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About Seular

  • Birthday 10/24/1994

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  1. What is your game ID Number/Nickname? My nickname is Ciel. ID: 1324002 What level are you? I'm at level 165 Why did you join the Unicornis union? I feel always really curious about Unicornis Foreteller. He's really interesting for me. Also because I entered that there is a lot of statues of unicorns in the Old Mansion in KH2,so If this related with chi I have to know it. Are you a member of a party? Yes, but mostly of the members stopped playing so I wanted to change to a more active party. What is your favorite medal? Right now, my KH cloud. This medal and my KH Riku always give me the victory with my Treasure Trove keyblade.
  2. Thank you so much for the add!

    1. Seular



      You are welcome!

      Thanks for be nice with me, what are you doing?

    2. Shimmy


      Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! This site is very laggy on my laptop and constantly disconnects so I called it a night. I apologize for never responding ;A;

  3. Thank you guys!I'm actually enjoying of the community right now!
  4. Thanks! Actually I have an obsession with Axel But my favourite female character is Aqua, Definitely! Can I assume that the yours is Saix? :cool:
  5. I wish that the Saturday happen fast. I really want to finish my exams for this week!

    1. Shuy


      Just did an exam this morning, wish you luck!

    2. Seular


      Thanks! I just want to finish it and go out with my friends

    3. Shuy


      I know that feeling. Hang on, just a couple days

  6. Hello! I'm Seular and I've been a Kingdom Hearts'fan since I can remember so I really wanted to join to this community. I hope to enjoy of the forum and I'm glad to be here.
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