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Ha Zweiokopf

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Everything posted by Ha Zweiokopf

  1. The most likely thing going through my head right now is, that the MoM locked something away from himself, shattering the only key into 20 pieces (13 of darkness, 7 of light). To unlock it one must use all pieces alone or the combined ones in form of the X blade. What's inside though? I don't know, could be anything with relevance: 1. The X Blade itself 2. The MoM/His Heart 3. Kingdom Hearts 4. A Lost page/Book of prophecies Really I don't think we can guess this right now, all I can tell that I am 100% sure that the Master of Masters name is "Super" or some form of superbia, like I said in a theory months ago. With this name now standing on the sigil on the chest, I am sure that's the MoM name. Second thing I am sure of is, that the MoM is being represented by a lion and that you need 13 pieces of darkness and 7 of light to unlock the chest. What's inside though is pure speculation.
  2. Hey guys, so some time ago I posted this theory: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/99011-kingdom-hearts-theory-the-master-of-masters-is-vanitas/ In short: The Master of Master is being represented by the Lion and the deadly sin of pride (latin = superbia). As I've mentioned in the theory, the foretellers, Luxu and the Master of Masters are based on the seven deadly sins. 6 out of the 7 deadly sins were already put into KHX, so the only one remaining was pride - superbia. In the Final 2.8 Trailer you can see a box. I think it clearly reads X Super. X - Super perfectly connects to the name of the Master of Masters. Plus the inner of the Sigil looks like it could fit a Lion perfectly. The next thing I noticed is that there's 13 spikes and 7 pieces inside the sigil: I think it's pretty possible now that my theory about the name of the MoM is right. Also I think the sigil was made to lock away something really strong. Either the MoM locked away his own heart explaining why he disappears or he locks away the X Blade with this and you need the 7 pieces (of light) for the Middle and 13 pieces (of darkness) for the locks outside to free it. Maybe it's both and the MoM is strongly connected to the X Blade or Kingdom Hearts itself. Really interesting stuff, but I don't have enough time to go in deep like I usually do when I see something like this. Wanted to share it no matter what, I hope we can discuss it a little, here's the pictures I made of it to see the stuff: http://imgur.com/gallery/fzj0i
  3. Yeah it's funny how you joke about something, but when you actually think about it and start digging behind the scenes, it's scary how realistic it could be
  4. So I was wondering which anime to watch next and I came across Fullmetal Alchemist. Theres the normal one and brotherhood. As far as I understood you can watch brotherhood without knowing the other one, is that correct?
  5. It could, this has still to be seen. Some people think that Ventus might be a dandelion who slept in the Realm of Unchained. If that's the case, The Master of Masters Vanitas could have gone sleeping into his heart similar to what Ventus does with Sora. This would be a way they could be the same person. However, I think it will at least be that he got named Vanitas after the MoM.
  6. UPDATE POST Hey guys, I am here to post a little update on Skuld today! I have done a little more digging into her (that sounds weird, no pun intended) name and I have found some new little things I would like to share here. Like I said, Skuld is named after one of the 3 norns from norse mythology. These stand for past, present (Ephemera) and future (Skuld). However, Skuld doesn't simply mean future, but rather destiny. It means the future that has to happen because of the things that have happened. I found this very interesting and looked up the Kanji for it. The Kanji for Destiny is "Shukumei" and means future that is determined before birth (look here). The first part of スクルド (Kanji for Skuld) also has the starting of Shukumei in it. I think this just perfectly fits the Kingdom Hearts world and theme of destiny that is going on there. This is exactly what is going on with young xehanort who follows his destiny and also with the "darkness will prevail and the light expire" thing in KHX. Thought it would be interessting, greetings guys.
  7. You are really trying to tell me obvious stuff? I think everybody knows the timeline of the games and what happened in them. What this is trying to proove is that throught some sort of connection, Vanitas and the Master of Masters have something in common. Maybe it's just the name and it could be that the Master of Masters has nothing at all to do with the Vanitas that we know. But Xehanorts Master seems to have knowledge about the events that happened in KHX, he told Xehanort about it, the Keyblade war, the foretellers and perhaps, the name of the MoM. In honor of the MoM, Xehanort named the being of pure darkness he extracted out of Ventus after the MoM, Vanitas.
  8. Nice words and you actually speak the truth. The reason why I am hyped for KH3 at the moment is, because we are getting KH2.8. I know that sounds weird, but let me explain. Since KH0.2 will be very close to the graphics and combat of KH3 and both KH3D & KHXBackcover are going to connect to KH3 this games makes me hyped about KH3 because I know once I have finished 0.2 I want to have more since it will not be enough to satisfy my thirst for some Next Gen KH Gameplay
  9. Yeah why did they take Exeggutor? Tropius would have been the much better choice for such a design I think. This Form of Eggy looks horrible
  10. I really like your ideas and here are some of my thoughts on it: 1. I also think we will get some form of trailer, San Fransokyo is very likely I think, and maybe we will see a completely new world, where we could speculate some days on what world it may be before they tell us. I guess this would be fun. Also I would love to see Riku, Kairi and Xehanort in their KHIII renders, I think they would just look absolutely cool. 2. I don't know about a story trailer. When it comes to these, I don't really want to see too much story before playing the game myself. I really want it all to be fresh and new when I see it the first time. If they are going to show us something, I hope it's only something minor, maybe some disney world plot that doesn't matter that much in the big picture. 3. I don't think we will get the release date. And I also don't think that KHIII is coming in 2017, even if there's some things hinting towards it. I guess March 2018 will be the time we get the game, hopefully I am wrong 4. Treasure Planet was one of my favourite movies when I was a little boy, so I would absoluteley love that! There's just so much potential for possible world designs and stuff like this, I really want to see this come true. Also other worlds on my wishlist are: Atlantica (where we're actually on land when Arielle becomes legs and wants to reunite with Eric), Jungle Book (one of my favourite movies as a kid), Wreck it Ralph (I think this could work greatly taking the datascape into consideration) and last but not least, my all time favourite the lions king. 5. UTADA HIKARU THEME SONG OMGGGG!!!!!!111111eleven Ok sorry for freaking out, but I would absolutely going to jump on a mountain if that happens. Announcing that Utada Hikaru is back making the music for KHIII would just kill it. Along with that, play the KHIII version of Dearly Beloved or something to us *__* 6. Kingdom Hearts 3: Unchained I would call it. I can see this event happening. You can see they're going a similar route with FF15 and KH3 so far, they give both games a movie to release before the game (X Backcover // Kingsglaive) and I would love to see them giving the dieheart fans the pure fanservice event like they did with FF15. I wasn't even caring for FF15, but after watching this event I was totally hyped and instantly preordered it. I can't imagine what I would've done if I actually cared about the game before this event. They could showstuff like: a) Utada Hikaru & Theme song b) Cover Art for KH3 c) Special KH3 demo where you get to play as Kairi that is not available in the game itself d) Gameplay Trailer e) Story Trailer f) Special Edition & Collectors Edition g) Release Date So you see there would be enough things to show us that would be absolutely insane Greetings, DommeUG
  11. Hmm I thought about it again. Like I said that was a spontaneous idea I had yesterday and I just gave it a little thought. After rewatching all these scenes and hearing what HMK said on the topic, I felt there must have been something similar that has happened to Riku. I guess it's still possible that he sought out for other worlds because he once was (kind of) a vessel for Xehanort when he got possesed by Ansem. However, I have to agree with you guys that it kind of would take away his developement as a character that has mastered the balance between light and darkness.
  12. Yes I can kind of understand your thinking, which is why I am not sure if it's really Xehanort himself who is behind this, or if it's kind of the next enemy after the Xehanort Saga. Young Xehanort said it himself, that Master Xehanorts Weapon is the most ancient one and that it is a will passed down. This will, after Xehanorts defeat will need a new Vessel, where Riku could be a candidate. Also it's never stated that Riku is resistant/immune to the darkness, that's just a common thing that people misunderstand. And yes I understand where you come from, since Young Xehanort mentions in one sentence that he buld kind of a resistance, but what young xehanort doesn't know is that right before this, Riku says "Accepting the darkness and return it to the light" when talking to Ansem SoD. Yes Riku knows how to handle darkness and how to use it, but because he uses it he cannot be immune to it, that makes no sense at all. Using it he proofs that he has darkness in his heart, he just can control it. But that also means, that Xehanort has the darkness in Rikus heart which is needed. Terra too could control and use the darkness, Xehanort just happened to be stronger than Terra, and I am sure that he would also be stronger than Riku when it comes to fight over his body. Riku might have overcome the possesion by Ansem, but not alone since Sora beat the hell out of him. And Xehanort as a complete being will be stronger than Ansem. And still being influenced to see other worlds doesn't make a little kid not be afraid of the darkness. It was his heart that didn't fear the darkness at all and this I think is because it already knew that this was the path destined for it. Another spin on this theory could be, that when he was shown his destined path as a Xehanort vessel, Sora was not taken into consideration (which was why Xehanort had to replan). So he knew his path, went down the path of darkness, became possesed by Ansem (so kind of was a Vessel) but then the Sora-Factor came into play with which Xehanort didn't plan because Sora wasn't meant to get a keyblade in the first place. That ruined the plan, Ansem, Xemnas and so on got defeated and they had to rebuilt the 13 darknesses.
  13. Riku says that he didn't start thinking about there being other worlds until Kairi came from another world. I think that this could be a catalyst that pushed his heart to lead him stronger into his destined path. Since I still think it's a little weird that just because of Kairi and Terra's visit he's not at all afraid of all this darkness when Sora clearly is feared and tries to stop Riku being swallowed into darkness. So what I mean is that Kairi/Terra acted as a starting point for his heart to lead him onto the path that was branded into his heart.
  14. DISCLAIMER: This is a theory and speculation thread. There will be ideas that some people might disagree with. Also I don't claim all the ideas to be my own. If I use other ideas or if other theories inspired mine, I will credit the person that inspired me. That said, I hope you enjoy my theory today. Hey guys, this will be a theory on something that literally just hit my brain and I need to get this out. Because I just got this idea, I am sure it's still far off from being finalized, but I will work on it if you want me to expand on this theory. This theory was inspired by HMK's video about his theory "Xemnas hidden desires". In this theory, he talks about how the heart will lead someone to his destined path, even if they don't have any memories on it. >> How does this work? Young Xehanort, after being brought to the current time and experiencing everything that is destined to happen to him, must leave to go back to his own timeline again. In this process he will lose all of his memories. However, the experience isn't lost and is stored into his heart. The heart will then go on to guide him to become the Master Xehanort we know today. He says, that this will be the reason why he will seek to leave his home world to see other worlds. This immediately reminded me of Riku. He starts talking about other worlds and seeking out for them, kind of to the point where he seems a little possesed by it in KH1. The idea then came to my mind, what if he acts like that because of the same reason Young Xehanort did? The Riku we know was being brought to the future by his former self, experienced what was destined for him and then was brought back to Destiny Islands where he then started to seek out for other worlds. This future self would be possesed by Xehanort or what maybe posseses Xehanort himself (maybe the will that got passed down from Luxu's Keyblade). This would explain why Riku, a young kid isn't suprised at all why Destiny Islands, he and his friends are being swallowed by darkness. It would explain why Riku doesn't fear darkness at all, because he knows that this is the path that was chosen for him, his heart leads him there. There's actually a lot of indications that show how similar Riku and Young Xehanort behave on Destiny Islands. Here's the scenes: YX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDUK-EkZNE8 Riku (4:05): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp9xXn0lWn4 7:50: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6nndsHgguo&index=3&list=PLpFNY7sA7iAMJx0aUYOveP_aBUY13HlTf Riku/Ansem(4:57): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AQURh-rlAk&list=PLpFNY7sA7iAMJx0aUYOveP_aBUY13HlTf&index=39
  15. Oh I am sorry if I made you blush, sorry, sorry, sorry Didn't mean to do that but you have to admit, you're the person with the most posts I saw since I am here, 410 times as much as I do So yeah I would say you're legendary I guess we both earned some compliments for what we do/have done I am also really interessted in Ventus and how he fit's into the whole picture. Even thought we have a whole game around him, Aqua and Terra, we don't really have any backstory of him other than Xehanort trained him for some reason. Nothing about where he found him and stuff like you said. On the other side, if Ventus is one of the dandelions, this kind of makes rebirth theory impossible. Really interesting topic here. I am really hyped for 2.8, and thats most for X Backcover because I think that this will reveal the most storywise and will lead to many new theories and some old ones will be confirmed or denied. This is the part that interest me the most. After that comes KH 0.2, not storywise but rather for finally getting my hands on Kingdom Hearts 3 gameplay. Yes I have some exams to finish, but in 3 weeks I think I will have enough time to start something like a weekly series. Your DommeUG
  16. Wow to hear something like that from a member that's such a big and long part of this forum is amazing! Thank you! Comparing me to Nomura thought is like a slap in his face I think To Ventus I thought the same! Why should he be on this artwork if he's not connected to Ephemera and Skuld? Since it's clearly an artwork of two trios that belong together. I also think he somehow belongs to them, him being a dandelion would make sense. We don't really know much about the realm of unchained were they've been sent to. It could be that time flows extremely slow or not at all there or something like that. This would explain how they come to the timeperiod of KH3 without getting old/die. I love to make people think with my theories since I think that's the main purpose for these theories. In the end, we might end up with a lot of ideas and theories which contain a little bit of thruth and we can say that we kind of called it I really like speculating and there's always new ideas coming to my mind. I am thinking about maybe doing a weekly series on a topic people can vote about Yeah I also doubt it will happen like that. What I am sure of thought, is that Vanitas will be the Master of Masters, even if his name in Backcover will be "Superb(ia)/Perbia" or something like that.
  17. I don't think the X stands for him being a nobody or a connection to Xehanort. The foretellers names + Luxus name origin from the latin words for the 7 deadly sins which are as follows: 1. Superbia ---> Master ??? // Pride 2. Avaritia ---> Master Ava // Greed 3. Ira ---> Master Ira // Wrath 4. Gula ---> Master Gula // Gluttony 5. Invidia ---> Master Invi // Envy 6. Acedia ---> Master Aced // Sloth 7. Luxuria ---> "Master" Luxu // Luxury However it could still be a nobody of course and the names just origin from the latin words, but i still don't think so.
  18. The thing with the insta-page is embaressing, sorry I got to this site some time back through the original twitter page so I thought all the time it was their insta ccount lol. Thanks for clearing this up! And like I said I agree with you that the whole part of how it can happen is completely made up by me and I am not the best story teller, otherwise I would probably work for SE or someone like them I am not too happy with it myself but I really could't find a way on how this might work exactly otherwise. I tried to look at it step after step to avoid logical issues within the made up stuff itself. Also they said that after KH3, we would still be playing with Sora in another Saga, when the Xehanort Saga has come to an end. Therefore I think they are going to introduce the next villain in the end of KH3, maybe just hint at him or showing us a little "secret trailer" like in the other games. And I don't think that the next villain will be someone completely new. It will be a character we know of, I am sure of that. I can see why people want a completely new one, but I just can't see it. In KH all characters are so involved and connected to each other, that we will have some sort of connection as well to the new villain. If Vanitas really goes back to the ancient times of the first war, I think there's a big chance he will play some bigger role in the future since he hasn't had a big role yet. Btw I love how the people in this forum can discuss objectively and argue, really enjoy that over e.g. reddit Your DommeUG
  19. Yes I agree with you that the part on how this could have happened is pretty convoluted! And I also know that the X-Blade was not man made and it was never said to be wielded by anyone. And I think there was some misunderstanding, I didn't (want) to say that the MoM forged the X-Blade, I was trying to make the point that he could've been it's wielder. Also in order to forge the first Keyblades in the picture of the X-Blade, he must've seen it atleast since otherwise why would he make Keyblades to begin with The other thing is that I know the explanation for Vanitas looking like Sora, I think I also mentioned the original version in my theory, if not I should add it. My point was trying to say: "What if... Nomura e.g. did not tell the whole truth?" Kind of the same answer for you I was trying to think about possabilities on how to connect Vanitas to that ancient time. If you try for yourself, that's pretty hard to do without stretches and since I am sure there's going to be a connection, I wonder how Nomura will explain it. Another interessting thing that popped up 4 hours ago on the original Kingdom Hearts Instagram account is this picture: Since the picture doesn't work correctly, here's the screenshot I made: http://prnt.sc/bzdqhm You can also simply look it up on the official Instagram account, I'm sure you'll find it. https://www.instagram.com/kingdomhearts_official/ Why in the world are they asking: "Who is this mysterious man?" when everybody is pretty sure of who he really is? Like I said this post was made after I posted my theory, otherwise I woul of have taken it into my theory as a little hint that something is not like we thought it was about Vanitas. Thank you! But I am still working on it. I love people giving me critic so maybe we can find out togheter what would be more logical. All help is welcome! For Robbies point read my answers above And something to mention for the whole theory: I am not really sure for myself on how Vanitas could be linked to the MoM, but I am pretty damn sure that he is. How would you guys say their connection is? Maybe some ideas I didn't think of could help out here. Your DommeUG
  20. Kingdom Hearts Theory: The Master of Masters is Vanitas! Hey guys, this is not my first theory and I am planning on doing a mini forum series maybe depending on how you guys like these Theories. Something to note is that I am not native to the english language so please excuse me for mistakes. Also I want you to have a look at another thread of mine where I am discussing symbolism in Kingom Hearts in general: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/98933-symbols-in-the-book-of-prophecies/ I will keep the thread above updated and already have some updates to make for the symbols I asked about. Also a lot of my theory ideas come from this research that I did there. Please enjoy! · Claim: Vanitas is the Master of Masters Who is Vanitas? · Vanitas is a character in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep who wasn’t born normally. Instead, Master Xehanort had a pupil called Ventus who had a heart mixed with light and darkness. He was afraid to release it to control the heartless so Master Xehanort extracted the darkness inside him and gave it a body. This body was called „Vanitas“. What does his name mean? · Vanitas comes from the latin word for „vanity“ (lat. Vanitas). It means „emptiness“ in the first place. However, another word for Vanitas is Superbia. Superbia can be translated to „pride“. Who is the Master of Masters? · The MoM is he first guy to ever own a keyblade. He had 6 pupils. He granted 5 of them a book that predicted the future, the book of prophecies. However, the 6th apprentice did not get a copy of that book. These 5 were known as the Foretellers. Who are the Foretellers? · The Foretellers are 5 pupils of the MoM that got handed a book of prophecies. The book said that the world was going to end and be swallowed by darkness. So the 5 set out to create unions to gather Lux in order to prevent the darkness from winning. They created 5 Unions: § Anguis § Leopardos § Unicornis § Ursus § Vulpes How are the Foretellers, the 6th apprentice, the MoM and Vanitas related? · The foreteller’s names are based on the 7 deadly sins and their representive animals from the ancrene wise 1. Anguis // Master Invi // Invidia // Envy 2. Leopardos // Master Gula // Gula // Gluttony 3. Vulpes // Master Ava // Avaritia // Greed 4. Ursus // Master Aced // Acedia // Sloth 5. Unicornis // Master Ira // Ira // Wrath 6. 6th Apprentice // Master Luxu // Luxuria // Luxury 7. Master of Masters // Master ??? // Superbia // Pride So the one missing puzzle piece to complete the 7 deadly sins is Superbia, the Pride. It is said that he is the leader over all other deadly sins, This fits perfectly since we’re talking about the Master of Masters. If the game follows the naming, the master will probably be called Superb or Perbia. However, as I mentioned earlier, Superbia can also be translated in latin into Vanitas. Where do we know that from? Right! It’s the dark half of Ventus heart. But now you want to know of course why and how? Let’s first look onto the “why?”: So why should Vanitas be the one big guy behind everything? Well there’s some things that would aim to this direction as well. · Xehanort in BBS wields the keyblade of Luxu, the 6th apprentice of the MoM, making him connected to Luxu rather than the MoM · In the end ob BBS, Vanitas is the one being granted the X-Blade which is said to be the original Keyblade all other Keyblades were formed afer (the MoM was the one creating the first Keyblade, so he might as well have been the weilder of the X-Blade) · Vanitas saying in the end that “This X-Blade will open a door – one that leads to all worlds. Then, Keyblade bearing warriors will flock here from each and every one of them…” What he is referring to are the dandelions that got sent into the realm of unchained to wait until the Keyblade war was over. Thought they do not have any power over this realm so they need to wait until someone frees them from there. Ava, who sent them there is likely to be dead since the first Keyblade war. So where from does Vanitas have the knowledge over this and claims to have the power to control/access this realm? Now that we have some good pints as for why he would be the MoM over Xehanort, let’s look at the “how?”: · Originally we thought, that Vanitas looks like Sora because at the start of BBS, Ventus’ heart went to Soras to search for protection and healing. But what if that is only half true? There could be a longer connection that goes as follows: § In the ancient times of the foretellers, the Master of Masters was named Vanitas. He created the book of prophecies and handed it to the foretellers. § This being was the origin of both, Vanitas and Sora as we know them today § At one point, with no way out because the war of his pupils came closer and closer, the darker half thought it was too weak with the light part being inside of it. The MoM split himself up into a part of light and a part of darkness. § Doing so also destroyed his weapon, the X-Blade leaving him unable to keep balance between light and darkness. This destroyed him as well and he needed to search for a heart to heal him. He chose Gula’s heart to be the chosen one. § Both parts healed inside Gula. The Keyblade War happened, but without the MoM and the X-Blade to keep the worlds in balance, darkness prevails and the light expires. § All foretellers and other warriors were killed in the war and their hearts returned into Kingdom Hearts. The dark part of the MoM takes the first Keyblade he created, the Keyblade of Luxu. § The only light to survive the war were some kids inside of each world. They started to heal the worlds with their light, rebuilding them. The dark MoM goes on to live, changing bodies from time to time when it’s needed. § The MoM light part resided inside of Kingdom Heart, waiting for his rebirth alongside the other foretellers. That day eventually comes and they are all alive again at the same time. § It turns out, that Sora is the light part of the MoM with a bit of darkness he absorbed when connected to Gula. Gula was reborn as Ventus, Invi as Aqua, Aced as Terra, Ira as Riku, Ava as Kairi. Luxus reborn name is unkown so far. § Now the events of BBS start. To start, the dark part of the MoM has lived for so long and was so swallowed up by darkness, he finally found a heart that was strong enough to let him heal inside: Ventus § Ventus becomes the pupil of Master Xehanort (maybe the reborn Luxu?), gets his darkness split away from him and boom Vanitas is back, but not at full power. § This is also why the X-Blade couldn’t forge correctly in BBS. It wasn’t the full parts of the MoM fighting each other. Ventus only had a small part of the light part inside of him. Xehanorts misinterpretes this and thinks that there need to be a clash between all 13 darknesses and all 7 lights. § Later on, when Sora becomes a heartless and Roxas comes into existence, that’s the real reason why Roxas looks like Ventus. Because Sora/the MoM’s heart resided inside of him for a short amount of time, not the other way around. Because otherwise it would be more logical if Roxas would look like Sora, but he didn’t. He looks like Ventus, because that was the only darkness he had inside him. § And this is also the reason why Vanitas looks like Sora. Not because he got that look in the moment of the split, but because he looked similar to that centuries ago when he was the age of Ventus. Yes, I agree, the “how?” part is pretty wild, but think about it. Vanitas is the one being granted the X-Blade, the way Vanitas and Roxas are looking makes much more sense like this (because why in the world would Sora’s Nobody look like someone who was maybe 1% or at best 10% of his heart?), Vanitas being a synonym for Superbia in latin, meaning he fits the deadly sins leader theme 100% (Sora also being a Lion, he looks like Sora, Lion representing Pride/Superbia) and last but not least Vanitas Heart reacting to Soras heart in KH3D. Overall I think that it’s pretty likely THAT Vanitas will be the Master of Masters. Even if, in the beginning we might not know because they could also call him Superb/Perbia to keep the naming according to Wikipedia names for the deadly sins. I am sure it will turn out that it is infact Vanitas. I could see it happen totally different thought, that was just the most plausible way how it could happen for me. Your DommeUG
  21. Yes I can see that being his character. Superbia also means being superior which perfectly fits him being the MoM. Yeah what I meant is that I don't think it has anything to do with the father, mother & son meaning. The Symbol standing for past, present, future and earth, water, air is way more indicating and relevant I think.
  22. The fish is a symbol for jesus. The only connection I can draw is that the sky sometimes symbolises a "Creator" which would fit here. So the fish could stand for Sora. That's only vague thought. I will put up the symbolic meanings of the blank spots sometime tomorrow.
  23. Yes I agree with you on that, I just wanted to mention the parents thing it for completion. It could also just be coincidence because you could also argue then that Terra & Aqua are parents to Ventus wich is obviously bullshit. Well not completely, at least they fullfil a similar role to that for Ventus. As for the time difference: I wouldn't be so sure about that. We saw in the latest update of KHX something that might be a vision of the future showing the second Keyblade war and the Avatar of the player is in it. Since it's the purpose of the dandelions surviving beyond the keyblade war in the realm of unchained, I would guess that it's at least possible since we don't know if or how time works in this realm. Could be extremely slow or not moving forward at all (we've seen a lot when it comes to different time mechanics like the time travel or what happens to Aqua in the realm of darkness). Since we don't know that it's possible, but we cannot take that as a fact so we don't have an actual clue. Also it seems that only Ava or the Foretellers have enough power to bring someone in or out of this realm and since they are most likely all going to die in the first Keyblade War, the dandelions should be stuck there until someone with the power to release them comes along. I would guess that someone who's strong enough might be Xehanort, Eraqus, their master, Yen Sid (he can sent people to the realm of sleep), the princesses of heart (there could be some way that they can togheter open the door to other realms) or Sora (since he can connect to so many people, is the Main Char and in general has so many abilities he shouldn't have had in the first place). All that said thought, this is all speculative, but I want to explore what's possible and what's not and I think that there's multiple ways for Xehanort to be connected to Ephemera/Skuld.
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