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Dustin Lübbers

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Everything posted by Dustin Lübbers

  1. Plus the problem is what are you going to do? I mean we did the first movie in DDD and I dont want to see any of the god awulf staigh to DvD sequels in KH. While it is not impossible to come up with an original plot for the world I would prefer we see a bunch of world that we never did before. Hercules is an execption because you could argue we are only now actually finishing his story.
  2. Aqua would probably look like arriel and erra like the villian of the tv show since his sory is all about the whole falling ino darkness stick
  3. Would be sounds like a good idea vanitas could try to take over soras heart meaning we have to return to the dive to the heart and stop.dream eaters on the other hand is a bit tricky
  4. Dude i even read that text with the star wars soundtrack and the voice of chris tucker in my head
  5. I dont know either but i hope we get something special with a kh3 pre order this time
  6. Kh3 of course Wolfenstein is a good idea too Dead space 4 is overdue and I also would like to see a spyro trilogy remake like they are now doing with crash bandicoot
  7. looks very nice how long did this take?
  8. -a heal spell that works over time -earth could be a giant sharp pillar coming out of the ground Light magic of course you could argue that we have been using that all the time which we did but I mean as an actual visible magic force t hat we can wield. -Mind control allthough this would be more of a riku thing since he still can somewhat controll darkness but I am not sure If I even want to play as anybody else but sora in kh3 -Darkness which again is more a riku thing
  9. Unless yen sid is a dickhead again an wont make him a master even after kh3 what has ora done to deserve so much disstrust i mean phil dint want to call him a hero even after he killed the hydra! As for me mickey seems a good choice he wont get angry with you because he knows how it is to be someone who screws up all thw time(i am clumsy too)
  10. This could not be more true. On the other hand we dont know what kind of powers the keyblands grands or which spells malificent used on riku to power him up. Like the post says the mark of mastery is a formality its like your drivers license you have done it a hundred times but you need a peace of paper to proof it
  11. so when will deadpool start to annoy the hell out of harry?
  12. well nomura said the disney stuff would Have greater influence again regarding the main Kingdom hearts plot so that would be a good start.
  13. omg yes! I have to admit I could actually see myself playing the entire game like that that reminds me of kindergarden were a group of friends wants to outdo one another to see who is the king of annoyingness
  14. Dint think about that sounds awesome.ansem riku(or is it riku ansem) would be a nice callback with a couple of new attacks of course
  15. alice in wonderland sounds pretty good since the queen never caught sora and friends and I would like to have a tea party with the mad hatter. you are right enchanted would not fit at all because the whole film is just disney making fun of itself which would rob kingdom hearts of its "seriousness".
  16. agree in kh2 Roxas had already developed his own heart and personality something he fought very hard for only for it to be taken from him.
  17. Me too i am the guy who has to be told 95% of such things, but if i acutally do find an easter egg i feel proud like a boy that just learned how to ride a bike
  18. There is a parallel universe out there were he Married him
  19. That would be a nice twist indeed.maybe after we beat her she trys to save herself by claiming she was there when it happens and knows something very important. Maybe she saw what was inside the box of the master of masters
  20. If axel ha time to tell him before they went to hercules world in ddd than yes
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