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About KHfan22

  • Birthday June 30

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  1. :sad: yes, any tips on the starlight keyblade quest would be nice. I did go ahead and used the adamantite ore on the starlight keyblade since i figured the boosts would be nice. Click the link below to see the screen shot. http://puu.sh/pjke3/b5a8c1b25a.png This is the boosts of Starlight Keyblade +21. However it may just be my medals on the Starlight Keyblade that I'm having trouble with the quest.
  2. Sweet, I'll check it out!, I need to get that Def Boost I from the coliseum then.
  3. Agreed, it killed me in one hit, and I'm feeling a bit traumatized. I was hoping to find a good strategy on the forums to kill him so I can advance to the end. Like is there a way to kill it without continuing?
  4. Not sure if you figured this out already but Special quests can be accessed by going to Quests and then going to the second option, the top right one. There are multiple special quests that change every day: Monday: Olympia Materials Tuesday: Power EXP Medals, Power Evolve Medals (5-6 Stars, Flora), Treasure Trove Materials Wednesday: Magic EXP Medals, Magic Evolve Medals (5-6 Stars, Merryweather), Three Wishes Materials Thursday: Speed EXP Medals, Speed Evolve Medals (5-6 Stars, Fauna), Lady Luck Materials Friday: Evolve Medals (1-3 Stars, Cheshire Cat, Merlin, Fairy Godmother), Starlight materials Saturday to Sunday: Mythril Madness (Stone, Gem, Crystal), Evolve Medals (5-6, Master Yen Sid, Fantasia Mickey) Monday to Friday: Munny Medals (Moogle of all rarities) for 30 minutes periodically They take up a lot more AP but worth it to get stronger in the game
  5. So the most capacity you have the better medals you can put on. If let's say you have 40 cost capacity and you already have a total cost 30 with 3 medals, if the 4th one is +11 cost then you cannot equip that medal, is that correct?
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