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Dustin Lübbers

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Everything posted by Dustin Lübbers

  1. Kairis heart inside sora is just such a perperfect and sweet twist just think about it sora could not wait to tell kairi all about what he has seen and learned in hos travels but he dosent have to because she was there. Also the feelings these two have for one another only became stronger after that. Coming in second is the twist that ansem Kh1 whom we assumend was just a regular scientist is the master of darkness because him became to obsessed with the heartless
  2. That shouldnt be to problematic since the first games stiry can stand on its own if he wants to do the other games than he will have to play them anyway Not to mention that the series and the game will most likely be seperated universes.
  3. jep thats what I have been thinking too but than again we have been tricked so many times before. What interests me the most is how are they going to pull it off in KH3? I mean it has been said that you wont have to play the previous games to fully understand the final game of this saga but there are so many characters and plot threads that need to be finished.
  4. if its not on the internet It cant exist
  5. It happens with a lot og franchises but usually there is one or two magazins that want to play hipster and give it 3/5 so they swim against the stream, but that this is happening everywere without execption is something rarely seen. Last time something like this happend was with Bioshock hmmm maybe I have to get me a switch or WiiU after all
  6. All my mind can think now is "dont screw this up nomura and square just dont!!" I think I will not be able to take it if the series will have a bitter tast forever if the last game wont have a satisfying end kingdom hearts is the freaking Foundation of my entire nerdom! I mean I am not asking for much do I? Just the most amazing game in the last 20 years
  7. I am wondering why it took so long it was unfairly overlooked and forgotten a true work of genius way ahead of its time!
  8. he stares into my soul!
  9. I think what you can do Is watch some unboxing videos there someone will probably put the keyblade in his hand and you can see how stable that hing really is
  10. I fear that in about 4-5 years (if KH3 has come out by then) there will be a Ultimate of all ultimate Kingdom hearts boxes coming out with all games in one.... and I am still going to buy it I hate to love this series. Anyway considering that the first game came out 15 years ago its possible that these remastered boxes are also meant for Parents with their children
  11. he would definitely make an excellent prankster
  12. thats probably the dumbest business decision you could make when you want to sell a calendar
  13. always love to hear old mark doing some voices. I like it mostly because I hope to hear him doing something that sound similar to the Joker from batman the animated series
  14. good old youtube I remember when there were stars and a mailbox
  15. Videos like the always make me melancholic i miss the good old days Hope whatever it is that happend to you that its going to get better never forget life is beautiful wonder if they will use Tv shows after Kingdom hearts 3 with movies you can kind off guess whats going to happend but Tv shows give much greater opportunity for creativity
  16. kowing nomura he will tease us a little bit again. Also the shape of the floor reminds me of peridot for some reason
  17. The hercules game was pretty good a little bit clunky controls but fun
  18. I can only compare real voice acting work with my youtube videos which are about 20 minutes each, so considering the approximat amount he has to say It takes around 2-4 working weeks for each game which is just my personal estimate. it also depends how big his role will be in the third game. I can imagine that it sucks when an actor has to drive/fly all the way to the studio just for one or two lines like Pat caroll had to in KH2.8
  19. the enemy looks like the demon Tide, its a bit of a strecht but than again People have put different franchises in one universe for less.
  20. I see so basically sora beyond the looking glass? The three other guys being different aspects of his personality Ventus and roxas his joyful youth and vanitas a manifistation of his fears and anxiety?
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