will post a bad comment to this they just didn't play from 1.5 so they find it hard to understand the story
  18. well my google chrome translates the pages i visit but i dont want to be of the news i hardly get news and because of this web i get news of KH
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