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Dustin Newton

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Everything posted by Dustin Newton

  1. It's cool and i was originally super hyped for it. But there is literally no point in me downloading it because i only want one pokémon and would stop playing immediately after catching one.
  2. i like (not really) how every one assumes that there is only one black coat. When it really wouldn't be that hard to make another one (it's also smart to make another one). What if it's just what the master wanted his apprentices to wear? Now that 5 of them are foretellers, they don't have to wear it. Yeah it's possible that 6th took over the MoM, but the MoM doing it to the last apprentice is stretching it pretty far given that he cares for his students. Essentially wiping one from existence doesn't quite fit.
  3. I ride the roughest rides once, then never go to that park again unless i have no choice.
  4. i don't know whether to say "finally!" or "please, don't go!"....
  5. my older sister's name is Kiana, she found some stuff. Weird
  6. you might have been booted from the server, most common reason-it realizes you aren't in japan
  7. Let's be glad translation was that close though. It could have ended up as Ephemela
  8. It's based on a two week period, assuming that a month will only take up four weeks. so in truth it's every two thursdays, what month that thursday falls in doesnt really matter.
  9. None of these encounters would really help Sora grow. Him learning the truth of the Underdrome would literally change nothing, especially since it played a part in the gods recognizing him as a hero. Sora being inexperienced and innocent wont change because he meets some one who is the same way, that just doesn't make sense. Sora is pretty assertive as it is, but he is also forgiving to people who deserve it. Axel apologized and made up for his kidnapping Kairi incident, so that was a horrible example.
  10. i don't think Xion will do anything major. it wont make sense for her to fight because she is no where near as powerful as Xehanort. It's bad enough that her return would tarnish what her character's purpose, it would be a waste to bring her in just to die again or become damsel in distress trope. That's only if she returns with power
  11. this looks like a harder difficulty version. like you can go back and do the missions for a challenge and better rewards. so the interface turns red when you switch the difficulty
  12. there would be a lot of pureblood heartless here.
  13. Vexen in chain of memories/re:chain of memories. i just hate fighting vexen and his voice
  14. Jecht, it's Tidus's dad it would be a cool and easy-to-setup moment. Plus, it would be an opportunity to see more of Destiny Islands. I would be also okay with Gilgamesh or Genesis
  15. Khux in japan actually got to 500 in april and most likely has more now, and that isn't quite as far as KHX has reached. also, I don't think KHUx is going to end where KHX does it might go on a little further. It might not necessarily add any relevant plot, but they will most likely keep adding stuff so people can continue playing.
  16. I don't really see how he would come back, he was destroyed. Even if he did return he wouldn't be happy, because he would still be the thing he hates the most about himself. why bring someone back just so they can suffer?
  17. well you would need 180 to fit 5 6*'s. i recommend filling out the event boards that give out cost too.
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