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Everything posted by katkatthedestroyer

  1. Cake is good for the soul... if you still have that... Anyway happy early b-day... er today? my clock might be off
  2. Me and my urge to respond to everyone... Thanks ^_^ Did and hi again Thanks but I already lost my soul :\ Thx Probably thank you! Thanks, and I'm sure I will
  3. This remix is awesome! Gonna have to get myself a PS4 just to play 2.8 and 3 but it'll be worth it I'm really looking forward to the full release of the Simple and Clean remix
  4. I honestly didn't expect anyone to reply Thanks ^_^ Nice to meet you! Thank you! Okay thanks! *waves* Hi! Ollo! I mean Hello! Can I have a potion? Thanks!
  5. Name's Katkat but you can call me whatever you want. Made this account back in July but now I'm getting around to using it. Might not post much but It'll be nice to talk with all of you.
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