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About Autophobia

  • Birthday 03/10/1998

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  • Member Title
    Key of Destiny
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  1. 8/29/16

    1. Exiblade7


      may I ask what it means?

  2. Hey! Just wanted to say that I adore your profile picture. I am a /huge/ Assassin's Creed fan.

    1. Kab4002


      Thank you. Yeah i love Assassin's creed too :D

  3. Happy AkuRoku Day.

    1. RikuFangirl2008
    2. VisitJoan


      Thanks for reminding me. Not. ;)

    3. Autophobia


      You're very..not welcome. Ehehe. c;

  4. Hello there, and welcome!
  5. My heart..it's being torn in two.Either Roxas or Axel.More than likely, I would choose Axel, since I am basically Roxas..but still. It hurts. Ouch.*sweeps up pieces of shattered heart and throws it into the trash*
  6. Thanks for the add, if you want to have a talk with me, my inbox, is open 24/7

    1. Autophobia


      You're very welcome! And okay! Same to you. c:

  7. I don't have a smart phone and therefore cannot play it. But I'm okay with that.
  8. Awesome! You're lucky..and no pressure. Once I think of a plot and what characters are gonna be in it and whatnot, then I could start thinking of lines I guess. I've never done anything like this before so I am stressing out over every little thing..but then again, I always overthink everything.
  9. Yay! c:Same here. I wanna do it, but I doubt I would be good at it.
  10. So..yeah. It's going to hafta do with the Legend of Zelda; still don't have a name for it or a plot. Imma need ideas for them.. Oh, and voice actors. Imma need those, too. Is anyone interested..?
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