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  1. I saw Bl00dyBizkitz' video and I agree with most of what he said. I like watching KH runners and I'm interested in their opinion, whether I agree with them or not. But from what I've seen, there are runners that bitch about casuals. Some say "KH is stupid" or a certain KH game is terrible. That's their opinion and that's fine but some of them think that if you have a different opinion you're just wrong. That's why I have mixed feelings about some runners

    1. Xiro


      Dang isn't that video like an hour lol

    2. Akeyroh


      I don't mean the analysis although I watched that too :) I'm talking about the most recent video. It's about the relation between KH speedrunners and the community

    3. Xiro


      Ohhh okay. Didn't see that he uploaded another video. Time to check it out lol

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