HIYA, I'm Jun, or wabi, call me whatever, i made a ep inspired (and sort of a remix of) Kingdom hearts. Nearly every song samples a song from Kh and uses samples from the game itself. The last two do not sample Kh songs though (idk why i put those on their tbh). orginally the first 3 songs were meant to be part of an entire album that 99% consist of sounds and samples from the KH series (1% is just bass and some drums). While i stopped half way from laziness i may pick the idea back up at some point since im a much better producer than i was last year (not saying much tbh) well enough rambling heres the EP
also here the original first single from the now on hiatus album, it has some samples and sounds you may reconize better than the other songs ( not sure why i didn't put this on the EP, silly me).
would love to see anyone else KH music too btw!!!!!