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  1. My games are glitch free from what I can tell. Yeah in 2.5 drive form times are a bit longer than I'd like, but they're not horrendous by any means. However on the other side of the coin I do not want KH3 to be rushed. Having a glitchy KH3 would be a nightmare after all these years of waiting for the thing. I'm fine with however long I need to wait for a quality game. There are other releases to distract me in the meanwhile, and I still need to finish catching up to the Kingdom Hearts series in general. (Got 2.5 a few days ago, almost halfway through the main story!)
  2. My main fear is spoilers. I know me, and me can't keep her curisotiy in check for ten seconds without spoiling huge plot points for herself. Aside from that it's been at least ten years since KH2 came out. Everyone has been waiting super long for this game and it would be much appreciated if they made a worldwide release instead of just releasing it in Japan and releasing it overseas several months to a year later. We've seen how long it's been taking for them to get Unchained X outside Japan, and I really don't want such a huge gap in between releases for KH3.
  3. Careful, friend. One thing you don't want to happen is getting burned out on Kingdom Hearts by the time the game is out. I know we've all been waiting for KH3 for at least a decade now, but if you obsess over something too much, you're bound to get sick of it. Trust me, it's happened to me numerous times in the past. Like others have said you should try watching or playing something else for a while. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but otherwise you'll burn yourself out. Like The Transcendent Key said, anime and other games are a definite time killer recommendation. I recommend something fun, to calm your nerves a bit. For anime Azumanga Daioh is probably a good place to start, and if you have a 3DS you should look into Animal Crossing New Leaf.
  4. I honestly don't think any of the good guys will die. The one person I'm confident we're going to see dying is 'nort, because he's the main bad guy. I would honestly be annoyed if after all of this build up to taking him down he just gets off scott free through some deux ex machina thing. Don't think that will happen, though.
  5. I really like this theory! I do hope that Kairi's grandmother becomes important somehow, because otherwise I don't really see a point in her even existing aside from exposition purposes, which could have been done by several pre-established characters.
  6. I'm afraid Xion won't get a happy ending. Would depress the heck outta me ugh. Pretty sure Roxas is gonna be okay, so I'm less worried about that. Also for the love of Kingdom Hearts someone give Kairi something to do beside just sorta existing in the background. Ideally I'd like to play as her in a sort of Roxas-style intro to the new game, but I'm not holding my breath. I'd just be happy if she got a good kicking-butt scene or two in there. Just to show that she has some sort of development in there. Gameplay-wise I just want more challenge than there was in KH2. Don't get me wrong KH2 is one of my top three favorite Kingdom Hearts games, but it got so easy at several points, aside from some of the bosses.
  7. Anyone remember Buzz Lightyear of Star Command? No? Just me? Figures lol. It was a really good show, though. It would be a dream come true if it would appear as a world, but I think Disney has forgotten about the entire show by now. Shame, it would be awesome to fight someone like Warp Darkmatter or Nos-4-a2. Also Treasure Planet, although I think there is a tiny bit more hope that it could one day get in, since people seem to at least still talk about that movie. Would love some more Silver, as he's my favorite Disney "villain". Also would love to explore Atlantis from the movie of the same name.
  8. Thank you all for the warm welcome! ^_^
  9. Shadow Heartless Funko Pop figure would be too much cute to handle lol. Seriously, though- really hope this is a thing in the future!
  10. Long time lurker here. Been a fan of the KH series since the first came out when I was 8-ish. My fave character in the series is Xion, and my favorite game in the series is KH2. I hope we can become good friends!
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