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  1. Here’s a topic I wanted to talk about for a long time: KH speedrunners. Listen: I really like speedruns and I acknowledge that speedrunners have a much broader understanding about the mechanics of the game. After every KH trailer I want to hear a speedrunners opinion because they are great at analyzing the combat.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zerrick


      To be fair, when you have OP moves like balloon and flow motion in KH DDD you can see where they are coming from because of the fact that as a speed runner they have to use the Meta and when it’s a boring and repetitive as ballon and flow you can see where the combat is just boring compared to the vastly superior combat in 2 and even decided to an extent

    3. Zerrick


      And even recoded** to an extent

    4. Akeyroh


      I understand that some people are worried because of BBS and DDD but there is a difference between actual (constructive) criticism based on what we’ve seen and hating every trailer and mechanic that has been shown although the game isn’t even finished yet. Again: I’m not criticizing every speedrunner. Just some of them.

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