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Kyana Celest

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Everything posted by Kyana Celest

  1. my brother just bought a anime girl figurine and im not sure how i should react

  2. Kyana Celest


    just a random doodle i found in my wip folder... its pretty old ^^ [ note about my art: you CAN repost it, as long as you link my deviantart (kyracelest.deviantart.com)/tumblr (kyra-celest.tumblr.com) along with it. just dont use it for yourself ;w; ]

  4. strelitzia's clothes kind of reminds me of zero's clothes from drakengard 3...

  5. everytime something kh related comes out i remember my reason to live

    1. Iris


      Like wise

  6. i was re-watching both khx and khxbc's cutscenes when something came into mind: what if the reason why the master of master's prophesies stop there is because somehow, no name was destroyed by sora and co. i mean its kinda obvious at this point but i think its kinda dumb that no one in the foreteller's group came to that conclusion when they have read the book itself. i know ira skimmed the whole thing at first, but he and all the other foretellers shouldve read it, at least the r...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MythrilMagician


      It's clear MoM has some hidden agenda. He probably wants Kingdom Hearts for himself.

    3. Kyana Celest

      Kyana Celest

      you're probably right, but that's the problem though: why would he wait until the world is divided into many pieces? it wouldve been easier to get when the world was one. no need to get 7 princesses of hearts or the hearts of all worlds, all he needed was ven and vanitas, or whoever that has a heart full of light/darkness. it doesn't make sense...


      i guess we would know in KH3... :/


      (btw, nice 2B profile pic)

    4. MythrilMagician


      He needed a clash of light and darkness to summon Kingdom Hearts. My guess is that the Keyblade War was supposed to do that

  7. honestly the one thing that confuses me in the whole kingdom hearts series is that the fact that sora turned back to human from being a heartless when kairi hugged him. isnt it supposed to be like... when both heartless AND nobody of the person is gone, the original person will form back. but roxas is still alive and well at twilight town. i dont know if theres something ive been forgetting a little plot point about this but it still confuses me a lot. :/

    1. Felixx


      Sora only got a temporary body, when Kairi hugged him. He was rechnically still a walking heart, until he reunited with Roxas.

    2. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      In 3D, Data Ansem told Riku it was because of the love in his heart Sora has for other people, too.

    3. Dio Brando

      Dio Brando



      And since he was a walking heart at the time,he basically unknowing has the ability to time travel like how Ansem SoD did but never knew about it cuz Nomura shoehorned that in 6 games later

  8. the last track from the kh world tour orchestra sounds new... i wonder if they would put it somewhere in kh3? or if they just made it just for this event? either way, it sounds awesome.


    1. Awesome Sauce

      Awesome Sauce

      They won't explain, not until KH3 comes out.

    2. Kyana Celest

      Kyana Celest

      well, that is to be expected... ;;

  10. happy christmas and merry new year

  11. i cant believe. im done with the entry. aaaa.

  12. my first (and only) submission!! good luck to all ;w; http://kh13.com/forum/topic/103087-kh13-giveaway-contest-entry-friends-in-my-heart/
  13. Hi people!! This is my contest entry for the KH13 Giveaway! After a lot of ideas, sketching, self-doubting, hand cramps and food, here it is!! good luck to all of us ;w; tumblr post!! thisisactuallymyfirstpostinthissitewhat
  14. how can you seeeee into my eyesss like open dooooorsssss

  15. ven's hair is a pain to draw.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yuya Sakaki
    3. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      I recon that Roxas' one is slightly easier, give it a shot!

    4. Kyana Celest

      Kyana Celest

      ^ ...uh, ven and roxas has the same hairstyle...??? how is that slightly easier lol


      @Shun and @Yuya, o_o id rather draw sora's/vanitas' hair than that... whats up with japanese and their fictional spiky hair anyway??

  16. i was just practicing how to color... and this happened. i didn't really expect to draw something so angst-y (?) but hey, at least i drew something, right? this is also in my tumblr, if you guys wanna reblog it... or something. don't repost/use without my permission/credit!! i worked hard on this, even if it doesn't look much!
  17. i really want to enter that contest but my art/writing skills are trash and everything else i would absolutely fail.... but i will.... still try, i guess??

    1. MythrilMagician


      JUST TRY

      Don't ever call your work trash

  18. Kyana Celest

    Kairi doodle

    a little kairi doodle i did a few days ago!! also posted in my tumblr over here: http://kyra-celest.tumblr.com/post/150482922647/shes-beauty-shes-grace-shes-gonna-hit-you-with-a

    © ??? uh... dont post anywhere,,, without my permission,, please..

  19. im back!! i dont know why but im back!! ahahah

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyana Celest

      Kyana Celest

      lol yeah im pretty much new here and didnt do anything else but stay afk,,, but thanks!! ^^

    3. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      Lol it's okay I'm afk sometimes as well.

    4. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Hey! Welcome back! ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

  20. *points gun in my head* pERSOOONAAAAA-

    1. Joker


      I art thou, thou art I. I cometh from the sea of thine soul. I am Joker master of humor.

  21. hi! thanks for adding me on your friends list thingy! ^u^

    1. Yessie Maltese

      Yessie Maltese

      You're welcome, and welcome to KH13. :3

    2. Kyana Celest

      Kyana Celest

      haha, thanks (again)! OwO

    3. Yessie Maltese

      Yessie Maltese

      You're welcome, again. X3

  22. seriously wth square just because im a girl doesnt mean you have to give me a weak power medal :/

    1. AzureAce


      I don't know if you're actually being serious or not here.

    2. Kyana Celest

      Kyana Celest

      i actually am :/ just the "giving weak power medals" part tho...

    3. Xiro


      Blame the RNG doe

  23. why am i always getting stupid good magic and speed medals im failing all of my power-biased missions aaaa ;n;

    1. Sora


      There there

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