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About gvette

  • Birthday 06/25/1992

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  1. To many tokens way to fast, not investing anymore cash until its either easier to get gems ingame or easier to get specific medals. The cash money it takes to keep up with the game currently is in to the X ane.
  2. The NA version is getting crazy out of hand. There's no real way to progress other then spending money... and not light money either by the way. 100 bucks for 4 10x pulls that dropped not even enough to 3 dot any of the new heroes Meaning you'd have to spend a minimum of 300 dollars to have a chance of guilting one of the new medals. The people doing the NA version need to be taken outside...
  3. Dont feel dumb, there's a lot of this game we have to figure out for ourselves or ask about. Didn't notices you had young herc, he is also someone you can focus on. If you were to spend money wait on events or good deals such as the weekly %14.99 one which refreshes on mondays (3k gem one). Focus on any character you get multiples of that aren't power ups (like the white rabbit one you have, they do not need to be guilted but are still nice to have.
  4. Beating levels will get you a significant amount of jewels to update your inventory. But id still get rid of the cricket haha.
  5. Ment to put yuna not selphie. Guilting gets explained once you beat lvl 200. it basically powers up your heroes, not sure if you can get started on it before lvl 200 but you probably can.
  6. Then pain, stitch, and Yuna of those listed. Stitch will be the more useful one once you past lvl 200. make sure to have 7 of each of those characters to guilt them. Minnie will also be good without the need to guilt it.
  7. Question to proceed for your answer. Do you plan to invest a good sum of money?
  8. If their hack prevention is to just ignore them and take away the awards this will never be resolved. Also, this goes beyond idiotic if that was the strategy.
  9. If u beat all three proud quests hard modes u can dump extra points into getting moogles and medal experience young ducks.
  10. 28 stam 100% summon vrs a high chance of using 45 stam outside of 7-9.
  11. I have a 50% guilted kh1 riku. He sucks in raids, 1 energy don't do that much damage. Great on missions though
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