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About EdenzShepherd

  • Birthday 09/14/1990

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  1. Getting the hang of things ~.~

  2. Thanks, just thought the NA portions should have actual NA images instead of Japanese but I guess Ill learn the ways of the wiki soon.
  3. Hello all, Haven't done this in a while (being on a forum and all). Glad to find, what seems to be like, a community that is fun and energetic. I took the time to briefly browse the page and it is looking great, tons of information to go through as well. Look forward to meeting you all and seeing you in the Forums!
  4. I would like to assist with the wiki. I used to have plenty of experience with code but it has been a while, about 8 years. So I want to get back on this track and brush up on this long forgotten skill. P.S. I just uploaded an image for 5* Auron and created a tab on the gallery portion of the medals but it has been deleted. Did I do something incorrect?
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