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Slimane Leham

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Everything posted by Slimane Leham

  1. yeah just bought the 2,.8 today and finished 0.2 10minutes ago.... well i dont want to spoiler so i wont say anything. it was awesome at one side somehow sobering at the other side. Well u will see soon enough.
  2. In germany Kh 1 and 2 had german voice actors and after that we just got english voice actors . Even in kh 1.5 and 2.5 remix the voices were english
  3. A sky is everything. It can be cloudly , sunny ,rainy, and everything else. Those characteristics can stay for a long time but the sky is always there. The sky can be everything. Maybe it has to do that sora as main charackter ist not only the central point of the story but also he can walk side on side or be the attribute of rain sun etc. (as ventus roxas etc are within him). Or it can be meant as his emotions as sad happy etc.
  4. well then i wonder how they will show us cloud vs sephiroth and also i still hope the zac/hades theory will prove right
  5. first draw guess i was lucky there thx for ur advice
  6. Fraction doesn't matter , i'm actually in leopardo but would switch the Fraction. Would prefer Vulpes or unicorn since it seems the most player are playing there.
  7. Then i have to apologize for that! I never saw any patch notes which included the new level limit. i was saving the lvls for ap refresh anyelse i would have hittet 200 years ago stopped around lvl 150 to take tons of lux.. well thx to the event im still 192 but since i know that i can go on lux farming as well
  8. btw Ukir Wolf can u delimit the time we can expect an answer?
  9. hi i'm currently in leopardos but would switch if u want me in ur party . Here is a screenshoot of my id as well as one of my keyblades (3 days ago)
  10. Well i guess i can fit the 500k+ per week and i'm desperately looking for a very active party . I'm actually in leopardos but would switch in an instant if u can ensure me a spot. Here's a picture 3 days ago. Edit: if u want to know anything more or more specific(like other keyblades and stuff) pls feel free to ask me !
  11. hi what is ur average party rank and active people in ur faction
  12. As the title says im looking for a hardcore party.I actually am in the leopardos fraction but willing to change the union.I already tried to join kh 13 party but no one replies to my answer .I
  13. I hope i don't offend anyone with what i'm going to say.It's bullshit when u say u have options or telling people u have a reallife do sth else..I'm totaly fine with the ap costs within the story mode but all specials/events are way to expensive... u are able to run them around 3-6x(depends on ur ap ) and then ur finished. u played around 15-30mins and then u can wait around 4-8 hours till ur ap is refilled completly. and also the lvl up refresh just works if u didnt reach lvl 200 yet.PLUS if u need around 30-40k lux it takes a while specially after a boss reset.AND there are tons of f2p games that works perfectly( hello summoners war) i never spend a penny and can play all day long, they give u daily ap , events when u can hort ap and a lot more... u can refill ur ap with crystals(here jewels) but the huge difference is. ur amound of jewels is very limited without the daily login bonus u are stick around 10k jewels. and if u are like me from europe u dont even have a chance to buy anything from store...(euro is not a sipported currency)
  14. u know guys whats pissing me off.. i bought a google play card for 15 euro(yes euro im from germany) but i cant purchase jewels since it doesn't support my currency.. and i have no idea what to do later on.. there will be tons of jewel deals( birth by sleep etc) and with the 200 quests that will waiting for us . i will never get enough jewels to get my favourite medals..
  15. I would switch from leopardos to ur fraction if u would take me in. I really want an active Party
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