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About noiX

  • Birthday 09/11/1992

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  1. Yup, my name is Xion backwards for a reason She's my favorite character, I'll take Xion's theme any day of the week edit: I guess the next person just skip over me cuz I've already been done, unless you want to do my name again
  2. Not sure why you would, the way they worded that post makes it seem like we're gonna get a cool little treat to do with KH, nothing big most likely.
  3. since your name is catmaster, I guess the dream eater theme that plays when you open up the dream eater menu in DDD
  4. I also really like how they deal with "death" in the series, and I think you explained it perfectly.
  5. I never said you couldn't say what you felt like saying, in fact I actually said you could do that. I said it's not a good idea to go around and say something like it's FACT. We don't know anything going on at Square Enix.
  6. You can't say that things are facts, because things change, and once again we don't really know what Square is planning. You also can't say something is not going to happen because you have "facts" that's just as bad as the people who say, "Kingdom Hearts 3 is gonna have a trailer at the FF15 Event" because you both are saying things like it's fact. All we can do as the fans is patiently wait and believe things from the trailers and announcements from Square Enix. You're allowed to HOPE for KH3 in 2017, sure. You're also allowed to believe that KH3 will release in 2018 or later, but you can't go around saying that there's Noooo way that KH3 is going to release in 2017, and you also can't say that KH3 is definitely going to release in 2017. All we can do is wait for trailers and announcements, and of course a release date.
  7. We have no clue what is going to happen, don't make so many assumptions.
  8. Was just gonna say this, Namine barely knew Roxas really. Roxas and Xion is more believable, it seemed like innocent love between the two of them. But I think that the series is really just about friendship, but who knows what will happen in KH3.
  9. Next year is FF7's 20th Anniversary yes, but it's also the Kingdom Hearts SERIES 15th Anniversary, so you can't really say.
  10. Favorite: Xion, Roxas is close 2nd. Least favorite: I actually can't really think of a character I dislike
  11. Xion isn't gone? She's in Sora's heart, she has her own heart. She's also part of the group that needs to be saved, have you played the games? Roxas was told directly by Sora that he deserves to be his own person. Ansem the Wise stated that Sora has the power to bring back the hearts and existences of those lost, and then goes on to say "an empty puppet" and a couple other things, one of them also being "whether they sleep in the darkness of Sora's heart", Re:Coded's cinematic movie Namine shows everyone who Sora needs to save: Roxas, Axel, Namine, Xion, Terra, Aqua, Ventus. Sure, Roxas or Xion will probably not end up being lights, but they're going to be fighting for the side of light.
  12. They struggled to beat him when he had the power of his Kingdom Hearts, Sora trashed Xemnas without it, alone.
  13. Her voice acting has improved, there's more emotion too it, which is good.
  14. That would be cool, the Roxas, Xion, and Namine part. You would have to go through their stations of awakening and fight a boss or something, do something to unlock their hearts, maybe do something to mend their hurt and bring them back to the realm of light.
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