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Dustin Lübbers

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Everything posted by Dustin Lübbers

  1. me to I have this image in my head were he hears that question than leaves the room and comes back with a school board
  2. I am first and of all more interested in what overall idea is going to be for the next saga we had a villian who was seeking the darkness now what? were do you go from there? Maybe what they could do Is to create a character that is like riku someone who starts good and is best friends with the main character but than gets slowly corrupted and they go through with it meaning he stays evil and is the major villain for the rest of the saga. I also want to see a grown up sora, not right away but maybe in the second game something like donald and goofy or yen sid going "you still have to learn a lot but there is someone who can help. and than we visit an upgraded version of destiny island that looks and feels like the after credits scene in Uncharted 4 maybe sora also has a couple of kids which is the reason why he could not help during the first game ooooh so many awesome possibilities!
  3. well I have to think about christopher Nolan who before making his batman movies read every single issue(or the most important ones atleast) before starting to writte the story. I mean its not rocket science to conclude that it is a good Idea to actually look into the stuff you want to make an adaptation about. An idea the people who made the dragonball movie for exampel clearly didnt consider
  4. like this more than the other one to be honest it goes nicely with the kingdom hearts soundtrack box
  5. well it was said that you can play KH3 withouth playing all the other games so I am pretty sure disney will try to get all the 6-12 demographic aswell. But I feel that a age rating dosent mean anything much these days anyway so If they do it right they can put all the heavy stuff in there they want and get away with it. Also has everybody forgotten that most disney movies have heavy themes as well and they are for everyone including hercules were there is a decapitation, tangled where someone is stabbed by a woman that kidnapped and brainwashed an innocent girl for 18 years, genocide in mulan for petes sake! But than again videogames still are treaded with a different standart the all other forms of art sooo we will see
  6. I can really see this fitting very well if you use a full orchestra. very good
  7. man when will my light lead me to that off another?
  8. looks good very good. God how I cant never get enough of that cover
  9. I always assumed nobodys are born in random places and Xemnas picked them up
  10. Ok lol rapunzel as a party member why do I imagine rapunzel smashing heartless like the the demon tide in fragmentary passage
  11. So I have been thinking alot about the Rapunzel world lately and I think I know exactly how the story In this world will happen. If I am right you can send me a cookie in a year (hopefully just a year) so here it goes, we start the level by arriving at rapunzels tower not knowing were they are Sora and his friends decide to look inside the tower, there we find mother Gothel how just has found out that rapunzel is gone. Being mother gothel she tells us "oh Pleaaaassse help me my dearest daughter is gone help me! I am just a poor loving mother" our heros than go into the woods and follow rapunzel long hair that is like a red...well yellow line. After fighting countless heartless we find Rapunzel and Eugene. Rapunzel tells us about her dream, hearing how important it is for her to see the floating lights the gang tells her that they will help her to get to the city and protect her from the heartless. Eugene could than become a Party member as I have no clue how they would pull off Rapunzel. We than would also see some of mother gothels attemps to stop us by using the heartless. while we travel with her she tells us about her live inside the tower and sora begins to questions mother gothels true motives. They arrive in the city and than have to defend it from more attacking heartless. When the it begins to get dark the three decide to leave eugene and Rapunzel alone and watch the lights somewhere else. Than mother gothel kidnaps Rapunzel and ties eugene to the boat. The next morning we help him get out of Prison, he tells us that he is a thieve and stole the crown. We than go and save rapunzel and the level ends with mother gothel as the endboss atleast I hope we can fight her personaly instead of fighting some heartless and than see her die in a cutscene because this woman evil incarnate and I want the satisfaction to punch her in the face! Than Sora and his friends leave having learned a very important lesson not everyone who is close to you has good intentions, evil can wear a mask (which ties into the whole Xehanort birth by sleep story) so what do you think? Could this be The exact Plot of this level? Will we look back on this thread when KH3 comes out and be amazed how accurate it is? Let me hear it.
  12. I believe there are a lot of people who would not mind to play it in japanese and than get the translation later
  13. only magic that I like in kingdom hearts are the ones that are a combination of magic and regular attacks, the only Pure magic that I like to use is Cure appart from that magic dosent interest me much.
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