I'm sorry bbs, but at the end of 358/2 days, Roxas kills his last friend, and is then put into a digital world with FAKE memories. None of it is real, and his life just gets worse as he learns he will then become a part of Sora and cease to exist. In bbs, Aqua is left in the realm of darkness, but there is a way out (as seen with Riku and Mickey). Ven is left sleeping, but he will be able to awaken (unlike Roxas who will forever be lost as one with Sora). Terra ends up becoming Xehanort, but he kinda deserved it because he was dumb the entire game (his fate is almost the same as Roxas, but Roxas was the main character). And not to mention, Xion is probably the only character in Kingdom Hearts to not be revived or brought back to life after being killed, and no one remembers her. Also as we learn in ddd, Aqua, Ven, and Terra will be brought back, while Roxas will forever be stuck in Sora and Xion being out of the picture entirely. (Gosh that was long but I made my point. 358/2 days was much sadder that Birth By Sleep)