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Roberto L'Trombonist

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Everything posted by Roberto L'Trombonist

  1. Join Xehanort as he enters the world of Snoop Dogg in this installment of Kingdom Hearts: Interactive Meme Adventure!
  2. This is a really well thought out, organized, and entertaining podcast about KH news and speculation in general that you should check out. I found them not long ago and I think they deserve more attention than they get. The Seasalt Podcast. (they didn't tell me to write this, I just really enjoy their content) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf_0cyfF-Hj1lg7HBnUguew/videos
  3. This is my channel m8s https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZBTlmPyIEti3u0cQOEUkew
  4. This is a KH Interactive video I made. It's the first in a series, and it should take about 15-20 mins to complete. It stars Young Xehanort on his quest to become a Keyblade Master and conquer the Seven Lost Memes. "10/10" -IGN It also took several months to make so feedback is appreciated, thanks mates!
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