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Dagesh Lene

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  1. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to GaiWasabii in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    Saying it is worse than coded is quite the stretch in my personal opinion... 
    I think that the long wait may have blinded you from a more realistic game... It pretty much nailed most aspects of what it was trying to do which is extremely impressive not only for Nomura, but the company itself. 
    Square seems to always fall short whenever there is a lot of pressure on them, and they did not do so with this game. 
    Are there some disappointments? Of course. But saying it is worse than coded is like trying to argue that The Revenge of the Sith is worse than the Holiday Special... 
    Respectfully, Wasabii
  2. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to 2 quid is good in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    I wouldn't go this far. If I had to rank Kingdom Hearts 3 against all other games I would rank it second only to KH2. Not fm, vanilla KH2.
    Yes, KH3 does have its glaring issues, which are glaring for me because square have proven in previous games that they are capable of getting these right, so it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that they couldn't get it right in this instalment.
  3. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to ciel in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    The game has some issues, that's for sure, but... the worst ever? Even worse than coded? Really?
    I guess kinda exaggerated.
  4. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Heather Chandler in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    Not to add fuel to this fire, but isn't the gist of KH to be about Disney?
    Not an ad, exactly, but one of the main draws was always Disney worlds, characters, and events, or looking at film plots in different ways.
    I also 100% disagree on the worlds looking like empty stages, because the amount of NPC's in Twilight Town and Olympus were staggering, and the lack of them in other places made sense, as it was the middle of woods, or way out of the norm places no one would be, anyway. 
    Also, the lack of Final Fantasy people is understandable here, as most of them have had their stories conclude, and adding new one's like Lightning or Noctis would be jarring, and take away from the story. In that vein, how many times can we rehash Cloud/Seph, anyway? 
  5. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Tyranto Rex in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    I'm only about halfway through the game (but I do know some of the spoilers) so I don't know what my last thoughts are gonna be, but I think saying it's the worst KH game ever is quite a bit harsh. Like I know it's all opinion but dang. I have a lot of issues with it, as well as a lot of things I love about it, but I do have to say that overall it's better than the handheld games, like all of them. Even though I don't think it will replace KH2 for me (but that might be due to nostalgia I don't know). Like if you don't end up liking it, that's fine cause everyone has their opinions and I definately have grips with KH3 myself, but it's important to take a breather first and analyze. 
  6. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to sagman12PC in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    I disagree. The only thing that i dislike are the lack of final fantasy characters since Leon, Cloud, Yuffie, and Tifa were so integral to the story. Other than that the game was good. Also not having 99 saves sucks (i'll keep saying it)
  7. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to DemyxIsBest in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    Ok I get KH3 is far from perfect but saying it’s worse than a game made for mobile that is 99% complete filler is bait and you know it.
  8. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to VocaloidLover13 in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    This post is a joke. You only know how to complain? KH3 has negative and positive points. Every game has. It isn't because it is not perfect that you need to trash it. It is funny how people only know to complain instead praising the good things. And this game has A LOT of great things.
    Worse than Coded? Your opinion seems extremely strange, I've got to tell you. 
    If only you talked both about the GOOD and BAD things, it'll be okay. But...seriously, even most of your "points" are sooo unreasonable. You're even complaining about voice actors. Are you some kind of troll? How can a voice actor make you dislike a game, wtf
  9. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Merilly in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    I can't and won't tell you to think differently but saying you feel like you were betrayed is heavily exaggerated and not reasonable. If anything can be betrayed, it's your own expectations of what the perfect conclusion should have looked like but quite frankly, that's no betrayal. You are free to dislike it and criticize it as I have seen plenty of others do, but claiming this feels like a betrayal is exactly the reason why some outside the fandom think the fans indulge in a huge sense of entitlement.
    As I said, I have nothing against people criticizing and hating the decisions they made. It's impossible to like everything and seeing the game through a thick layer of pure fanatism isn't healthy either. But let's not act like we have any say in the matter of how it should have played out. We can be disappointed or frustrated but as some said, many years of expectations are bound to backlash because by now, we all have had expectations of some sort, be they high or low.
    I don't want to say something to every point but rather generalize something. Like others said before, after years of predictions it made sense the game would be fairly predictable. If you want to see that as a negative aspect, be my guest, but I don't see much value in incorporating shocking plot twists just for the sake of being shocking, not because they actually make sense in the end.
    As for the people who are so intent on having their favorite pairing confirmed by bold declarations of love: Nomura said in an interview years ago that this series is primarily about friendship. It's the main topic. Ship whoever you like but suddenly trying to determine the worth of the game based on whether character x kisses character y in a game that clearly has a different focus than a sloppily written romance is simply not understandable for me and shouldn't even be part of any list on why the game is bad. Not when romance outside of the Disney universe has never been such a huge deal in Kingdom Hearts. That's something I believe should be left to the imagination of the individual player.
    I'm not saying you don't have some valid points. Some are fine to criticize or even show some anger about. It's just that I feel some criticism is worded in a way that makes little sense, especially when comparing it to previous entries. For example, it's fine to criticize a lack of socializing or empty areas as a whole but it's not like all other KH games did not suffer from the same issues, hence not making KH3 worse than any other game in the franchise and making a comparison in those aspects impossible. KH2 has just as many empty areas as KH3 does, if not more. Outside of SDG, there's not a lot of out-of-context socializing done throughout the games for any of the original characters. I also wish for more in that area, the criticism is certainly legitimate, but KH3 is not any worse in that aspect than the other games.
  10. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Smithee in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    IMO -- the gameplay and the Disney stuff are pretty enjoyable, but the Square/main stuff is definitely a mixed bag (quite a few parts are indeed BS).
  11. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Goyan-Tanuki in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    I acknowledge this game is gonna be decisive with how some design decisions and even story ones were made. But to me overall I would say it.s right behind KH2 for me now.
  12. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Endless Thundaga in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    Hey man, you do you. I personally heavily disagree. I think it’s as good, or slightly better than Kingdom Hearts II.

  13. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Joanie in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    The only things I didn't like were the small size of Twilight Town,
    which I was completely surprised at and loved.
    The rest of your list I just completely disagree with. But that's just your opinion I guess.
    and the mobile game isn't horrible. It's tolerable at least.
  14. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to sorakm in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    well that's a very personal opinion for sure.

  15. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Karxrida in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    I have some gripes with III but it's not the worst lol. I'd actually argue it's one of the best games in the franchise since both the combat and story are done well (or at least done decentish for combat).
    Plus Dream Drop Distance still exists.
  16. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to fox_fighter in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    I honestly 100% disagree

  17. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Dio Brando in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    I heavily HEAVILY disagree and I'm like one of the harshest critics of the series on this site.
    There is more effort put into 3 than any of the handheld KH games,it is more accessible to boot despite the plot jargin and the combat,while not as good as KH2,is still a lot of fun especially boss battles
    As someone who's been accused of being a "hater" and as someone who dropped the series after DDD,I can definitely say that for me KH3 was a pleasant surprise...tho I wont deny that my low expectations helped a bit
  18. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Aile in This is the worst Kingdom Hearts game ever made. Even worse than Coded.   
    Ok, that is your opinion I guess? I disagree
  19. Like
    Dagesh Lene got a reaction from SweetYetSalty in What Kingdom Hearts game have you played through the most?   
    I'm not entirely sure, but I think I've played through Birth by Sleep the most.  We'll have to see if that changes once I get my hands on Kingdom Hearts III.
  20. Like
    Dagesh Lene got a reaction from Kittenz in A Problem In KH3 Reviews That isn't A Real Problem (No Spoilers)   
    I can understand how these things may be concerning, but I think the fact that, despite these flaws, the game is still receiving great reviews shows that these flaws did not break the game or make it unenjoyable.  Because of that, I'm not too worried about them.  I also think that it is really cool that we have the option to turn off some of these features if we don't want to use them.  While I suppose that wanting to turn them off could be viewed as a bad thing since that could mean that they aren't that good, at least we have the option to do so to customize our style of play so that we can play the way we want to and get the most enjoyment out of it.  That's how I see it anyway.
  21. Like
    Dagesh Lene got a reaction from teh lazy prince Xylek in What is the most memorable boss fight?   
    Memorable is a lot different than best or favorite.  For me, even though the World of Chaos from Kingdom Hearts 1 is my favorite boss fight in the entire series, the most memorable boss fight has to be the final boss fight against Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts II.  Since Kingdom Hearts II was my first Kingdom Hearts game, the entire ending is really memorable to me, especially since this was the first time I was introduced to multiple phases for a final boss fight.  I kept thinking it was over, but it just kept going, and I had to start all over again if I lost.  It was so frustrating, but it felt so good when I defeated him and saw what I consider one of the happiest endings of all time.  Plus, that final attack that Xemnas does makes this fight impossible to not be memorable.
  22. Like
    Dagesh Lene reacted to Mykaila Shakespeare in What is the most memorable boss fight?   
    As much as I love the Xemnas battles, Ansem's fight was memorable simply because.....well, back in the day when you die a lot, you deal with no skip button. So of course itnwas memorable because I was forced to remember it ROFL That being said, the boss deign is so unique and truly out of this world you forget it was a Disney game, despite Donald and Goofy being by your side during the fight. I remember learning the number of times he moves his spear, I even was incredibly intimated by the ship-monster thing he controls. I could go on and on with what my brain knows from that traumatizing time ROFL In the end, I was eventually victorious and earned to watch his defeat. 
  23. Haha
    Dagesh Lene got a reaction from Doco56 in More footage from Kingdom Hearts III Tokyo Skytree event reveals new scenes and orchestra version of Chikai   
    I feel the same way!  I feel like it should have been obvious since there were orchestra versions for the theme songs of Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, but for some reason, I didn't even think about there being one for the theme song of Kingdom Hearts III.  I'm so happy that there is, though!  It sounds so good!  Plus, I'm a sucker for orchestral music.
  24. Like
    Dagesh Lene got a reaction from Kittenz in My Final Prediction for the Guardians of Light and Seekers of Darkness [Potential Spoilers]   
    I think that they will each have their own boss fight.  It might not be during the final battle, but I do think that we will get to fight each of them at least once during the game.  Maybe it will be like in Kingdom Hearts II where we fought some of them in other worlds, and then the remaining ones were fought one after the other right at the end of the game.
  25. Like
    Dagesh Lene got a reaction from loamrangercosplay in Which KH game has the best final boss sequence?   
    While I think that overall, the final boss to Kingdom Hearts II was the best, the final boss to Kingdom Hearts 1 is my favorite.  I just love the fact that you get to destroy a giant living spaceship piece by piece.  Even though it wasn't the most challenging final boss, I found it to not only be the most fun final boss, but also the most fun boss in the entire series.
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