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Mathieu Philippe Doucet

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About Mathieu Philippe Doucet

  • Birthday 04/01/1984

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  1. What is your game ID Number/Nickname? 101104/Philippe What level are you? 250 Why did you join the Vulpes union? I like foxes. :biggrin: Are you a member of a party? Yes, I created my own party called the LightSeekers If not, would you like to join one? No, but if anybody wants to join my party, all is welcomed :biggrin: What is your favorite medal? At the moment, it is Illustrated Riku.
  2. Hello everyone, We are currently recruiting for team LightSeekers from the Vulpes Union! We are currently 14 members in the team with 9 active daily players. Mostly from North America and Europe but we also accept people from all around the world (as long as you speak English or even French, I could translate stuff if needed). :smile: We try our best to be in the top 300 or more each week. I've created à closed Facebook group that is used to promote every news regarding Kingdom Unchained x and it's events. It also includes a chat for discussions and is also used for Raid Boss event to coordinate what needs to be done to complete boards fast and then farm Lux. To join our team and Facebook group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1419443154748360/ Don't hesitate to send me a message if you have more questions. Thanks! :smile:
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