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    xarin got a reaction from Yuya Sakaki for a gallery image, Skuld KHX onlinever   
    My take on drawing Skuld. I was going for a Kingdom Hearts/Tetsuya Nomura art style.
    Please don't repost on any website (except KH13.com).
  2. Like
    xarin got a reaction from AndrewHankinson for a gallery image, Santa Aqua - Happy Holidays!   
    Happy Holidays everyone! In the spirit of Christmas, here's Santa Aqua I drew for this holiday season, enjoy! ^_^
    Please don't repost on any website (except KH13.com)

    You can reblog on my Tumblr pose here:

    XarInArt Tumblr
  3. Like
    xarin got a reaction from KingdomHearts3 for a gallery image, Kairi   
    Since I saw her new design in the Kingdom Hearts X chi 3rd anniversary artwork, I had to draw her because she looks adorable with her hoodie.
    Please don't repost on any website (except KH13.com)

    You can reblog on my Tumblr pose here:

    click link
  4. Like
    xarin reacted to Adalin for a gallery image, Kingdom Hearts Chi Ephemer (AdalinCosplay)   
  5. Like
    xarin reacted to tinyshoopuf for a gallery image, Ven   
    Pencil and watercolor
  6. Like
    xarin reacted to tinyshoopuf for a gallery image, Corporeal Emotions   
    Lol, is the title too corny?
    Watercolor and pencil
    More artwork here
  7. Like
    xarin got a reaction from AndrewHankinson for a gallery image, Aqua - There's Always A Way   
    I love drawing Aqua and this one of the drawings I made and decided to finish. Made this a year ago.

    Please don't repost on any website (except KH13.com)
    You can reblog on my Tumblr pose here: click link

    Please don't repost on any website (except KH13.com).


  8. Like
    xarin got a reaction from Silent for a gallery image, Skuld KHX onlinever   
    My take on drawing Skuld. I was going for a Kingdom Hearts/Tetsuya Nomura art style.
    Please don't repost on any website (except KH13.com).
  9. Like
    xarin got a reaction from Yessie Maltese for a gallery image, Skuld KHX onlinever   
    My take on drawing Skuld. I was going for a Kingdom Hearts/Tetsuya Nomura art style.
    Please don't repost on any website (except KH13.com).
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