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Everything posted by Ventus-Skuld-Ephemera4Ever

  1. Or the main antagonist before the Xehanort saga , who knows? No, i don't think Luxu pretends to be MoM. Ava would call him MoM if he told her he wasn't Luxu ? Nope because "Why would he do another Keyblade war after seeing the first?"... that's the question! Edit : Except if he is a psychopath? Or because he think it's fun!(PSYCHOPATH! ) Okay, it's stupid "Xehanort want to see what happen after a Keyblade War." in short. Soooooo... Why did you think it's him again?
  2. Conclusion, Vulpes isn't the traitor because she found the traitor, Luxu, alias the 6th apprentice.
  3. It was anguis. (because i see a screenshot and it was her. i also found a theory with this screenshot but i can't find it anymore.) i don't know either why she was here! Isn't that creepy or something?
  4. I love this trio ;)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KHUndertaleFan25


      I still like your trio, though. It's cute.

    3. Ventus-Skuld-Ephemera4Ever


      Yeah, i love them so much!

      I will even start some Fanfiction with them, as Friends!(I already know what i'll write)

      But i can't use my computer in Holidays... I will miss them :'(

      (and you too! you're nice!)

    4. KHUndertaleFan25


      Hehe, that sounds cool.

      (Aw, thank you.)

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  5. You know... Tetsuya Nomura said in an interview: the man in the black coat is the "Master of Masters". (http://www.khdestiny.fr/news-1550-KH-HD-28-FCP-Interviews-de-Nomura-et-Yasue-E3-2016.html#4-nomura-famitsu) yeah, I know it's in french... but it's a proof! So, he can't be the 6th foreteller! (I think)
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