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Everything posted by Leamax

  1. Riku was originally going to have the Kingdom Key, but since he gave himself into the darkness, the Keyblade went to the closest weilder at hand, which was Sora, due to having Ven and Kairi's heart, at that time, within him.
  2. http://sethkearsley.deviantart.com/art/Kingdom-Hearts-Color-Board-574374836 He uploaded the color board for the pilot on his Deviantart page as well
  3. Yes, they are talking about the PC version, as the servers shut down last night.
  4. Yea, definitely December 2016 since that was already confirmed by Square-Enix back during E3 2016. However with the Xbox part, FYE is maybe assuming that it's Kingdom Hearts III and not 2.8 since all they wrote was "Kingdom Hearts" or not realizing that 2.8 is an PS exclusive.
  5. Project: Disneyland of Departure is pleased to announced this year's gathering at Disneyland in Anaheim, California on Friday, October 7th. Come on down to interact with fellow "Kingdom Hearts" fans, maybe eat some ice cream, sea-salt if you are lucky, and be interviewed by the P:DOD staff on your thoughts of KH 2.8 and KH 3. Also, if you have a ticket for Mickey's Halloween Party, then you are in luck because the gathering will make their way to the event, and maybe stop at a couple of Poke Stops along the way. Project: Disneyland of Departure is part of the Keyblade Alliance: a group of "Kingdom Hearts" fan devoted to promoting "Kingdom Hearts" within the major Disney parks, most notably Disney World in Orlando, Florida and Disneyland in Anaheim, California by cosplaying during Mickey's Halloween Party (formally Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween). This is the third year of the alliance, which began back in 2014. Sadly this year, the Disney World side of the Keyblade Alliance: Project Magic Kingdom Hearts, couldn't be held this year due to problems. The gathering will begin at 1:00 PM PDT at the Disneyland Resort and at 4:00 PM PDT, the group will move into the park itself to attend Mickey's Halloween Party until Midnight. For more information upon the event, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1761832857423394. For ticket information for Mickey's Halloween Party, please visit https://disneyland.disney.go.com/events-tours/mickeys-halloween-party/ (PLEASE NOTE THAT WHILE THERE ARE NO TICKETS NEEDED FOR THE GATHERING AT THE DISNEYLAND RESORT, YOU WILL NEED A TICKET FOR MICKEY'S HALLOWEEN PARTY, WHICH ARE LIMITED.) Also, be sure to like Project: Disneyland of Departure on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/disneylandofdeparture) and follow them on Twitter (@DisneyDeparture) for more upon the event. Hope that many of you will be able to come and help support "Kingdom Hearts" within the Disney Parks.
  6. I noticed that as well. I mean, if we are still following a 2 week story update schedule, then there should have been a story update this morning.
  7. We don't need a new trailer since we just got one last month at E3 2016. I doubt we will have anything new news wise least at SDCC. We will probably have to wait until the Tokyo Game Show in September for more 2.8 news, including the release day(s) of 2.8 in December.
  8. Beast's Castle starts at Mission 425, which will be released in about 4 weeks if they keep updating every 2 weeks.
  9. https://twitter.com/KevinGQuinn1/status/747622603691433988 CONFIRMED by my good Aquaberry Kevin Quinn is Master Gula.
  10. I do believe that Master Invi is Karissa Lee Staples based upon a tweet she sent out on May 23 which shows what apparently is a scene between Invi and Aced. https://twitter.com/Karissaleelee/status/734836293591400448
  11. The next story update for Unchained x [North American version] will include the first meeting of Ephemera.
  12. It would be nice to see a trailer for KHIII, but I think that 2.8 will have a much better chance. Since right now Square-Enix has stated that 2.8 will be released later this year, then we should have the release date along with a new trailer for 2.8. (Please just show us more of Aqua, PLEASE?) But I would also like an update on how KHIII is progressing. With FFXV about ready to be released in September, production should be on the increase because of more developers are available and trained to develop using the Unreal Engine 4. But if Square-Enix could, maybe show some gameplay from San Fransokyo and maybe include some more of flow motion.
  13. It takes 3 minutes for 1 AP to refill. Every 3 minutes, you will gain back 1 AP, whether you are playing or not. Also, the game will tell you how long you have for a single AP restore and full AP restore when you touch the AP bar up at the top.
  14. When I'm not playing Kingdom Hearts [video games in general], working, or doing schoolwork, I do watch sports. LOVE AMERICAN FOOTBALL, I breathe football. Every fall, it's NFL on Thursday evenings, high school football on Friday nights, college football on Saturdays, NFL on Sundays and NFL on Monday nights. My favorite college football team is the Iowa Hawkeyes (Go HAWKS!) and I really don't have a all time favorite NFL team, but I do like watching the Green Bay Packers. I also love watching college basketball, especially during March Madness. I also watch some MLB, NBA, NHL, a bit of NASCAR, soccer (mainly during the Olympics and the World Cup [both men's and women's]), a bit of golf, a bit of tennis as well. I do love watching sports when I'm not beating up Heartless.
  15. Actually, they didn't. The sites that used that article as a reference said that Square-Enix confirmed it took it out of context. Also, if you watch the video, there is an edit saying that Square-Enix didn't confirm KHIII for E3 as it was the interviewer and Unchained x producer Hironori Okayama in light chatting.
  16. Square-Enix never confirmed that KH3 would be at E3 2016. It could be there or not, we will just have to see.
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